How many trees did you kill to print that?

DEFINITION: v. tr., To compulsively print out paper copies of all electronic files. n., A printing fetish common among paper pushers who suffer from a paranoid fear that their digital files are disintegrating on their hard drives.

How many trees did you kill to print that?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Hoardcopy: /hord – cop – ee/ “Emily keeps tying up our printer, making hoardcopies of all her emails.” Etymology: hoard + hardcopy Created by: madprime.

Comments on Hoardcopy:

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-07: 13:27:00
Great word!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-07: 16:33:00
Fantastic and very South African!

Documentia: /dok-yuh-MEN-sha/ As memomagma poured from Roxie’s printer, fellow worker worried that her documentia would become dendricidal. Etymology: Blend of document & dementia. Created by: OZZIEBOB.

Comments on Documentia:

libertybelle, 2007-11-07: 09:14:00
So clever!! Almost…. too clever…

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-07: 09:40:00
I think most lawyers suffer from this disease.

Printcess: /print-zess/ Sally was a printcess obsessed with printing out everything written to her in hopes of finding secret messages from her Prints Charming. Etymology: print + princess + obsess Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Printcess:

remistram, 2007-11-07: 09:10:00
very funny – got my vote!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-07: 16:36:00
Good word; hilarious sentence!

Printaphile: /print-ah-file/ when he finished printing out every file he had that was related to ‘paper wastage in modern society’, he realised he was a hopeless printaphile Etymology: print a file, the suffix ‘phile’ Created by: rikboyee.

Comments on Printaphile:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-07: 09:41:00
excellent word – very usable

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-07: 16:35:00
Excellent and apt!

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

Be Creative,

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-07: 00:01:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’

remistram2007-11-07: 09:09:00
I worked with someone like this!

Look at these lovely lunches. I’m tempted to steal one…

DEFINITION: v. tr., To swap your lousy lunch for a way tastier one found in the shared office fridge. n., A lunch which is borrowed from a coworker and will not be returned until after it has been consumed.

Look at these lovely lunches. I'm tempted to steal one...

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Pilfridge: /pill frij/ swapping a box of cold mcnuggets for chicked cordon bleu is not fair exchange, it’s pilfridge Etymology: fridge, pilferage. Created by: galwaywegian.

Comments on Pilfridge:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-05: 16:07:00
yes it is

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-05: 16:36:00
Spot on!

Sandswitch: /sand-swich/ To keep lunch interesting, Bob would either fillfer or have a sandswitch. Etymology: sandwich, switch Created by: purpleartichokes.

Comments on Sandswitch:

galwaywegian, 2007-11-05: 07:23:00

MrDave2176, 2007-11-05: 08:39:00
Another great word…that I also thought of! 🙂

remistram, 2007-11-05: 10:48:00

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-05: 13:12:00
very funy

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-05: 13:12:00
oops that should be funny

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-05: 16:28:00
Ilike it too!

leechdude, 2007-11-05: 22:24:00
funny in a different way

Refrigeraiding: /Re-FRIJ-er-aid-ing/ Tired of his stale peanut butter sandwiches Virgil went refrigeraiding until he found something a bit tastier. Etymology: Refrigerator – raiding Created by: Mustang.

Comments on Refrigeraiding:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-05: 13:10:00
great word – makes me think of Indiana Jones

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-05: 16:37:00
Very good word!

Supgrade: /sup-grade/ The trick to improving your lunch without getting caught is to supgrade modestly. Etymology: sup + upgrade Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Supgrade:

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-05: 11:44:00
Congrats on the newspaper article Jabber!

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-05: 12:57:00
thanks purple – no idea how that guy discovered that word but if he’s looking he’s sure to find lots of your gems

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-05: 16:34:00
Congrats Jabber! Great to hear of your well-deserved success.

