Vote for the best verboticism.

'Why did I come into this room?'

DEFINITION: n. The moment of loss, hesitation and confusion, which occurs when you enter a room and immediately forget why. v. To forget why you entered a room.

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Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...

You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.


Created by: soozay





I'm curious about your verboticism. Wish you had done a pronunciation, sentence and etymology. Did you know you get points for each of them ... especially the sentence. I'm looking forward to reading more from you. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 11:31:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: room a tizm

Sentence: It happened to Eva again. She walked with purpose into a room and forget at once why she entered. Oh no, she thought, I'm becoming my Mother! When she met her Mom, the conversation always started with an organ recital...the Toelio in her Big Toe, the Kneemonia on her patella, the sacrifices her sacroiliac had made giving birth to Eva. Yes, when her Mom left, Pelvis had left the building. But her Mom always forgot where she put things (Leftomania), told her the same stories nine times (Repetitive Notions) and forgot why she went into the next room, she claimed it was Roomatism. Great, thought Eva, pretty soon I will be able to join my Mom at the Raisin Ranch, Restspinster Abbey, Rio de NoHairo, Battlestar Geriatrica, Bewildered Acres...I'll become Eva Destruction! Oh, yeah, now she remembered, why she entered the bathroom. But the reason, well, Depends...

Etymology: Room (a chamber; an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling;the people who are present in a room) & Rheumatism (any painful disorder of the joints or muscles or connective tissues (like the brain) & Ism ( a belief (or system of beliefs) accepted as authoritative by some group or school)


I think I have that in my knees... - Mustang, 2009-01-14: 00:01:00

She also had know when your purse is so heavy it hurts your shoulder! - Nosila, 2009-01-14: 00:09:00

metrohumanx Your creativity is boundless. Hilarious "ending", too. Amazing. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-14: 01:19:00

Clever word and story.... - mweinmann, 2009-01-14: 08:05:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: flush/terd

Sentence: She was completely flushturd as she looked around the bathroom. Was she supposed to let out the bathwater or flush the toilet?

Etymology: flustered + flush + (you know)


Today and yesterday you seem stuck in the bathroom! We won't make you stay there until you remember why! Very innovative pun! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:42:00

HA! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-21: 06:20:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: ware/am/I/bouts

Sentence: I enter a room - I look around - I am faced with the eternal question - whereamIbouts?

Etymology: whereabouts + where am I + bouts (of forgetfulness)


luv the etymology and word ... cries out like the lost child in all of us when this happens! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:21:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: why - un - wise

Sentence: Whynona, lived in a whyte house. She walked down her whyte hall, to her whybrary room, but when she got there, she asked herself "Why?" Over and over, her searching mind, asked the eternal whyning question: "Why am I here?." By and by, she had to admit she did not know. She remained whyunwise! Shelving it, for the time being, she was heard muttering "Anybody got a whys cracker?"

Etymology: Why: asking for a reason. Unwise: not having the answer. Abreviated form: y & y's ... related to m & m's ... cause I'm wishing this were a sweeter creation ... instead of the usual so and so!


Oh ... by the way ... Whynona's house is not in Whyoming! Her song of the day is Why? Why, oh why did I ever leave Whyoming." - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:33:00

I don't know why, but I love the story. Maybe Whynona will see a whynoceros if she drinks enough whyne. Why, Why, Why, DeWhywa??? - Nosila, 2008-03-21: 02:05:00

I am enjoying your enhancements above ... to story and music both! That is much better song! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:38:00

whys words - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:50:00

Some many questions; some few answers! Great sentence and words! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:53:00

I think maybe Whynona is simply a whyner, or maybe a whyar? I would hope she'd whyse up. - Mustang, 2008-03-22: 04:36:00

So glad this was good for inspiring a few more creative laughs! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 14:18:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: wher/am/I/bouts

Sentence: I enter a room - I look around - I am faced with the eternal question - whereamIbouts?

Etymology: whereabouts + where am I + bouts (of forgetfulness)


You and I may not know where you are ... but it is certainly not out in left field. It just feels too right! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:00:00

Certainly, something to ruminate upon! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:59:00

This is roominescent of the time I had amnesia....or did I have it twice? - Mustang, 2008-03-22: 08:09:00


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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: MOT i VAE per

Sentence: As soon as I walked into the room I experienced motivapor and spent the next fifteen minutes staring at the contents of the room hoping something would remind me of why I had come here.

