Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To have a favorite article of clothing with which you develop a personal, and even a deeply fulfilling, relationship. n. A much loved article of clothing.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: mdschermer
Pronunciation: DRESS-io-nate
Sentence: I *know* it's freezing, but I'm just so dressionate about this bikini.
Etymology: Dress + Passionate
Created by: hvhtim
Pronunciation: feh-tish
Sentence: i have a fetish with these shoes.
Etymology: it's the word
Created by: jsky20
Pronunciation: pag-y&r-id-I-At
Sentence: Forced to don a suit for his aunt's funeral, Peter quickly cranked the stereo and paguridaeated his Zeppelin t-shirt upon returning home.
Etymology: Paguridae, the hermit crab, will fight vigorously for the right garb and literally live in it, once claimed.
Created by: kevinrio
Pronunciation: Guess it
Sentence: Do you think I am clothishing my new outfit? I don't know what you are talking about. It's simply fabulous!
Etymology: Clothe & Fetish
Created by: Robke22
Pronunciation: clove-ship
Sentence: Sarah developed a close clotheship with her new furry mittens.
Etymology: Clothes + relationship
Created by: benarcher
Pronunciation: RAG-o-luv
Sentence: That old denim jacket is just my ragolove!
Etymology: Rag (clothing) of love.
Created by: cannibalgymnastics
Sentence: "Whats she doing in the back seat of the car with her handbag?" "She's a clotheswhorse." "Ulp!"
Created by: tangledupinblue
Sentence: I can't talk right now, I'm too busy couturelating with my favorite jeans.
Created by: oxhead
Sentence: I admit to having an infashionation with this jacket.
Etymology: Combines "infatuation" with "fashion."
Created by: babel
Pronunciation: fash-un-aysh-un
Sentence: Jenny had an uncontrollable and unfortunate fashionation with a glove that had once been discarded by Michael Jackson.
Etymology: fashion + fascination
hey babel, that's a fashionating word! - wordmeister, 2006-12-14: 11:07:00
poor michael jackson... - wordmeister, 2006-12-14: 11:07:00
Created by: Javeson1
Pronunciation: gar-ment-TRAK-shun
Sentence: I'm so garmentracted to this shirt, I can't get rid of it even though it's super old and full of holes!
Etymology: garment + attraction
Created by: GhostShip
Pronunciation: ree gay lee uv
Sentence: Wow you must really regaliove that sweater... do you ever take it off?
Etymology: regalia + love
Created by: celeron450
Sentence: The lonely bachelor had a socksual relationship with his favorite tube socks.
Created by: taysteman01
Sentence: Nancy is so grigglastical about her shoes she doesnt even notice how aweful they look.
Created by: cryptc
Sentence: Jerry the weaventine fell madly in love with the wonderful fabric that the sweater was made from.
Created by: Fleury
Pronunciation: vest-MEN-tull
Sentence: I was absolutely vestmental about those pants. If I had to choose between my girlfriend and my pants ... well ...
Etymology: Vestment + mental
Created by: k2nsf
Pronunciation: Cumf-shkee
Sentence: I can't go to sleep unless I'm wearing my comfkshy socks.
Etymology: Comfort plus blankie
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: App-arr-ah-more
Sentence: Suzie's leather coat was her new secret apparamour.
Etymology: Apparel + Paramour
Two people create this word. Interesting... Do you know each other? Or was it accidental? - wordmeister, 2006-12-14: 11:13:00
Doesn't the definition imply that the word should be a verb, not a noun? - golux13, 2006-12-14: 11:30:00
No, we don't know one another. I am not sure how that happened. I am new to the game. - attis, 2006-12-14: 23:53:00
I don't know Attis, and I think there may be some sort of group thing with more points happen when repeating a word. Sorry I did not mean to copy but I did think of the same word. - erasmus, 2006-12-18: 07:04:00
Created by: misnomer
Pronunciation: Guess it
Sentence: Do you think I am clothishing my new outfit? I don't know what you are talking about. It's simply fabulous!
