DEFINITION: To create an illusion of busyness so that your co-workers, and most importantly your boss, never realize that you have absolutely nothing to do.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Taskmasker: /task-mass-kur/ Phil was a professional taskmasker; I don’t know how he was able to look busy all the time when everyone knew he had absolutely nothing to do. Etymology: taskmaster, mask Created by: purpleartichokes.
Workastallic: /wurk-a-stahl-ik/ Jim was such a workastallic that, while giving the impression that he never let go of a project, he was in fact seriously stalling (and checking out verbotomy on the side) Etymology: workaholic + stall Created by: Jabberwocky.
Exertsham: /exert-sham/ The illusion of working is an age old problem and is also known as walking the dog, a government job, or exertsham. Etymology: exertion + sham Created by: Stevenson0.
Slackofflage: /-ˈslækəˌflɔʒ-/ The key to successful slackofflage is an untidy workspace; if your boss can identify each paper on your desk and window on your computer screen, then you’ve already lost. Etymology: From “slack off” + “camouflage” Created by: ErWenn.
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