Etymology: MOTIVE: reason, purpose for doing something VAPOR: a result of vaporization, something that can no longer be seen clearly but still exists


metrohumanx Great word, K-in- K! Certainly NOT vapid. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:50:00

Has a vanished like a vapor ... that surreal quality. Very nice etymology and word. - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:25:00

well done! - galwaywegian, 2009-01-13: 12:59:00

nicely done... - mweinmann, 2009-01-14: 08:07:00


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Created by: karen





Your creation expresses how it feels very well. Good word! Wish you had given us a pronunciation, sentence and etymology. Did you know you get points for each one of those three ... especially the sentence. Looking forward to seeing more from you. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:49:00


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Created by: Soyabaa96

Pronunciation: By pas si` an ism

Sentence: "Why did I come into this Bathroom?" asked Jill. "If you can't remember that",said Bill, "You have a severe case of Bypassianism!"

Etymology: Bypass


Interesting verboticism! Wish you had given us a pronunciation, sentence and etymology. Did you know you get points for each one of those three ... especially the sentence. Looking forward to seeing more from you. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:36:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: hôlshīmərz

Sentence: Alvin has a bad case of hallsheimers, wandering from room to room trying to remember why he left what he was doing in the first place. Often ha has to return to the room of origin to get back on track. Sometimes he forgets where he started and what he was doing. At these times he goes to the kitchen and makes himself a chicken salad sandwich. He is having a lot of sandwiches lately.

Etymology: Halls (a corridor) + Alzheimer\'s (progressive mental deterioration that can occur in middle or old age, due to generalized degeneration of the brain)


Finally, a word for my ailment. - catgrin, 2010-05-28: 08:23:00

If I remember correctly, that was a good word! - Nosila, 2010-05-28: 09:16:00


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Created by: c2flores

Pronunciation: Whu-uuu-hhh

Sentence: So, I got to the bathroom, and I was like whuuh, what am I doing, whuuh, where is my laptop?

Etymology: Phonetic, from the noise one makes one scratching head in confusion.

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Created by: spotthecat1

Pronunciation: forgot-knee

Sentence: In a fog of forgotney, the girl wandered around the room before remembering that she was looking for the nail clippers.

Etymology: forgot (Old English - forgytan) + journey (from Old French - journee)


like it - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:41:00

I admire your originality. Nice word. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 21:33:00

simple, but effective! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:11:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: leth-AM-byuh-late

Sentence: Yesterday worn out by the aging-process, irresolution and a few too many drops of Irish whiskey, I choose sleep rather than my daily dose of Verbotomy. However, in the middle of the night something - some strange verbotomy voodoo, perhaps, hellbent on wrecking my sleep caused me to open my eyes and sit up, wide awake and listen intently. I thought i could hear a voice, saying "verbotomy, verbotomy, verbotomy!" Soon after I found myself sitting in front of my computer, confused, dumbstruck and disorientated. Not knowing what I had planned to do there, I lethambulated back to bed. Next morning upon telling Roxie of my strange experience, she said, "I think you misheard, it was probably your own mind telling you that you need a lobotomy!"

Etymology: Conflation of LETH:forget, forgetfulness & AMBULATE:to walk.


Your up-otomy stoy got a big laugh-otomy! I think someone gave your mind a wiz-otomy for you are a wizard the way you weave magic with sentences and words! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:44:00


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Created by: stache

Pronunciation: ŏn'trā fyōōg

Sentence: "What the hell was it I was after?" Herman muttered as he wandered about his bungalow. In the middle of an oil change, he had gotten dirty oil on the pocket of his jeans, his keys and the doorknob in the process of reentering. He could only stand there, empty beer bottle in hand, and hope his entrefugue would soon pass.

Etymology: entree, the act of entering; fugue, a period during which a person suffers from loss of memory, often begins a new life, and, upon recovery, remembers nothing of the amnesic phase.


Great opening line ... broke out laughing and can't quit ... for the last lines in your etymology ... made me laugh even harder! Funtastic! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:37:00

Neat word. With a slight variation, "Entréefugue" could be used for when you forget what you ate for dinner. - Tigger, 2008-03-21: 02:10:00

Great word! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-21: 06:19:00

There's definitely something about this definition that's begging to be put into French. It reminds me of concepts like deja vu or je ne sais quoi. So this word is right on. Fun to say with a French accent too. - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:04:00

Ooh, that actually gives me an idea for a different "word" for today's definition: "je ne sais porquoi". - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:05:00

great word - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:40:00

petaj that could send you into a spin - would that be a centrifugue - petaj, 2008-03-21: 23:52:00

Excellent. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:40:00


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Created by: lplybon

Pronunciation: "DA-sha-u-blee-AY"

Sentence: Ingrid stood in the middle of the kitchen. She had come to this room ... for what? She had just come from the bedroom ... was it a snack, a drink -- medication -- she needed? To let the dogs out? Yes, yes, that was it. After that short period of dejaoublie, Ingrid felt scared and old.