Etymology: Clothe & Fetish
Created by: lynx13
Pronunciation: claw-thee-shism
Sentence: "I'm a clothishist and proud of it!"
Etymology: choth +fetishism
Created by: Tesla
Pronunciation: gar - dent
Sentence: Jim had always had a special gardent for his spiderman boxers.
Etymology: Garment + ardent
Created by: LivyLiu
Sentence: She has a strong petish for that leather collar.
Etymology: A combination of "pet" and "fetish".
Created by: skelk
Pronunciation: Fash-ridge
- skelk, 2006-12-21: 11:19:00
Created by: bigfish
Pronunciation: ad-or-ap-air-all-ism
Sentence: The girl looks like she's got serious adorapparelism wearing that same dress every day!
Etymology: Adore + Apparel
Created by: bunnyrounderupper
Pronunciation: in-ter-per-son-nal-it-ic-al
Sentence: she is so interpersonalitical.
Etymology: From the people of new fashion.
Created by: logan260
Pronunciation: i-dent-a-duds
Sentence: Mary is sporting her identaduds again for the Christmas Party.
Etymology: Identity: who you are. in this case the clothes due to the relationship become part of who the wearer imagines herself to be. Duds: slang for clothes.
Created by: ArsMajika
Pronunciation: WAR-drobe-ses-SHUN
Sentence: "My sister has a total wardrobsession with that scarf; she wears it everywhere!"
Etymology: Wardrobe + Obsession... pretty simple, really
Created by: philip
Sentence: Penelope laid back on her chaise longue and pulled her stole around her with a sigh of deep fabrifilment.
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: to-get-ish
Sentence: When it came to shoes, he was very togettish
Etymology: toe toga get gettish fetsih
Created by: moltentim
Sentence: During the fashiage ceremony, the groom looked sheek.
Etymology: fashion + marriage
Created by: pegritz
Pronunciation: tex-TIT-ill-ation
Sentence: Having been raised by a cult of Prada-worshipping housewives in Upper Manhattan, Richard was all to familiar with the unending temptation of textitillation.
Etymology: Textile + titillation = a good time for all!
Great Sentence! - wordmeister, 2006-12-14: 23:42:00
Created by: Ahoytheship
Pronunciation: war-dro-bo-phee-lee-ah
Sentence: As evidenced by the holes she's worn in that tee-shirt, she has a sure-fire case of wardrobophilia.
Etymology: Wardrobe=clothing collection -philia=the love of something
Created by: mickey666
Sentence: Her bra cushioned her assets in a way that made her feel at ease with herself. She was overwhemed with materialeroticosis
Created by: DarthWader
Pronunciation: in an ih more otta
Sentence: She clawed through her closet for the her precious inanimorata, which sat protected in a special box toward the back.
Etymology: inanimate (not alive) + inamorata (female lover)
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: kinn-shirt
Sentence: This shirt had been with him everywhere, like Linus and his blanket. This kinshirt began when he had his first kiss, then when he graduated from law school, when he ran his first marathon, and when he climbed Mt. Everest. Each and every milestone his shirt was there. Whether it was on his head, around his waist or on his back it was there.
Etymology: kinship + shirt
Created by: katiedevine
Sentence: I have accourtermated with this fabulous jacket.
Created by: quippingqueen
Pronunciation: snugl/mugl
Sentence: As Daphne Droitwitch draped her snazzy "snugglemuggle" around her long, gaunt neck, she recalled why she had ended her arduous affair with a fast-talking, freakishly-attired, faux- friend from another picture show Imbroglio Smith, QC.
Etymology: snuggle: fitting closely and comfortably + muggle: a variation of 'muggy', a state of being a titch warm and damp
Created by: btkantz
Pronunciation: foe- she - zells
Sentence: mary really fooshizzles her pair of boots
Created by: barkskin
Pronunciation: clove-ship
Sentence: Sarah developed a close clotheship with her new furry mittens.
