Vote for the best verboticism.

'Don't worry, my dad trained him'

DEFINITION: v., To counsel patience and caution when it comes to romantic endeavors. n., An unexpected or unwanted chaperon who has a special knack for "putting ice on it" when people get the "hots".

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Created by: paperhoard

Pronunciation: Wood-in-ate-or

Sentence: Jim thought he was going to get lucky with the office secretary until the dreaded woodinator appeared from behind the water cooler. Jim's quickly turned into a stick of warm butter.

Etymology: Wood - as in "to be sporting wood" an erection. Terminator - a person or thing that terminates (i.e. the wood).


Oh what he wood'n'do! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-13: 13:11:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: li-bee-doh-in-ter-RUP-tus

Sentence: When Shane failed to pick up on Salome's hints about controlling his impulses she knew she could count on her pooch Libby to come to her rescue merely by pretending to be in a a state of distress.

Etymology: Blend of 'libido' (sexual instinct or sexual drive) and 'interruptus (INTERRUPT to break off or cause to cease, as in the middle of something)

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Created by: picabomama

Pronunciation: auto - e - rot - a - stop

Sentence: Six weeks had passed since the arrival of the new baby and Aaron and Kelly were feeling up to an attempt at romance. The baby was recently fed, dry and sleeping peacefully. Aaron leaned in for a much needed inaugural kiss and just before his lips met Kelly's, the baby squawked. Aaron pulled away and held his breath. The crying stopped. Kelly waved him in for a second try and again the baby screamed, only louder. This time the baby could not be stopped. She screamed like a fire alarm for an hour. The exhausted parents consulted the owner's manual and discovered that their bundle of joy had come equipped with the often standard AUTOEROTISTOP alarm. This option was apparently not refundable.

Etymology: auto + erotica + stop


Out-of-gas-stop! Being stationary ... stopped at the station ... unable to move! Evokes so many images ... Wonderful Creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-02-13: 13:18:00

Hmmm... sounds like a poor design, but then again, it never runs out of gas, does it? - Tigger, 2008-02-14: 00:48:00


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Created by: CrystalNekol

Pronunciation: cock-o-block

Sentence: The dog cockoblocked the guy from getting any sexual pleasure that night.

Etymology: Cock-block

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: soh berr man flin shur

Sentence: Rudolph, her sobermanflincher was the canine equivalent of a dip in the arctic ocean at christmas. Wwithin a matter of seconds Rudolph was the only one drooling in the room.

Etymology: doberman pinscher, sober man flincher geddit?


very funny - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-05: 12:41:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: diss/cur/rage/ment

Sentence: Disscurragemeant took on a whole different meaning when Phil nearly lost three fingers in an attempt to cuddle up closer.

Etymology: diss + cur (dog) + rage + meant (intended)


Stunned by the way you take one word and tweak it with a letter, or a few, and have a great verbotomy to fit the definition. Today's is Exceptional. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-05: 15:15:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: leh-BEE-dobe-strukt

Sentence: The Doberman that Harriet's dad had trained to become loudly aggressive to libidobstruct Norman when it became apparent that he was making any effort to come on to or move too close to Harriet proved to be a very effective, leaving Norman intimidated and frustrated.

Etymology: Blend of 'libido' (sexual instinct or sexual drive) and 'obstruct' (to interrupt, hinder, or oppose the passage, progress, course, etc., of)

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Created by: jajsr

Pronunciation: Ear-rot-tee-blah-ker

Sentence: Things were heating up between Jeff and Jane, and they both wanted each other badly. As soon as Jeff began to make his move, in comes Jane's German Sheppard Kibbles, who was a staunch erotiblocker. No one was going to steal Jane's affection from Kibbles!

Etymology: Combination of "Erotic": Strongly marked or affected by sexual desire; and "Blocker": To hinder the passage, progress or accomplishment of by or as if by interposing an obstruction.


good one - OZZIEBOB, 2008-12-07: 04:49:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: Ee-rodj-uh-NOT

Sentence: It was during "Love In Orbit", the latest spacebuster about two erogenauts with stars in their eyes, that Julie, Bob's daughter, and her boyfriend's romantic amplexations grew stronger. And at the height of their deosculating - but to their impending horror - they failed to see Ted, their contracupiscent chaperone and ever alert erogenot, coming swiftly along the aisle.

Etymology: EROGENOT: blend of Erogenous: amorous,libidinal, arousing sexual desire & NOT. CONTRACUPISCENT: Contra & cupiscent of Concupiscent.) AMPLEXATION:(Embracing)& DEOSCULATE:(Kiss affectionally) both from "Dict Of Endangered English" By Grambs.


terrific - Jabberwocky, 2008-12-05: 12:38:00

Was hoping someone would spin a sentence about 'three is a crowd' and you did it so beautifully showing it still is and always will be. Great words, too. - silveryaspen, 2008-12-05: 15:23:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: as salt pee ter

Sentence: Diane's Dad had developed a chaperone for his lovely nubile college daughter. It was their pet pitbull terrier, Fluffy, who was a natural assaultpeter when all the young men came to try and save her from the Martian invaders by surrendering her virginity. That line did not work in 1968 either...

Etymology: Assault (force (someone) to have sex against their will & Saltpeter (urban myth that sodium nitrate was used to curb male libido and therefore was introduced into the food of military and prisoners)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-02-13: 00:21:00
Today's definition was suggested by freakystyley. Thank you freakystyley. ~ James

Dougalistic - 2008-02-13: 04:38:00
Great verbinition freakystyley!

dalmero8 - 2008-02-13: 17:29:00
pretty sick i have to say

galwaywegian - 2008-12-05: 07:21:00
Is this a new one? hurrah!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-03: 00:02:00
Today's definition was suggested by freakystyley. Thank you freakystyley. ~ James

Petrikreink - 2019-05-05: 10:43:00