Etymology: From the French language: "Deja"="Already, " "Oblie"="Forgotten"

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Created by: randa




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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: lost - al - gyea

Sentence: Heloise would often suffer frustrating bouts of lostalgia when she was on a quest to retrieve or find something. Hard as she tried she just couldnt remember what she came for.

Etymology: Blend of lost and nostalgia


Simple but effective. - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:06:00

Nice word. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 21:17:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: room-nee-zhuh

Sentence: Cindy was busy reading the novel she had borrowed from her friend when she was remembered that she she had not yet taken something out of the freezer for her dinner. By the time she made it to the kitchen she was struck by a case of roomnesia, unable to remember why she had made the journey. She had to return to her book and read three more chapters before the thought came back to her.

Etymology: room (a portion of space within a building or other structure, separated by walls or partitions from other parts) + amnesia (loss of a large block of interrelated memories)

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Created by: youmustvotenato

Pronunciation: a piffa fail

Sentence: Walking gingerly out the door for work I realized I had forgotten my lunch. Upon entering my apartment, I had an epiphafail, my memory deceiving me and I had no idea why I had come back to my apartment.

Etymology: epiphany + FAIL

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Created by: catgrin

Pronunciation: en-ter-huh ns

Sentence: Every time I went back into my room I had a feeling of enterhunce. It wasn't until I'd locked myself out that I realized I'd forgotten my keys.

Etymology: From "entrance" and "huh" trying to give that "what was going on just now" sound to match the feeling itself.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: room nee shia

Sentence: Zelda was afraid she was getting Alzheimer's because she always forgot why she was going into a room. It was usually called roomnesia, but if she forgot why she went into the kitchen and opened the fridge, it was actually hamnesia, jamnesia, yamnesia (or milk of amnesia). When she went into the closet it was cramnesia. For the computer room it was ramnesia. For the granny flat, it was gramnesia and if she was in the bedroom, it was shamnesia. How she hated that damnesia!

Etymology: Room (an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling) & Amnesia(forgetfullness;memory loss)

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: for - gent - trance

Sentence: As soon as I walked into the kitchen, I began to forgentrance the purpose of it all. The coffee was made, the dog was fed, the dishes were washed....but why oh why was I here?

Etymology: I saw many words in this one....Forget (be unable to remember) + Forge (To impel forward slowly; as, to forge a ship forward, to forge ahead) + Entrance (The action of entering, or going in; The place of entering, as a gate or doorway) + Trance (a state of mind in which consciousness is fragile and voluntary action is poor or missing)


Been there, done that.....but dont remember when. - Mustang, 2009-01-14: 00:00:00


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Created by: arrrteest

Pronunciation: aym -neezsh-ee- enss

Sentence: Jenna was juggling many thoughts in her head as she got up from the stack of papers she was sifting through. With a movement that indicated purpose, she walked down the hallway, down the flight of steps into the basement laundryroom and stopped short of the supply shelves, ironing board, and second freezer. Not sure what to do next, she suffered from a bought of aimnesience, as she tilted her head and furrowed her brows.

Etymology: aim (purpose) + amnesia (loss of memory)


Those A words have it! A + ! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:55:00

Nice! - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 02:07:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: room neez ya

Sentence: It was happening more and more often. Fran would enter a room and forget why she went there. She was not demented or going gaga, but everyday she would have an episode of roomnesia. She'd make a point of going into a room to do or get something and then totally forget why she went there. One night when she had some colleagues from work over, she went into the bathroom on the main floor. When she arrived, her reason for going there was pressing large on her mind. "It began with a Pee", she remembered and it was her #1 reason for going, but still she forgot. Was this the start of problems for her??? Depends...

Etymology: Room (chamber;an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling) & Amnesia (partial or total loss of memory)


artr Nicely done. - artr, 2010-05-28: 03:53:00

karenanne "_#1_ reason for _going_" - Ha!! That was a good one! - karenanne, 2010-05-28: 19:55:00

Mais wee! Urine in good company if you liked that one! - Nosila, 2010-05-29: 00:22:00


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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: I-pif-foe-nee

Sentence: Charlotte hated these epiphonies. It seemed, increasingly, the minute she passed from one room to another, especially through a doorway, rather than remembering why she had gone there in first place, it would suddenly hit her that she couldn't even remember! Well, at least, she told herself, she could remember that. Usually retracing her steps helped, although it was embarrassing when it involved entering and reentering the front door of her apartment.

