
DEFINITION: v. To apologize for a belch or the passing of gas even though it is patently obvious that the action was done intentionally and with force. n. A person who inflicts such behavior on those around him.

Please excuse me while I eructate.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Conflatulation: /con – flat – yew – LAY – shun/ Sergio’s conflatulation was a mock apology that sounded more like self aggrandizement, a fact the self-satisfied smirk he wore substantiated. Etymology: Blend of congratulation and flatulence Created by: Mustang.

Comments on Conflatulation:

arrrteest, 2008-04-17: 07:26:00
wish I thought of that one! Great!

Jabberwocky, 2008-04-17: 08:41:00
Sergio and Jamie should sit beside one another and duel it out.

Gasbrag: /gas-brag/ Jamie was such a gasbrag that he sniffed the air appreciatively after an eruption. Etymology: gas bag + brag Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Gasbrag:

Mustang, 2008-04-17: 08:19:00
Jamie no doubt had a perpetual case of the sniffles. Great word!

Mustang, 2008-04-17: 08:19:00
Jamie no doubt had a perpetual case of the sniffles. Great word!

Inscentsere: /in-sent-seer/ Gene leaned a little to the left…phssst, a little to the right . . . vbfffft. “Oh, sorry, where did that come from?” He shot a look of feigned embarrassment to his sister as he smiled. “You’re so inscentsere. You don’t fool anyone, you ass.” Etymology: insincere + scent Created by: arrrteest.

Effartery: /i-fart-ter-y/ The effartery was even more disturbing when he pretended it was just a smelly accident. Etymology: effrontery (shameless or impudent boldness; barefaced audacity) + fart Created by: Stevenson0.

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2008-04-17: 00:01:00

Today’s definition was suggested by doseydotes. Thank you doseydotes. ~ James

Guest2008-04-19: 13:42:00
Nice word