Why… do… you… keep… looking… at… your… watch?

DEFINITION: A chronic slow talker, who plods relentlessly through long explications, even when everyone else has figured out what they are trying to say.

Why...  do...  you...  keep... looking... at... your...  watch?
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Insomniyack: /in-som-ni-yak/ Chris was a motivational speaker at sleep deprivation conferences – his sessions always sold out first Etymology: insomnia + yack Created by: Jabberwocky.

Dallygabber: /dal-ly-gab-ber/ It took Frank, a classic dallygabber, three minutes to say what most people could in thirty seconds. It became so frustrating that everyone was finishing his sentences for him. Etymology: dally + gab + gabber Created by: Stevenson0.

Slowspoke: /slow-spoke (said very slowly with long drawn out syllables – OK you figured it out long ago)/ Colin was a renowned slowspoke, and could never work out why his conversants kept toe-tapping or clock-watching or finger-drumming. Etymology: slow poke (a dawdler) + spoke (past tense of speak) + slow (not quick witted esp. not realising that the audience already understands) Created by: petaj.

Monotonacity: /mon-O-tone-as-city/ Jill spoke to David with monotonacity, determined to make her point, droning on and on till David finally fell asleep. Etymology: monotone/tenacity,persistant determination Created by: toadstool57.

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Wait! Can’t you guys read? That’s a stop sign!

DEFINITION: A group of runners that moves as a single entity, ignoring traffic signals and pedestrians alike.

Wait! Can't you guys read? That's a stop sign!

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Marathrong: /mar-a-throng/ The marathrong consisted of over a thousand runners who ignored the light signals and blocked the intersection for three light changes. Etymology: marathon + throng Created by: Stevenson0.

Shoekluxklan: /shu-klux-klan/ After dark, on a rain slicked road the shoekluxklan, reflective stripes glowing eerily, thundered past, eyes forward, a single goal in mind – burning calories Etymology: shoe +Ku Klux Klan Created by: Jabberwocky.

Joggernaut: /jog gur naught/ The joggernaut ran over two miles, four hundred metres and three buggies. Etymology: juggernaut, jogger Created by: galwaywegian.

Stampedestrians: /Stam-peed-est-tree-ans/ Traffic came to a standstill after a collision in which a truck clearly had more momentum than the stampedestrians it bowled over. Etymology: Stampede + pedestrians. Bit of a near miss, since the definition calls for a collective noun… Created by: Discoveria.

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Yikes! Spring is almost here and this stupid scale is still wrong.

DEFINITION: That sinking feeling you get when you realize that you will be shedding your winter coat, before you can possibly shed the extra layer of insulation (i.e. fat) that you gained over the holidays.

Yikes! Spring is almost here and this stupid scale is still wrong.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Melancalorie: /mel-on-cal-o-rie/ March 1st tomorrow and when I stepped on my scale this morning a severe case of melancalorie set in causing me to stop at the donut shop on the way to work to drown my guilt. Etymology: melancholy + calorie Created by: Stevenson0.

Obesery: /-ËŒoʊˈbizɚɹi-/ When it gets you down, just remember that Santa’s New Year’s obesery has got to be worse than yours. Etymology: From obese + misery Created by: ErWenn.

Titanicattack: /ty-tan-ic-a-tac/ Tiffany had a titanicattack when she tried to teeter totter with Tony and they tumbled due to her tubbiness Etymology: titanic (massive and likely to sink) + panic attack Created by: Jabberwocky.

Caloregret: /cal-oar-ee-gret/ Sue blamed her failure to lose the weight she’d gained over the holidays and resultant caloregret on those pint-sized purveyors of post-Christmas confections, the Girl Scouts. Etymology: calorie, regret Created by: purpleartichokes.

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I’m surprised no else picked up the ball

DEFINITION: The ability to listen intently and sympathize with your colleagues when they request assistance, and then to simply, and completely, forget about it.

I'm surprised that no one else has picked up the ball.

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Scampathy: /Skam-path-ee/ Instead of helping Jill go up the hill to fetch a pail of water, Jack stayed at home out of sheer laziness. He was a master of the art of scampathy. Etymology: Scam + scamp + empathy. Scam: a con; something designed to fool you. Scamp: a rascal. Empathy: to put yourself in another person’s shoes, to see their point of view. Created by: Discoveria.

Flipservice: /flip-sur-vus/ His flipservice was so convincing, he never did any actual work Etymology: flip (about face) + lip service (hypocracy) Created by: Jabberwocky.

Eyewall: /eye-wall/ His eye contact was perfect and sincere and his responses empathetic and kind, but his memory was going into shut down mode. He was a master at the ability to eyewall his colleagues. Etymology: eye + eye ball + fire wall Created by: Stevenson0.

Limpathy: /-ˈlɪm.pəˌθi-/ Customer service representatives are often judged on their limpathy skills as opposed to their ability to actually fix problems. Etymology: From limp + empathy Created by: ErWenn.

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Omigod, why are you wearing that to the dance?

DEFINITION: A fashion accessory, or an approach to personal hygiene, which is designed, not to attract others, but rather to repel them.

Omigod, why are you wearing that to the dance?

VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)

Fashun: /fas-shun/ She wore the most hideous outfit to the club to keep the men away. It was definitely a fashun statement. Not even a pompass, a chickmagnot, or a casanoway would think of approaching her. Etymology: fashion + shun Created by: Stevenson0.

Inaccessory: /in ack sess eree/ She wondered why, despite her constant inaccessorising, there always seemed that some sweaty sleazebag was immune to her loathing Etymology: inaccessable, accessory Created by: galwaywegian.

Couturnoff: /koo-TERN-ahf/ “I’ll teach him to drag me to a Goth party,” thought Sally, as she donned her teal tube top, pink culottes, sun hat and espadrilles. She grinned in the mirror and thought, “I could turn out to be a world-class couturnoff designer.” Etymology: couture (high fashion) + turn off Created by: Alchemist.

Haltsirtop: /halt-sur-top/ The amazing haltsirtop will instantly repel roving hands by stunning them and leaving them numb for several hours – John Cleese’s voice saying Halt Sir available at an additional cost. Etymology: halt + sir + halter top Created by: Jabberwocky.

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