Etymology: A play on words, taken from "epiphany," meaning an intuitive leap of understanding especially through ordinary circumstances + "phoney," meaning false.

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Created by: willy

Pronunciation: sprch. caff. lious.

Sentence: That company is going down... look at that sprachcaffelious way of working...

Etymology: Sprach: language caffe: tea Sprachcaffilaxis: from ancient Greek, the ability to do nothing for 8 hours every day.

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: room-knee-zha

Sentence: Vincent could keep straingt every single battle of the civil war, including dates, location, casualties and even which horses were there, but he frequently suffered a debilitating roomnesia, where in he would walk into a room and immediately walk out to have one of us remind him what his purpose in that room was.

Etymology: room + amnesia

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Created by: doseydotes

Pronunciation: ˈen-tər-ˈplek-sə-tē

Sentence: Tilden stood in the doorway and looked about the room, which seemed suddenly unfamiliar. "Crap!" he cried, at the familiar, yet dreaded, feeling of enterplexity which now settled over him. "Penelope!" he called, "What did I come in here for?!"

Etymology: From the Greek, enter, meaning literally, "inside of ter"; from the Military-Industrial Complex, plex, meaning "glass which will not cut you"; and from the Valley Girl, ity, meaning "an it that is more it than other things are."


I don't think that etymology is accurate. - stache, 2008-03-21: 14:12:00

You're right, stache. I was trying to avoid being political, so I said it was "Valley Girl," but in reality, "ity" is a Clinton derivation. - doseydotes, 2008-03-21: 14:21:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: damnēzhə

Sentence: Charlie would often have bouts of damnesia where he would get up from what he was doing to get something and then forget what he meant to get. This occurrence would inevitably elicit his favorite expletive, "Damn!". Most of the time returning to the starting point would refresh the thought but not always. Those were the moments that worried him the most.

Etymology: Damn (exclamation expressing anger, surprise, or frustration) + amnesia (a partial or total loss of memory)


I started to write something clever... Oh, well! - wayoffcenter, 2009-01-13: 06:08:00

metrohumanx Damned clever! - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:51:00

Damn good! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:06:00

Damnesia is that what happens to beavers and muskrats when they forget where they live??? - Nosila, 2009-01-13: 19:48:00


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Created by: silveryaspen

Pronunciation: Duh m Duh m

Sentence: How many times did Whynona, get up and fly, only to discover when she got there, her mind was bare, for she could not recall why. "Duh! Mmmmmm." Her mind cried out, " Dumb! Dumb! I'm a dumbdom!"

Etymology: DUH, Mmmmmm. DUMB, -DOM. DUH - slang word meaning "I don't know." Mmmmmm - sound made when we are trying to think. DUMB - not knowing why, lacking in intelligence. -DOM - condition, status; queen or king of the dom!

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: ad-ehl-NEESEya

Sentence: Marilyn all too often experienced frustrating bouts of addlenesia when she'd set out to look for or retrieve some object or to do a chore in another room or place.

Etymology: blend of 'addle' (to make or become confused) and 'amnesia' (A loss of memory, especially one brought on by some distressing or shocking experience

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Created by: moreface

Pronunciation: where-tih-go


Etymology: variationon vertigo - execpt inthis case you can't remember why you came into a room.


It should be spelled "wheretigo" - moreface, 2008-03-22: 12:03:00

Would like to have had a sentence to enjoy as well. Excellent word play. Excellent creation. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 12:10:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: bee/fud/dul/ment

Sentence: Carrie scratched her head in complete befloodlement. She was standing ankle deep in water from the overflowing bathtub but couldn't remember why she had a mop in her hands.

Etymology: befuddlement + flood


Your brain had to delve into deep waters to come up with this one! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 13:39:00

nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:32:00


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Created by: Jamagra

Pronunciation: day/zha/noo (like "deja vu")

Sentence: Shelley knew she had come into the loo with something to do, but now she had no clue what to do. Another moment of deja knew. Or deja loo.

Etymology: deja vu (Fr. "already seen") + knew


Intriguing! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:29:00

Shelley must be a Dr. Zeus fan - bookowl, 2008-03-21: 15:04:00

Dejectable! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 00:35:00

Gezhundeit!! - Mustang, 2008-03-22: 08:10:00


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Created by: Bobness

Pronunciation: văk’-yōō-ity

Sentence: I needed something from the kitchen, but when I got there, I experienced a complete vacuuity.