Etymology: Clothes + relationship
Created by: alona
Pronunciation: ah-more-eh-bga-deem
Sentence: Dude, she's so amorebgadim over those pants!
Etymology: amore - love, in italian bgadim - clothes, in hebrew
Created by: nightchild84
Pronunciation: Uh-par-eh-LAT-shun-ship
Sentence: Diane was deep into a perverted apparelationship with a naughty pair of sequinned Jimmy Choos, and had to miss church that day.
Etymology: Apparel - Clothing Relationship - thing women have with clothing.
Created by: nootmeg
Sentence: I love my new sweater so much I'm planning to garmentmate with it in the future.
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: pa-shun-et
Sentence: She loved her husband and adored her kids, but only about her shoes was she truly pashionate
Etymology: fashion, passionate
Created by: Empyreal
Pronunciation: per-no-lee
Sentence: I own pernoly.
Created by: Lonflobber
Pronunciation: Comp-ah-dress
Sentence: Her compadress fit her like a second skin - a second skin that was closer than even her closest friend.
Etymology: Compadre and Dress
Created by: Deadpanlives
Pronunciation: A-tar-o-file
Sentence: James is an attireophile, no doubt about it, i've never seen him without that jacket.
Etymology: Attire The suffix ophile
Created by: oytamarind
Sentence: Steve and those new glasses are in holy hatrimony.
Etymology: Punning on matrimony, of course.
great word, one of those that is very obvious. - dsingleton, 2006-12-14: 03:33:00
Created by: akvoD3
Pronunciation: ah-MANA-mints.
Sentence: Janice has an amanamente: her blouse that she thinks talks to her.
Etymology: From Latin "amantes sunt amentes", meaning "lovers are lunatics."
- akvoD3, 2006-12-14: 22:10:00
Created by: BoneMan
Etymology: a cross between the English "infatuation" and "pants"
Created by: Adamson
Pronunciation: fey-tee-robe
Sentence: I fetirobe this dress, I cannot have sex without it.
Etymology: fetich+robe
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: sole mayt
Sentence: Miriam's lime green pumps had become her most loved possessions. She wore them with everything, even after the straps gave out, the heels needed reheeled and the gewgaws fell off, she kept them as they were the solemate she had always sought.
Etymology: Sole (as in the underside of footwear or the underside of the foot) & Mate (a person's partner or love interest) & WordPlay on Soul Mate (someone for whom you have a deep affinity)
Created by: Coolfool
Pronunciation: Secur as in Secure, and tacle as in article. I used the acle spelling because I think it makes the pronunciation relly accessable at a glance & I just like the look, and "feel" of the word.
Sentence: I can't believe we left home without that brat's securtacles.
Etymology: An "article" that makes one feel "secure". Your warm & fuzzy securtacle.
Created by: andystephenson
Sentence: She always wears that jacket! I think she's gearpetting...
Etymology: Gear (clothes) petting
Created by: TerikaBrown
Pronunciation: Ka-MI-sa-mor
Sentence: Joe casmisamors his green jacket for the history he has of wimming arguments against his girlfriend while wearing it.
Etymology: From the Spanish words for blouse "Camisa" and love "amor."
Created by: Thunderfoot
Pronunciation: Ah-moor-drowb
Etymology: Back formation from wardrobe.
Created by: wysware
Pronunciation: dres-spect
Sentence: I have a lot of dresspect for that shirt
Etymology: dress (clothing) respect (admiration)
Created by: pjlilley
Pronunciation: ma-tro-SEX-u-al-i-ti
Sentence: Her matrosexuality has gotten out of hand. We need to have an intervention between her and those socks!
Etymology: play on metrosexual
Created by: Dormin87
Pronunciation: clove-ship
Sentence: Sarah developed a close clotheship with her new furry mittens.
Etymology: Clothes + relationship
Created by: chrisk2k7
Pronunciation: clo- the - marr - idge
Created by: knickers
Pronunciation: Hap-a-rel
Sentence: This clothing store doesn't sell ordinary apparel - it sells happarel.