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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the create-a-word game

Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-05: 02:55:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’

OZZIEBOB2007-11-05: 06:09:00
Good definition,REMI! During 40+ years of work, I found it to be a regular occurrence- probably happening somewhere right now!

mplsbohemian2007-11-05: 10:07:00
This has produced a great batch of words so far!

remistram2007-11-05: 10:47:00
It happens to all of us at least once during our working life!

purpleartichokes2007-11-05: 11:00:00
Happened with dip I brought in. Caught him in the act. Wouldn’t be so bad if he wasn’t double-dipping. And didn’t have really poor oral hygiene. And I wasn’t sure that it was his first offense and I had actually eaten the dip after him at some point. Yuck!

Yes Boss, I am sick as a dog

DEFINITION: v. intr., To create the impression that you are deathly ill and represent a potentially lethal bio-hazard risk, so that your boss will ask you to “take the next couple of days off”. n., A faked illness.

Yes Boss, I am sick as a dog

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Maladayoff: /malla-day-off/ The boss was suspicious that Ken was only suffering from a maladayoff. In the background he could hear the strains of Greensleeves and the steady crash of waves on a beach. It must have been a case of fauxplague. Etymology: malady + day off (faux + plague + plage fr. for Beach) A fauxplague is a specific type of maladayoff wherein the sufferer returns to work with a case of sunburn. Created by: petaj.

Comments on Maladayoff:

libertybelle, 2007-11-02: 11:09:00
Hee hee so funny!! i like fauxplague too – kinda sexy!

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-04: 16:49:00
Clever blend. Hope Ken doesn’t get sandy blight!

Illployment: /il-PLOI-ment/ By telling his boss that he was suffering from the barcoo rot, Bob created such a perfect illusion that he was granted immediate illployment on full pay for a month. Etymology: ill: unwell, unfavorable; ploy: 1. trick, manoeuvre, 2. piece of business, task & ment: act. … Illusion: blend of ill & illusion. Created by: OZZIEBOB.

Comments on Illployment:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-02: 12:34:00
glad everything went well with the cardio – nice word

Fluse: /f-lose/ Sandra often calls in with the fluse when she needs a mental health day at the beach. Etymology: flu + false + ruse Created by: Stevenson0.

Comments on Fluse:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-02: 13:34:00
Sandra’s such a flusey!

Liephoyd: /lie – foyd/ The boss suspected that Barry’s third tonsillectomy of the year was in reality a case of liephoid fever. Etymology: lie + typhoid (a disease more prevalent around the turn of the 20th century) Created by: libertybelle.

Comments on Liephoyd:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-02: 12:29:00
funny – I guess he would be Liephoyd Barry – Typhoid Mary’s brother

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-04: 16:40:00
If Barry keeps carrying on in this way up, his boss will “have him up to his back teeth.” Nice word:imaginative!

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-02: 01:55:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram and svnfsvn. Thank you remistram and svnfsvn! ~ James’

Verbotomy2007-11-02: 12:29:00
Thanks to everyone for joining me at our Blog Party yesterday to celebrate Verbotomy’s first birthday. It was a lot of fun. Thanks! ~ James

Why do you keep making those stupid faces?

DEFINITION: v. intr., To silently signal the position of a piece of food on a person’s face using hand gestures, facial expressions and tonguing motions. n., A nonverbal communication system used to alert and assist diners with food on their faces.

Why do you keep making those stupid faces?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Morselcode: /mor-sul-cohd/ i was saved from embarrasment by a nice piece of morselcode from my sister Etymology: morsel, morse code Created by: rikboyee.

Comments on Morselcode:

purpleartichokes, 2007-11-01: 04:43:00

galwaywegian, 2007-11-01: 07:58:00
Hope you repaid your sister with a diamante brooch or similar siBling!

heartnsoul, 2007-11-01: 08:25:00
SOS – stop our slob?

Domhain, 2007-11-01: 09:25:00

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-01: 10:50:00
ah – Inspector Morselcode no doubt

OZZIEBOB, 2007-11-01: 20:48:00
Simply the best!