Etymology: From the Latin: empty space, from neuter of vacuus and -ity: a state or quality.


Captures the essence of how empty we feel when our memory lapses! Outstanding word. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 21:20:00

Perhaps,it was the vacuum cleaner! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:03:00


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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: leth-AM-byuh-late

Sentence: Yesterday worn out by the aging-process, irresolution and a few too many drops of Irish whiskey, I choose sleep rather than my daily dose of Verbotomy. However, in the middle of the night something - some strange verbotomy voodoo, perhaps, hellbent on wrecking my sleep caused me to open my eyes and sit up, wide awake and listen intently. I thought i could hear a voice, saying "verbotomy, verbotomy, verbotomy!" Soon after I found myself sitting in front of my computer, confused, dumbstruck and disorientated. Not knowing what I had planned to do there, I lethambulated back to bed. Next morning upon telling Roxie of my strange experience, she said, "I think you misheard, it was probably your own mind telling you that you need a lobotomy!"

Etymology: Conflation of LETH:forget, forgetfulness & AMBULATE:to walk.


metrohumanx Hellbenders! Great DEF and thanks for the laughter. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:53:00

HUGE laughs all around the room! - readerwriter, 2009-01-13: 09:09:00

terrific - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-13: 12:06:00

Welcome back. Fun sentence! Fun word! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:10:00


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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: no idea

Sentence: Milton always greeted her with a smile when she came expectantly into the room, but it was clear that her mind had gone blank."i love you" he'd say. "do you knowwhydear?"

Etymology: know why (antonym of no idea)


Perceptive sentence. Ingenious word! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:32:00


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Created by: AetherStar

Pronunciation: SELL-OBLIVion-whISKEY

Sentence: Sarah was cellobliviscing since she forgot why she entered the bathroom. John had a big problem. He entered the shed in complete celloblivisci, and the only reason for being there that he could come up with was 'something to do with the hose'.

Etymology: It's 'cella' (latin for room) plus 'oblivisci' (latin for forget).

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: elsee hym er

Sentence: Elsie found herself giving in more and more to Elseheimer syndrome. At her age, her doctor said it was normal to walk into a room and forget why you went there. But she knew it was worse, when she went to the doctor and forgot why she went there. Next time write a list, he suggested...

Etymology: Else (an alternative, other than what is given or implied) & Alzheimer (most common form of dementia disease, characteristic of forgetting things)

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: loon o trik

Sentence: Margie stopped in the bathroom and looked puzzled. She was having a loonotrick moment again. It was like her mind was playing memory ping pong on her. A memory or thought was bounced back and forth between the awake part of her brain and the one that was fast becoming Sleeping Beauty. She forgot it was midnight and she had to get ready to go to her bed. She had sat at her computer trying to think of a new word for her to verbotomize (or was it lobotomize?) and then she wandered into the loo for some reason. Why did this sound all too familiar? Why is she sitting at this computer again? Do loonotricks coincide with the lunacy of the full moon? Do crazy hookers turn loonotricks?

Etymology: loo (toilet) & lunatic ( foolish, crazy, insane, mad, eccentric) & trick (illusion, to mystify, an attempt to get you to do something foolish or imprudent)


(Perhaps she should skip to the loo a little bit more! Sometimes we think better on the loo ... it seems to help us cut thru the crap!) Superbly Hilarious! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:13:00

love memory ping pong - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:43:00

Very nice - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:09:00


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Created by: Kennecticut

Pronunciation: gofer got

Sentence: I went to the fridge and immeadiately gofergot why I was there



Clever creation. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 21:23:00

Very good! - purpleartichokes, 2008-03-22: 06:40:00


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Created by: moonchild71


Sentence: I'm chalking up my recurrent flusternations to middle-age dementia. Now, where DID I put that toilet paper???


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Created by: Tigger

Pronunciation: /ig-nuh-room-uhs/

Sentence: Heather just stood there, in the kitchen, looking around the room with a vacant expression, experiencing another case of ignoroomus. She'd been standing there for several minutes now, trying to remember what she came in here for, and she realized that she really had to go to the bathroom... which was ironic, since she was just in the bathroom five minutes ago, wondering what she was supposed to be doing there too. Brenda thought about it as she reluctantly returned to the bathroom — she'd recently dyed her hair blonde, and she wondered if her recurring case of ignoroomus was some sort of karmic revenge for all of those blonde jokes she had told over the years. She was so distracted by this thought that, when she entered the bathroom again, she'd forgotten why she was there.

