Verboticism: Spitiosyncrasy

'I thought you said hork...'

DEFINITION: v. To expectorate unexpectedly, especially in situations where it is not considered socially acceptable. n. A person who habitually spits, even when among polite company.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: spitēəsingkrəsē

Sentence: People have learned to give this guy on the bus plenty of personal space. It is well known that he suffers a particular spitiosyncracy. If anybody dares to engage the phlegmonster in conversation they are sure to do it from a distance.

Etymology: spit (saliva, typically that which has been ejected from a person’s mouth) + idiosyncrasy (a mode of behavior or way of thought peculiar to an individual)

Points: 1001

Comments: Spitiosyncrasy

galwaywegian - 2010-09-23: 14:26:00