Dribblelert: /drib-ble-lert/ Claire sent a well executed dribblelert to Tony about the sauce on his face. Etymology: dribble& lert (alert) Created by: thebaron.

Semafood: /SEHM-a-food/ Martin sat at the table across from his blind date Harriet trying to decide if her facial tics were the result of allergic reaction or just semafood. Etymology: sema(fore) + food Created by: MrDave2176.

Comments on Semafood:

galwaywegian, 2007-11-01: 08:46:00

Foodianslip: /food-ee-an-slip/ Janice sent her friend the silent facial foodianslip message across the table to warn her friend of excess crumbs on her face. Etymology: food + Freudian Slip Created by: Stevenson0.

Comments on Foodianslip:

Jabberwocky, 2007-11-01: 10:47:00

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

Be Creative,

the create-a-word game

Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-11-01: 02:30:00
Today’s definition was suggested by remistram. Thank you remistram! ~ James’

Verbotomy2007-11-01: 02:49:00
Don’t forget to add your thoughts to the Verbotomy Birthday Blog. Go to ~ James

Aaaaaahh! It’s alive!

DEFINITION: n. The unexpected moment of horror when you realize that you’re sharing your bathroom shower with thousands of rapidly replicating fungi, commonly known as orange slime. v. intr. To be colonized by orange slime.

Aaaaaaahh! It's alive!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Ewwwreeeka: /ewww reeek aahh/ the ewwreeeka moment in the shower usually occurs backwards; AAAh (standing under the shower), Reek (that strange smell you notice which makes you open your eyes), then the Ewww as you see the onward marching gunk! Etymology: ewww , reek, eureka. Created by: galwaywegian.

Comments on Ewwwreeeka:

Jabberwocky, 2007-10-31: 10:47:00
No no ewwwreeeka – I smell like a field of wildflowers

purpleartichokes, 2007-10-31: 18:38:00

Jacoozie: /jac-oozy/ Her bathtub which was had once been a place for quiet relaxation and meditation had been transformed into a jacoozie teaming with microscopic wildlife. Etymology: jacuzzi + ooze Created by: Jabberwocky.

Comments on Jacoozie:

galwaywegian, 2007-10-31: 07:46:00

Funghast: /fuhng-gast/ As he leapt from the diving board Leonard was overcome with funghast when he looked down to see the water in the pool was a pea-soup green color. Etymology: Fungus: Latin; fungus, mushroom; perh. akin to Gk spóngos, sphóngos + Aghast: Old English; gǣstan to frighten Created by: xirtam.

Sporror: /spor-rer/ Initially, Leigh thought it was peach shampoo, but when she reached down to further examine the orange stuff clinging to the shower curtain, she recoiled in sporror. Etymology: spore, horror Created by: purpleartichokes.

Comments on Sporror:

Jabberwocky, 2007-10-31: 10:49:00

To see more verboticisms for this definition go to:

Be Creative,

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Definition Comments:

Verbotomy2007-10-31: 00:40:00
Today we have a special “scary” definition just for Halloween. It was suggested by purpleartichokes, who not only sent in a photo of bathroom suffering from such an infestation (It is not hers!), but who also offered to model for today’s comic. Thank you purpleartichokes! ~ James

Verbotomy2007-10-31: 01:21:00
VERBOTOMY BLOG PARTY: November 1, 2007 is Verbotomy’s first birthday! We are having a Blog Party to celebrate. Everybody is invited to the Verbotomy Blog to chat. All comments will be published as soon as you post them, so bring your favorite words and definitions and we’ll chat. Go to Talk to you then! ~ James

purpleartichokes2007-10-31: 04:57:00
James – thanks for hiding my cellulite! And that shower curtain… sure glad it’s not MINE!

Jabberwocky2007-10-31: 13:55:00
busted Purple – those signature artichokes are a dead giveaway

purpleartichokes2007-10-31: 14:37:00
Oh well… found out. And they do clash with the orange slime. Guess I should decorate in Tangerines.