Etymology: From happy, apparel
Created by: ratibala
Pronunciation: gahrb-ahr-der
Sentence: Having stood the test of time more than any man in her life, she spoke of her favorite sweater with great garbardor.
Etymology: Garb, meaning a fashion Ardor, meaning warmth of feeling
Created by: krinthox
Pronunciation: kloh-THON-ih-fil-ayt
Sentence: Although my parents tell me that my shirt is too small, and that I must get rid of it, I can not help but keep it as I clothoniphilated with it long ago.
Etymology: cloth [as in clothes, tablecloth, etc...] -phil [loving of something] -ate [forms a verb]
Created by: camel
Pronunciation: GAR-MA-LISE
Sentence: 50 Cent totally garmalises Paul Wall's grillz pho sho.
Etymology: Garment, idolise
Created by: Argot
Pronunciation: Un + clothing
Sentence: Her romantic hopes were dashed when she happened upon his uncloathing.
Etymology: not + clothing + loathe
Created by: MShort
Pronunciation: obsess a clove e a
Sentence: She is suffering from obsessaclothia since she brought her new shoes
Etymology: obsessive + clothing
Created by: hamburgerman
Pronunciation: cloh - manse
Sentence: Laura developed such clothmance with the fancy dress she borrowed from her friend that she could not return it.
Etymology: clothes + romance = clothmance
no comment - hamburgerman, 2009-08-20: 21:31:00
Created by: exmugger
Pronunciation: un-de-claw-ther-ble
Sentence: This baby napkin is undeclothable to me. I still bring it with me wherever i go.
Etymology: unable to de-cloth
Created by: joeven
Pronunciation: SHOE-hEAVEN
Sentence: she isaw the shoes and knew it was shoeven
Etymology: the article of clothing the Shoe and the feeling of being in Heaven
pretty rubish - joeven, 2006-12-14: 12:54:00
Created by: xshadowswimmer08x
Pronunciation: KLOTHEESHUN
Sentence: My vans became my clothession
Etymology: A clothes obsession
Created by: markfenn
Pronunciation: Ray-men-ate
Sentence: I know this t-shirt is full of holes, but I can't help the way I raimenate it.
Created by: HowitzerKaboom
Pronunciation: re lay shun shirt
Created by: Upaut
Pronunciation: Cloth-o-feel-ee-a
Sentence: Psychologists have recently dicovered a trend of clothophilia, found mostly in department stores.
Etymology: Clothing + "-philia"
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /'sen-t&-"vest/
Sentence: No matter how sentivested you become with your undergarments, you should still wash them at least once a month.
Etymology: sentiment + vestment Noun form: sentivestment
Created by: ubgrud
Pronunciation: at-tim-ace-sea
Sentence: She and that leather jacket, they are attimate.
Etymology: intimate + attire
Created by: satan
Pronunciation: uh-pair-uh-luh-st
Sentence: it was apparelust at first sight when i walked into macys and saw the red sweater
Created by: iplaytool
Sentence: I've got a real vestonan for this silk shirt; it feels so nice and gives me good luck.
Etymology: vesti - clothing onanism - masturbation
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: en/rap/tur/d
Sentence: She was so enwraptured with her favourite scarf that she wore it all the time even to work
Etymology: enraptured + wrap
Hey Jabberwocky, Goog word! And good to see you are still near top, where you certainly deserve to be! - wordmeister, 2006-12-14: 15:04:00
Created by: CrimsonAngel666
Pronunciation: tur-gee-size
Sentence: O wow, Sally truly trugizes that shirt.
Created by: BrotherCaine
Sentence: I totally apparelate to the hand knitted sweater my grandmother made for me just before she died.
Etymology: From Apparel and Relate.
Created by: Peppie
Pronunciation: where-ship
Sentence: She was just wearshipping her foxy scarf.
Etymology: Wear (as in clothing) + to worship
Created by: ErinA
Sentence: I have a clothship with this old shirt.