Etymology: blend of; Ignoramus - extremely ignorant person, fool, dunce (from Latin, ignorare "not to know") + room - portion of space within a building (from German, raum "spacious")


Brilliant etymology and blending. A superb creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:52:00

very funny Tigger - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:42:00

Great work; funny,too! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:10:00

Sounds like a case of roomatic fever. - Mustang, 2008-03-23: 05:20:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: tsham bur neee zyah

Sentence: His chambernesia was almost as pronounced as his fathers gumnesia. it was probably just as well that both of his terms of office were over

Etymology: anmesia, chamber

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ˈwɑndɚˌlɑst/

Sentence: After a six-hour drive, I finally pulled into Los Angeles and was immediately struck with a terrifying sense of wanderlost.

Etymology: from wander(lust) + lost


You stuck me on replay with The Wanderer ... "Cause I'm a wanderer yeah the wanderer I roam around around around around around around around 'Cause I'm a wanderer I'm a wanderer." (Dion and the Belmonts old song). Wanderlust is so appealing ... wanderlost is not at all! You did a 180 by removing only one letter! Superb Creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 02:25:00

Captures the moment! - arrrteest, 2008-03-21: 13:30:00

But you'll be fine in the 'city of angels.' Nice word! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:02:00


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Created by: cabu1





Good word! Wish you had given us a pronunciation, sentence and etymology. Did you know you get points for each one of those three ... especially the sentence. Looking forward to seeing more from you. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:35:00


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Created by: Banky

Pronunciation: sub-lim-ak-shun

Sentence: Darlene stared blankly at the receptionist as she entered the hospital, dazed with sudden sublimaction. "What the hell am I doing here?" she silently thought, as she reached to quizzically scratch her head with her bloodied stump of an arm.

Etymology: sublimation - to pass directly from a solid to a gas; action - something that is done; thus, the evolution of a solid purpose into an fleeting notion that melts into the ether


very nice - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:47:00

You write horror stories as well as S Crane! Very astute creation! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 13:30:00

petaj stump - how about sub limb action - petaj, 2008-03-21: 23:49:00

Seems Darlene has been left out on a limb. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:05:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: adl-NEESEya

Sentence: Serenity often experienced frustrating and frightening bouts of addlenesia when she'd set out to look for or retrieve some object in another room or place.

Etymology: blend of 'addle' (to make or become confused) and 'amnesia' (A loss of memory, especially one brought on by some distressing or shocking experience)


metrohumanx Great combination! - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:55:00

ditto - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-13: 12:06:00

the cowgirls used to suffer from saddlenesia! - galwaywegian, 2009-01-13: 13:01:00

And kayakers suffer from paddlenesia and Mounties from straddlenesia! - Nosila, 2009-01-13: 19:51:00

metrohumanx Rattlenesia? - metrohumanx, 2009-01-14: 01:14:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: wändərlôst

Sentence: Jill laughs at her mother when she has a ”senior moment”, forgetting why she went from one room to another to get who knows what. The truth is Jill is wanderlost almost as often as her mom.

Etymology: wander (walk or move in a leisurely, casual, or aimless way) + lost (unable to find one's way)

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: room-nee-zha

Sentence: Sue noticed that after turning 40, episodes of geriantics were occurring more frequently, and roomnesia was most definitely one of them. She clearly remembered tucking the carrot into her cleavage, but had to go mission fishin' when she found herself in the bathroom with it.

Etymology: room, amnesia


Another simple, but effective word. - ErWenn, 2008-03-21: 09:07:00

geriantics could turn into geriantricks - another great definition - Jabberwocky, 2008-03-21: 11:46:00

Carrot in the cleavage and mission fission, then seeing the carrot in her cleavage in the cartoon ... brought lots of laughter! Funtastic! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 13:18:00

The scary part of it is that I was experiencing this much before 40! - arrrteest, 2008-03-21: 13:32:00

I dig roomnesia, but I think I like geriantics even more. I've been looking for a word to describe walking in on my octagenarian parents doing it besides "OHMYGODMYEYES" - Banky, 2008-03-21: 20:31:00

I once claim I had roomnesia - Roxie wouldn't buy it! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:08:00

I'm thinking Sue might also be dealing with a severe case of roomatism. Her roomune system has been compromised. - Mustang, 2008-03-22: 06:56:00


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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Blank-los

Sentence: Sue often suffered blankloss, where she would totally forget why she had enterered a particular room. She put it down to stress but her husband kept telling her it was her age.

