Don’t leave me out here! I’m not dead yet!

DEFINITION: v. tr., To put an unwanted houseplant, especially a seasonal or gift plant like a Poinsettia or Easter Lily, outdoors in hopes that it will die. n., An unwanted houseplant which has been left to nature.

Don't leave me out here! I'm not dead yet!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Florasaken: /flora-say-ken/ Lily was alone and florasaken but at least she had a nice door to look at. Etymology: flora + forsaken Created by: Stevenson0.

Comments on Florasaken:

yellowbird, 2007-11-14: 10:28:00

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-14: 17:24:00
A “lily of lagoona” would fix her up! Aussie slang for schooner, which is a tall beer glass or glass of beer. Good word!

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-14: 18:27:00
Love it!

Explantriate: /eks-plan-TREE-ate/ When Bob threw the bothersome begonia from his balcony with tarpeian tenacity, he hoped that this floray had finally explantriated all his unwanted “fleur-de-loathe.” Etymology: 1. Explantriate: blend of plant & expatriate. 2. Tarpeian: after “Tarpeian Rock” a cliff in ancient Rome where criminals were executed by being thrown from the top of it. 3. Floray (flora & foray) 4. Fleur-de-loathe (very loosely based on Fleur-de-lis) Created by: OZZIEBOB.

Comments on Explantriate:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-14: 10:22:00

SpaceCadet, 2007-11-14: 12:14:00
me likey

Meanthumb: /meen-thum/ it was clear that the sad little pot plant was making her kitchen gloomy and it was time for her to exercise her meanthumb Etymology: mean, green thumb Created by: rikboyee.

Comments on Meanthumb:

dubld, 2007-11-14: 09:06:00
It just works.

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-14: 10:21:00
pot plants usually have the opposite effect – why didn’t she just smoke it?

rikboyee, 2007-11-14: 15:31:00
i’m gunja pretend you didn’t say that

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-14: 16:25:00
doobie doobie do – where’s purple when you want to sing – you know youjuana

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-14: 17:16:00
Seems to mean it’s all about meangreen! Nice word!

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-14: 18:25:00
Purple’s been swamped at work, with no signs of letting up until after Jan 15. Poor Purple. Love your word Rik.

Bloomingales: /bloom-in-gales/ Chris carefully positioned all his Christmas plants in the shelter of the taller conifers hoping that Darwin’s theory would prove correct and they might survive. It wasn’t enough though to protect them from the blizzard and gale force winds and the little plants cried out to him “Why do you love us only at Christmas? We’re not bred to bloomingales. Etymology: bloom + gales + bloomingdales Created by: Jabberwocky.

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-14: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by yellowbird. Thank you yellowbird! ~ James’

purpleartichokes2007-11-14: 04:19:00
How ironic, I just did this yesterday with some cilantro that developed a wicked case of spider mites. Now I get to feel the guilt allll over again.

Jabberwocky2007-11-14: 15:22:00
I got a phone call from cilantro – he said “Save me purple – it’s not too late”

purpleartichokes2007-11-14: 18:32:00
I hate you Jabber. Here come the nightmares… “I’m freeeeezing!”

Verbotomy2007-11-14: 23:02:00
The cilantro is just the tip of the iceberg! I heard that Purple iced her entire crop artichokes, which she was **trying** to grow hydroponically in her basement. That is until she saw her electricity bill quadruple. Just think of all those poor baby artichokes… It’s sad, until you think — Purple probably would have ate them anyways. ~ James

mplsbohemian2007-11-14: 23:08:00
Tip of the iceberg *lettuce*, you mean.

purpleartichokes2007-11-15: 06:54:00
Now I’m all choked up… guess I’ll start eating more meat.

Man! That chick can ride.

DEFINITION: v. tr., To “surf”, or ride in a freestanding position on a bus, train or subway. n., A sport popular among transit riders who attempt to complete the entire commute in a freestanding position without using the handrails.

Man! That chick can ride.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Busboarding: /ˈbəs-ˈbȯrd-ing/ She was the master of busboarding, not even sudden stops, sharp turns and traffic accidents could knock her down. Etymology: Bus: a large motor vehicle designed to carry passengers usually along a fixed route according to a schedule Skate Boarding:to ride or perform stunts on a skateboard Created by: MithrilShadow.