Created by: Sissyphus
Sentence: Sure, he looked good in his omnipresent Priest tee, but it was a wardromance doomed to malodorous failure when he started dating again.
Etymology: wardrobe + romance
Created by: Yugoslav
Pronunciation: use darject when you are talking about something perfect, probably the best thing you know
Sentence: yesterday i was in my darject underwear
Etymology: it's made from 2 words- darling & object
Created by: Chunk01
Pronunciation: Appara-lust
Sentence: I could see from the Shopping bags that she was suffering from a case of apparalust
Etymology: Apparal and Lust
Created by: meredithzielke
Pronunciation: MEM-OR-AH-SH-OO
Sentence: Man, your shoes look like they've got some gruff to them. Did you stomp all over Europe with those thangs? I wish I had me a pair of memorashoes.
Etymology: Memory + Shoes (think a bit... oh! you got it)
good job, Meredith. i like that term. 10 points! - meredithzielke, 2006-12-14: 13:59:00
Created by: daveleack
Pronunciation: fash e o filia
Sentence: My girlfriend suffers from fashiophilia. She's made up back stories for each of her pairs of shoes. Pretty detailed histories that she can't help but recount at parties.
Etymology: From fashion (popular clothing styles) and philia (having a deep fondness for)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: sweet-shurt
Sentence: Al isn't much for fashion. If he had his way he would be able to wear a pair of shorts and his sweetshirt all the time. It's old and stained. You can barely make out the faded college logo on the threadbare fabric but he claims it is broken in just right.
Etymology: sweet (infatuated with; in love with) + sweatshirt (a loose, long-sleeved, collarless pullover of soft, absorbent fabric, as cotton jersey, with close-fitting or elastic cuffs and sometimes a drawstring at the waist, commonly worn during athletic activity for warmth or to induce sweating)
Created by: theantiipod
Pronunciation: Fav-vom-aside
Sentence: I have got quite the favomaside with these neon yellow socks with bells attached to the heel. They're like my babies!
Etymology: Favoritism + something with aside in it somewhere...
Created by: david101
Sentence: Jane's attiraction to her blouse is leaving a detrimental effect on her relationship with her husband.
Etymology: 'Attire'; 'Attraction'
Created by: jania773
Sentence: Admit it, you have an infabrication, always wearing that shirt.
Created by: walkingdistraction
Pronunciation: uh-door-uh-dorn-ment-ize
Sentence: Jesus, I adoreadornmentized that sweater.
Etymology: adore+adornment
Created by: puregoofy27
Pronunciation: skwerl/i/vit/is
Sentence: Wearing shoes made from a gerbil maybe a compulsive disease known as "Squirrelivits".
Etymology: Squirrel+ivitis = A squirrelly mentality.
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: fuht-esh
Sentence: Marilyn believed she had very glamorous feet and would spend time pursuing what her friends had begun to label as her footish, trying to find shoes or other footwear that would, in her mind, enhance the 'beauty' of her feet even more.
Etymology: Blend of 'foot' (self exp) and 'fetish' ( an extremely strong devotion to something)
Created by: allwise
Pronunciation: ass-ess-a-mor
Sentence: As she saw the purse in the window, she ignored the price. It was accessamour at first sight!
Etymology: accessory + amour
Created by: golux13
Pronunciation: ap-puh-REL-ish
Sentence: Bob apparelished his Grateful Dead t-shirt because it was signed by Jerry Garcia.
Created by: Wriiight
Etymology: coture (high fashion) and amour (love) like in the word paramour
Created by: sir67
Sentence: Walking down the aisle at Old Navy, it was threadoration at first sight when Jane saw the blue dress on sale.
Etymology: threads - clothes adoration - love/worship
Created by: ennia
Pronunciation: Mono-Clothing- Philia
Sentence: My sister had serious monoclothingphila with her mini skirt.
Created by: verndo
Pronunciation: ee mo wear
Sentence: Yes, I could buy that coat but it just wouldn't fit like my ol' highschool emowear jacket!