Etymology: Blank(not comprehending or reacting) + Loss(the process of losing something, at a loss) = Blankloss

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Created by: CrayonWarrior

Pronunciation: X-Sampa : entrezIteIshVn ent-trez-it-ey-shun

Sentence: Betty was faced with severe entresitation when she couldn't remember what she could possibly want on entering the attic

Etymology: enter - to go inside hesitation - a moment of pause

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: diss-MEM-burr-eee

Sentence: Queen Jane tried to remind herself not to forget to remember something important as she entered the throne room. Just behind her forehead, urgent thoughts rattled around like mexican jumping beans about to hatch.The words "oral hygiene" were on the tip of her tongue, but that wasn't it. It might have something to do with the supersubmicroscopic spider crawling up the tiles, but she just couldn't put her finger on it. Perhaps her medication was causing this DISMEMBORY. Her thoughts drifted through her mind like dust motes in the fluid of her sight. WHAT exactly was she supposed to remember? The 39 Steps ? Queen Jane couldn't even recall where she had mislaid that potato chip. The odd thing was, she could recall the numbers to her combination lock in high school, but not what she did in the kitchen five minutes ago...Perhaps if she re-traced her steps, it would come rushing back to her like a hot kiss at the end of a wet fist. What was it? The McGuffen? Who knows?

Etymology: DISMEMBer+memORY=DISMEMBORY..... DISMEMBER:to break up or tear into pieces, especially brain cells,to cut off or disjoin the limbs, members, or parts of one's profound thoughts; Middle English dismembren, from Anglo-French desmembrer, from des- dis- + membre member.....MEMORY:a particular act of recall or recollection, the power or process of reproducing or recalling what has been learned and sometimes forgotten, especially through associative mechanisms, the store of things learned and retained from an organism's activity or experience as evidenced by modification of structure or behavior or by recall and recognition; Middle English memorie, from Anglo-French memoire, memorie, from Latin memoria, from memor mindful; akin to Old English gemimor well-known, Greek mermēra care, Sanskrit smarati "she remembers".


metrohumanx How far is Winnipeg from Montreal? - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:42:00

metrohumanx Uhhh...I was going to write something clever here, but I forgot what it was. - metrohumanx, 2009-01-13: 07:48:00

cleverness is evading me also but this word is clever enough!! - mweinmann, 2009-01-13: 11:24:00

Immediately upon saying this word, couldn't help but think 'dismembered' memory! Captures the fright in losing the mind! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:04:00

in answer to your question - very far - Jabberwocky, 2009-01-13: 12:07:00

Memories, all alone in the moonlight is nostalgic, but it sounds like a comedy when you sing Dismembories, all alone on a long flight from Winnipeg to Montreal... - Nosila, 2009-01-13: 19:46:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: flush/terd

Sentence: She was completely flushturd as she looked around the bathroom. Was she supposed to let out the bathwater or flush the toilet?

Etymology: flustered + flush + (you know)


Another way to say "Oh S**t! when we forget! Wow! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 11:58:00


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Created by: eddieR


Sentence: I can't remember anything when my enterheimers kicks in.

Etymology: noun. enter + (alz)heimers


Good one. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 21:25:00

Alzam! - OZZIEBOB, 2008-03-22: 01:12:00


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Created by: Biscotti

Pronunciation: ree-krawl-spayse

Sentence: Amber was suffering severe recrawlspace when she went up to the attic to fetch her grandfather's trunk. She went up there, and spotted the trunk because it was the only thing in the entire attic. Then, the recrawlspace started to sink in, and she thought to herself, "What did I come up here to get?" As she put the ladder away, she remembered and felt extremely stupid.

Etymology: Recall (to remember) + crawl space (a very small room or the underside of a house)


Leaves one feeling both a bit hemmed in and a bit spaced out! Blame it on living in the space age! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:46:00

Oops! Spaced out age! Clever! - silveryaspen, 2008-03-21: 01:49:00


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Created by: Northwoodsman





Very appealing creation. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:51:00

Wish you had given us a pronunciation, sentence and etymology. Did you know you get points for each one of those three ... especially the sentence. Looking forward to seeing more from you. - silveryaspen, 2008-03-22: 10:52:00


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Created by: IrishAmerican

Pronunciation: where-iam-nee-zhua

Sentence: "Go get me some chocolate!" my wife screamed. I dashed for the door, desperate to quench her anger and voracious hunger. "Bring me chocolate!" echoed as I lept into my car. However, as soon as I walked through the front door or Walmart, I was struck with whereiamnesia. What was it I was supposed to get? Oh no; not again.