Subswaying: /sÅ­b-swā’-Ä­ng/ That lady with the ugly, red skirt was holding her puke-green handbag while talking on her cell phone with the other hand, until finally exiting at the 114th Street station, subswaying all the way uptown like a pro — a remarkable display of Metropoise, in my opinion. Etymology: subway – an underground electric railroad (sub-, Latin prefix, “under” & -way, Old English, wegh “road”) + sway – to move or swing to and fro (Middle English, sweyen) Created by: Tigger.

Comments on Subswaying:

Tigger, 2007-11-13: 02:40:00
She had some righteous skills, but her fashion sense was totally gnarly dude!!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-13: 17:44:00
Nice word-I like “metropoise” too!

yaelash, 2007-11-13: 18:17:00
good word!

Verbotomy, 2007-11-14: 00:02:00
Hey Tigger, I see you like the drawing today. Thanks! ~ James

Tigger, 2007-11-14: 00:21:00
Oh, the drawing is great, but that subswayer needs a a fashion-911.

Swaysionmaster: /sway-shun-master/ Carl was king of the swaytionmasters with his Elvis moves. Etymology: station master + sway Created by: Stevenson0.

Comments on Swaysionmaster:

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-13: 17:50:00
Spot on Stevo: Sure was a lot of shake, rattle and roll on Melbourne’s old “red-rattlers.”

Rideo: /rye-dee-oh/ she handed over her money and looked at her bus ticket, her ticket to rideo Etymology: ride, rodeo Created by: rikboyee.

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-13: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’

Kevcom2007-11-13: 06:53:00
Interesting definition today!

Verbotomy2007-11-14: 00:00:00
Thanks! And it’s a great sport too. Try it next time you ride the bus. ~ James

Oh no!

DEFINITION: n., That sad feeling you get when you open the pizza box, and there’s nothing left but grease stains. v. intr., To sit in front of an empty pizza box and sulk.

Oh no!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Oilofoyvey: /oyl-of-oy-vey/ He suffered pangs of oilofoyvey when he discovered nothing but a slick of grease in the empty pizza box. Etymology: oil + oy vey (an exclamation of dismay or exasperation)+ oil of olay Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Oilofoyvey:

libertybelle, 2007-11-12: 13:53:00
Took me a minute -followed by a big goofy laugh on my part!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:55:00
Took me a little longer:100/100 for inventiveness!

Pizzaster: /pēt-zas-tər/ Hungry, Jason waded through the room full of people to the pizza box, however when he opened them, they were empty. What a pizzaster! Etymology: Pizza: a dish made typically of flattened bread dough spread with a savory mixture usually including tomatoes and cheese and often other toppings and baked. Disaster: a sudden or great misfortune or failure Created by: MithrilShadow.

Comments on Pizzaster:

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:56:00
Good word!

Pizzadoh: /peet-suh-doh/ An intense feeling of pizzadoh swept over Tom when he discovered the empty box left on the table by his roommate, Mike. But the feeling was not to last long, Pappa John’s was on his speed dial. Etymology: Pizza: A baked pie of Italian origin consisting of a shallow breadlike crust covered with toppings such as seasoned tomato sauce, cheese, sausage, or olives. + Doh: A term uttered by Homer Simpson when something goes wrong. Created by: xirtam.

Comments on Pizzadoh:

Tigger, 2007-11-12: 02:04:00
Now that gave me a good laugh! Very clever.

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-12: 15:56:00
Mee too!

Pizzapiening: /pee-tsuh-PYE-nihng/ Alex’s pizzapiening echoed his sorrow over the date who had walked out on him after having eaten the last piece of pizza eight days ago. Etymology: pizza pie + pining Created by: mplsbohemian.

Comments on Pizzapiening:

mplsbohemian, 2007-11-12: 12:41:00
Edited to make it clearer and less regional.

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Definition Comments:

petaj2007-11-13: 02:15:00
On the menu today: Digiornomore Hawhine Sicilyearn Pepperawwni

wordmeister2007-11-13: 09:47:00
Sounds like a pizza box full of dashed dreams…

Listen for the ring!

DEFINITION: v., To call your cellphone when you have misplaced it, hoping that it will ring so that you can locate it. n., The sound of a lost cellphone.

Listen for the ring!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Bringtone: // My bringtone is The Real Slim Shady so that anyone who hears it will bring my phone to me. Etymology: bring + tone Created by: yellowbird.

