DEFINITION: A chronic slow talker, who plods relentlessly through long explications, even when everyone else has figured out what they are trying to say.
VERBOTICISMS: (Invented words created by the Verbotomy Writers)
Insomniyack: /in-som-ni-yak/ Chris was a motivational speaker at sleep deprivation conferences – his sessions always sold out first Etymology: insomnia + yack Created by: Jabberwocky.
Dallygabber: /dal-ly-gab-ber/ It took Frank, a classic dallygabber, three minutes to say what most people could in thirty seconds. It became so frustrating that everyone was finishing his sentences for him. Etymology: dally + gab + gabber Created by: Stevenson0.
Slowspoke: /slow-spoke (said very slowly with long drawn out syllables – OK you figured it out long ago)/ Colin was a renowned slowspoke, and could never work out why his conversants kept toe-tapping or clock-watching or finger-drumming. Etymology: slow poke (a dawdler) + spoke (past tense of speak) + slow (not quick witted esp. not realising that the audience already understands) Created by: petaj.
Monotonacity: /mon-O-tone-as-city/ Jill spoke to David with monotonacity, determined to make her point, droning on and on till David finally fell asleep. Etymology: monotone/tenacity,persistant determination Created by: toadstool57.
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