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Created by: jajsr

Pronunciation: Miss-ten-cawl

Sentence: Stacey always had a million things on her mind. She as walked into the bathroom, she had a mistencall and completely why she was there in the first place.

Etymology: Mixture on "Mis" - opposite or lack; "tend" from intend - to direct the mind on; and "call" from recall - to bring back to mind.


Evokes the feeling of mists (misseds) clouding the mind! Has great originality! - silveryaspen, 2009-01-13: 12:29:00


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Created by: Saylor


Sentence: She strode into the room, sure of her purpose but not even a foot past the threshold, locoblivation came upon her.

Etymology: locus, Latin: place obliviscor, Latin: forget location-related amnesia

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by Jamagra. Thank you Jamagra. ~ James

arrrteest - 2008-03-21: 01:10:00
Been there many a time. It is weird when it happens when you're driving.

silveryaspen - 2008-03-21: 02:04:00
Whysly done, you Whys ones, Jamagra and James! (big silly grin/wink)

ErWenn - 2008-03-21: 02:06:00
Now this is a concept that genuinely needs a good word.

Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 02:27:00
James! How did you know about my harvest gold toilet?!

Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 02:32:00
James! How did you know about my harvest gold toilet?!

Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 02:34:00
Ack. Sorry about the deux referring to the loo.

purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 05:30:00
I'm curious as to why there's a carrot in her cleavage. Perhaps she was going there to eat it?

stache - 2008-03-21: 09:08:00
looks like a band-aid to me. great toon in any event. captures the feeling to a tee. and I should know.

purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 12:19:00
BTW, lovely toilet jamagra, but you really should remove the band-aid/carrot before you pose for pictures with it.

silveryaspen - 2008-03-21: 13:20:00
Brings a whole new meaning to the expression carrot top!

stache - 2008-03-21: 13:57:00
On third look I think it's merely an alluring peek at the d'ecolletage. Or else her bra is showing.

doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:19:00
I don't think the foreign object is her decollete, stache. I think it may be a partially-developed conjoined twin. More to the point, I'm pretty sure I know why she went into the WC: She was trying to find a "W".

Jamagra - 2008-03-21: 14:22:00
The band-aided carrot in the cleavage is sort of an Easter tradition at my house. Don't ask. heh.

stache - 2008-03-21: 14:25:00
mmmmmm. band-aids and carrots.

stache - 2008-03-21: 14:26:00
mmmmmmmm. partially-developed conjoined twins.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 14:31:00
I think it's a carrot, a d'ecolletaged carrot. I thought it'd be better to use a carrot rather than a stick. Besides the stick is Jamagra's harvest gold toilet. ~ James

stache - 2008-03-21: 14:35:00
mmmmmmmm. partially-developed conjoined twins.

doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:43:00
See, that's the problem with this world. There are plenty of religious holidays that feature band-aided carrots, but not a single one that features partially-developed conjoined twins. If that's not descrimination, I don't know what is. I mean, who speaks for them? Besides the fully-developed twins to which they are joined, that is.

doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:47:00

doseydotes - 2008-03-21: 14:47:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 14:51:00
I think the conjoined twins problem is replicating itself. I will fix this, one moment please... ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 15:06:00
There I fixed it. And I added safety valve which will prevent accidental repeat flushing -- oops I mean posting. ~ James

purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 18:45:00
Ah, sounds like a Kohler. Whooooosh! I dunno Jamagra, I think I'd remove that injured carrot before the Easter Buny comes sniffin' around. But then again...

purpleartichokes - 2008-03-21: 20:11:00
BTW James, great toon! Actually laughed out loud at this one, and the one a few days ago, but I forget what it was. Um, I took a trip to toonesia?

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2008-03-21: 22:44:00
Thanks Purple! Perhaps the carrot catered to an obsession with vegetables? ~ James

Nosila - 2008-03-21: 23:59:00
Hello? It's Easter. Of course you'd place a carrot there to ensure the Easter Bunny might bring you something...DUH! Lettuce cornsider what would turnip with a bean there, done that attitude; a higher celery;frequent leeks; a Satsquash; and pepper that with the BEETles; Italian Scallions; and I'd haqve been on Okra Winfrey!

purpleartichokes - 2008-03-23: 20:09:00
HA! Lovely comment to endive the weekend!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2010-05-28: 00:03:00
Today's definition was suggested by Jamagra. Thank you Jamagra. ~ James

DonaldHatry - 2018-05-29: 04:11:00 Серебряный возраст Санаторий Знание