Comments on Bringtone:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-09: 11:26:00
good word!

yellowbird, 2007-11-09: 15:58:00
thanks, jabberwocky. Loved yours yesterday, especially since I still have my ancient Atari 🙂

Kevcom, 2007-11-11: 14:09:00
First off the bat, an excellent word yellowbird – you have my vote!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-11: 16:30:00
Spot on: great word!

Cellicit: /cell-lis-it/ When Jamie misplaces his phone, he cellicits it by relying on the cellhearular method of calling his own number and listening carefully for his personal and unique ring tone. Etymology: cell phone + elicit (to call forth, draw out) Created by: Stevenson0.

Ecallocation: /E-kȯl-lō-ˈkā-shən/ Erin stumbled around her room, trying to find her cell phone via Ecallocation. Etymology: From the words: Call: to get or try to get in communication with by telephone. and Echolocation: a physiological process for locating distant or invisible objects (as prey) by sound waves reflected back to the emitter (as a bat) from the objects Created by: MithrilShadow.

Comments on Ecallocation:

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-11: 16:28:00

Selfphone: /self-fone/ When rummaging through the dirty laundry, garbage, and refrigerator didn’t work, Bob tried to selfphone his number in the hope that he could hear his lost phone. Etymology: cel phone, self Created by: purpleartichokes.

Comments on Selfphone:

dubld, 2007-11-09: 09:40:00
I dig it.

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-09: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by kabloozie. Thank you kabloozie! ~ James’

They don’t make video games the way they used to…

DEFINITION: n., A belief that the contraptions of yesteryear are superior, in almost every way, to modern, present-day technology. v. intr., To wish that the today’s technology was just as good as it was in the past.

They don't make video games the way they used to...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Obselitist: /ob-sul-ee-tust/ jeff’s book keeping was based on the obselitist view that computers could never replace the common sense practicality of a well kept ledger Etymology: obsolete, elitist Created by: rikboyee.

Comments on Obselitist:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:04:00
and another excellent word Riki

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 11:59:00
Agree! oh riki you’re word’s so fine, you’re word’s so fine it blows my mind, hey riki…

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:22:00
Great Word!

Abacustalgia: /ăbÉ™-kÉ™-stăl’jÉ™/ “Back in my day, we didn’t have to wait for our slide rules to ‘boot up!’ Bah!” complained Grandpa, waxing abacustalgic, again, about the good ol’ days. “And this VCR thingy you hooked up to my TV keeps blinking twelve o’clock ever since I kicked the cord out, and now it won’t stop. What a lousy, piece of junk clock that thing is…” and so on. Etymology: abacus (a manual computing device) + nostalgia (a longing for the past, often in idealized form). Created by: Tigger.

Comments on Abacustalgia:

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-08: 08:43:00
I like the way this one sounds.

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:24:00
So do I – nice word!

Technostalgia: /tehk-noh-STAHL-juh/ Alex’s girlfriend could not put up with his fits of technostalgia and their Pong dates. Etymology: technology + nostalgia Created by: mplsbohemian.

Comments on Technostalgia:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 13:47:00
Alex should be sure to turn up at Stevenson0’s tonight

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:33:00
Nice word!

Atariquarian: /atari-kwarian/ The atariquarians have monthly meetings to keep alive the grandeur of a better, sturdier video game experience Etymology: atari (one of the first video game systems + antiquarian Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Atariquarian:

remistram, 2007-11-08: 09:25:00
…and they usually are Aquarians…

Stevenson0, 2007-11-08: 09:29:00
Great Word as usual Jabber! I’ve invited all verbotomists to my house tonight to play Pong. Bring your Atari and you can attach it to my colour TV and we’ll hook up Pong to the Black and White. We’ll play some REAL video games. Everyone’s welcome!! Purple, bring your Richard Harris and Beatle albums!!! I’ll pick up a new needle for the record player on the way home from work.

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-08: 11:48:00
sounds like a plan Stevenson0 and remistam, maybe it is the ‘Age of Atariquarians’

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 16:25:00
Another great word!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-08: 18:01:00
Perhaps, they were antiquarians and yearned for “auldwangtime!”

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-08: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’

mplsbohemian2007-11-08: 03:52:00
I actually do think Super Mario 3 rocked hardcore.

remistram2007-11-08: 09:18:00
Atari was the bomb!

Verbotomy2007-11-09: 21:08:00
You can actually download a version of Super Mario 3 to play on Wii. The best of both worlds ~ James