Etymology: emotion wear
- verndo, 2006-12-14: 14:13:00
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: af feel ee ay shun
Sentence: Her lime green Manolo Blahniks had become her first love. She had a deep and loving affheeliation with those platforms. You could say they had become sole-mates, they were her Achilles' Heel, the one thing that could pump up her mood. They had become the arch enemy of her depression. When she slipped into them, she was neither a loafer nor a clod, but a sexy vamp. She walked taller and spoke with tongue in cheek. Besides, at $900 a pair, she had to get her money's worth out of them by wearing them everyday!
Etymology: Affilation (keep company with; hang out with;a social or business relationship) & Heel (the bottom of a shoe or boot; the back part of a shoe or boot that touches the ground;high heeled shoe)
Created by: Pythias
Pronunciation: nec - ro - fet' - ish
Sentence: Binky's obsession had become a full blown necrofetish.
Etymology: necro + fetish
Created by: kmccardle
Sentence: John's regaliaphelia with his worried his wife. She never knew when the two might run away to the Bahamas together.
Etymology: regalia(fancy or dressy clothing) - phelia(attraction or affinity to something)
So I just realized it should be -philia not -phelia, my bad! - kmccardle, 2006-12-14: 20:12:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: θəndərwār
Sentence: Jeremy has a great difficulty with the concept of growing up. He was practically giddy when he found an icon of his childhood, Thunderwear. That\'s right, ThunderCats Underoos. He Thunderwears them every day. People have been known to Thunderstare in the locker room at the gym but he doesn\'t Thundercare.
Etymology: ThunderCats (ThunderCats is an American animated television series) + underwear (clothing worn under other clothes, typically next to the skin)
He must have a hard time finding ones that go up over his thunderthighs. - mrskellyscl, 2009-08-04: 05:57:00
The Thunder down under! - Nosila, 2009-08-04: 16:28:00
Created by: slinky
Sentence: She developed an intense accoutraffair with her pearl white blouse.
Created by: attis
Pronunciation: App-arr-ah-more
Sentence: Suzie's leather coat was her new secret apparamour.
Etymology: Apparel + Paramour
Two people create this word. Interesting... Do you know each other? Or was it accidental? - wordmeister, 2006-12-14: 11:13:00
Doesn't the definition imply that the word should be a verb, not a noun? - golux13, 2006-12-14: 11:30:00
No, we don't know one another. I am not sure how that happened. I am new to the game. - attis, 2006-12-14: 23:53:00
I don't know Attis, and I think there may be some sort of group thing with more points happen when repeating a word. Sorry I did not mean to copy but I did think of the same word. - erasmus, 2006-12-18: 07:04:00
Created by: pdxpogo
Pronunciation: feh-shun
Sentence: Underware with holes in them have become the latest feshion.
Etymology: fetish fashion
Created by: verbinator
Pronunciation: sart-uh-may-nee-yuh
Sentence: At the end of a long day, Helen would put on her lavender wool Versace coat and feel a happy flush of sartomania.
Etymology: sartorial + mania
Created by: haroldbarold
Pronunciation: GARB-dur
Sentence: That hooker's garbdor for her left shoe make me think she use it as a dildo.
Etymology: garb + ardor
Created by: artbegotti
Pronunciation: tecks"tIl-fEE'lEE-ah
Sentence: My textilephilia with my blue necktie earned me the nickname of "necker".
Created by: squashy
Pronunciation: satis-fashon-ary
Sentence: she had a satisfashionary relationship with her scarf.
Etymology: satisfying fashion
Created by: vainglorious11
Pronunciation: Supposed to be "threadulation" thread-you-lay-shun
Etymology: =threads+adulation
Created by: ipswich78
Pronunciation: in-tim-it-ties
Etymology: intimate and ties
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: swēttē
Sentence: Billy Bob just loves his NASCAR. Nothing gets him pumped up more than a good ol’ Sunday afternoon of racing. And of course he has to wear his authentic, signed Jimmy Johnson teeshirt. There’s nothing like a man wearin’ a shirt with a picture of another man and a badass car and an explosion in the background. He just loves him some Jimmy Johnson. That’s his sweettee. But not THAT kinda sweet and not THAT kinda lovin’. Thatud just be wrong.
Etymology: sweet (delightful) tee (t-shirt)
Created by: bluefunky
Sentence: I clothvet my new shoes.
Created by: wniffene
Pronunciation: Ob-dre-shon
Sentence: I have such an obdression with this shirt.
Etymology: Obsession+Dress
Created by: wyzowl
Pronunciation: Love skin
Sentence: My luvskin blouse shows my assets to their best advantage.
Etymology: Luv is an intimate way of affection to your SO on the QT.
Created by: Zheyyy
Pronunciation: E-moment
Etymology: Emo = emotional. ment = involvement.
Created by: vrollins
Sentence: I have such a vetish about my new scarf.
Etymology: vetement - french for clothing, and fetish - obsession
Created by: Hobart
Sentence: In high schools across the rural midwest, high school "metal-heads" have been know to pantasize about jean vests, often accompanied with Motorhead patches.
Created by: eledh
Etymology: wear+dependendency (or tendency)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: gluv - struk
Sentence: Ohhh the leather, mmmm the smell, woow the color....Mitsy was simply glovestruck when she saw the ten elegant fingers and then felt the smoothness of the wrist. First her hands were all wobbly and then the feeling spread to her soul. She had to have these gloves and once she owned them, she knew they would be with her for a long, long time.
Etymology: gloves, love, lovestruck
Created by: jwalter32
Sentence: He had developed an odd fabriction to his tie, to the degree that the two of them were rarely seen one without the other.
Created by: Hilary
Pronunciation: garb/o/phy/le
Sentence: Alice is quite the garbophile, she has been known to cuddle up on the couch with those slippers.
Etymology: garb (clothing), phile (love)
Created by: aleclair
Pronunciation: k-luv.
Etymology: Clothe + Love = Chlove.
Created by: SlRf24
Pronunciation: Just as read :P
Sentence: I have a huge articlemania with this black short dress!
Etymology: Article+Mania
Created by: isopraxis
Pronunciation: like it reads
Sentence: I can't wear these calvins without having a bout of the old sextillisms.
Etymology: Sex textiles
Created by: paperpieces
Pronunciation: Ves-ti-mants
Sentence: OMG! I think I have developed at vestimance with my favorite jacket. Whenever we go out we just look dazzling together, it's completes me!
Etymology: Vesti- from vestiments, -mance from romance.
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: app-a-ro-mans
Sentence: I think Rachel is having an apparomance with her new handbag. She takes it everywhere and stares at it.
Etymology: apparel; romance
Created by: knave
Sentence: She's a little too vestamorous for me -- I just wear my clothes.
Etymology: vest - from Latin vestire to clothe amorous - from Latin amor love
Created by: Jewlicious
Pronunciation: KLEET leeb
Sentence: I'm so kleiteliebe for this dress.
Etymology: From the Middle High German kleit for cloth, and liebe for love.
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: ah-dor-drohb
Sentence: Stacey was a passionate adoredrobe. She loved her new top. She was completely wowed by her new skirt. She ecstatic about her new shoes. And with her new bag... it all came together so perfectly that she was panting with joy. Which made it a bit awkward for the other people on the bus.
Etymology: adore + wardrobe
Created by: dsingleton
Pronunciation: cloth - fection
Sentence: I feel an overwhelming clothfection for these new jeans!
Created by: whimsy
Pronunciation: She had an apparellizing relationship with her gerbil-fur shoes.
Created by: memexikon
Pronunciation: klooz mayt
Sentence: I left my clothesmate in the closet as we haven't been on speaking terms of late.
Etymology: clothes + mate
Created by: ahwinters
Pronunciation: Gar-men-to-fil-ic
Sentence: The garmentophilic girl had to file for a formal divorce from her favorite pair of 3" heels.
Etymology: garment (clothing) + philia (love)
Created by: jennw2ns
Pronunciation: ac-SESS-er-o-FIL-ee-ah
Sentence: I knew my accessorophilia had reached fever pitch when I started holding conversations with my brown sweater.
Created by: verbatul
Pronunciation: bra-door
Sentence: Jane bradores her new lingerie.
Etymology: bra + adore
Created by: msokoloffster
Pronunciation: Trahkh - tree
Sentence: Marks pet iguana is now his new sandels and trochtry.
Etymology: Unknown...
Created by: stargate525
Pronunciation: ah-pair-at-oh-knee
Created by: sliceof
Sentence: My grunge era knee-holed jeans are secondskin.
Created by: Frogglerok
Pronunciation: clow-the-sizzem
Sentence: My mom says my want and need to wear the same red shirt everyday is a clear sign of clothisism.
Etymology: Cloth from the word clothes. -Cism from words like Massocism and Narcisism.
Created by: Chistinalove
Pronunciation: uh-par-uh-stat-ik
Sentence: He was so Apparastatic over the shirt his ex-girlfriend bought him, that he told me broke up with me for washing it.
Etymology: Appara - derived from Apparel static - derived from estatic
Created by: serjion
Pronunciation: love-och-ka
Sentence: When I pass my exams, I wear this lovochka of mine every time
Etymology: love-root+russian suffix "ochk" + vowel "a" to make the noun sound more feminine
Created by: elenas
Pronunciation: sigh-fabree-coh-sis
Sentence: ''I couldn't bear to throw away that sweater Grandma sewn for me. I think i might have contracted psyfabricosis. ''
Etymology: psy-cosis - as because condition is psycological. fabri(c)- to clothing
Created by: meiyas
Sentence: After that tie help me get that girl, it became my best garmate.
Etymology: garm from garment, article of clothing mate form mate, friend
Jonno - 2006-12-14: 04:40:00
Hi all! New to this and it's fun, but here's my 3 cents worth... 1. Placing the most voted-for words at the top of the list biases the voting. 2. Words entered earlier are subject to more votes. Could you not take all the entries before voting begins? Or have voting for yesterday's word while today's definitions are open? 3. You should add the part of speech to the definition (verb, noun, etc). I think the celeverer words are the ones which match the definition. 4. Please make these comment boxes a bit bigger! Thanks, Jon.
Verbotomy - 2006-12-14: 09:25:00
Hey Jonno, Thanks for your suggestions. They are all good! We are working on way to divide players/words into smaller groups, which will change the way verboticisms are listed, and the way voting happens. Stay tuned... In terms of the "part of speech", we actually had that in earlier, but took it out because people didn't like it. We could add it back... What do you guys think? Thanks for playing! ~ James
ErWenn - 2006-12-14: 12:14:00
I've just joined, and so far, every definition has been for a verb, but most of them lend themselves better to nouns. For example, it's easier to name a disease or condition than it is to give a word that describes succumbing to such a condition. Most of the winning words are nouns, as you can see. I think you should either formally open it up for any part of speech communicating the idea, choose the part of speech for each definition more carefully, or strictly enforce matching the part of speech of the definition.
philip - 2006-12-14: 12:31:00
Nice idea, look forward to playing :) Agree with Jonno on all points, especially the problem that entries made earlier will automatically get more votes...
verbatul - 2006-12-14: 12:35:00
James, the parts of speech is a great idea! It seems that we have a lot of clever people suggesting words so I don't think any creativity will be suffer. In fact, it may inspire more ingenuity. Great game!
Verbotomy - 2006-12-14: 12:58:00
I think that we might take a tip from ErWenn keep it formally open to all parts of speech, but then allow players to create variants for specific part of speech (e.g, a verb, a noun, an adj,) and award bonus points for the extra creativity. ~ James
artipt - 2018-12-08: 15:02:00
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