Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To eat your favorite food, not because you are hungry, but because you are feeling sad or lonely. n. Food which is eaten to satisfy emotional cravings.
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Created by: artr
Pronunciation: soōðē
Sentence: Marcia wears her heart on her sleeve. This means that all too often she has that heart broken, or at least damaged. Whenever this happens she goes to her coping plan. Though she uses food to comfort herself, she works hard to keep it healthy. To make herself feel better, she will prepare a fruit soothey. She makes a point of using exotic fruits or fruits that are out of season to give herself a sense of importance. It usually just makes her feel broke.
Etymology: soothe (relieve or ease pain) + smoothie (a thick, smooth drink of fresh fruit puréed with milk, yogurt, or ice cream)
Good word! - splendiction, 2009-09-29: 23:03:00
Created by: RainbowView
Pronunciation: it mo' shun
Sentence: Eatmotion occurs where one eats more to shun emotional turmoil, using food to expand the stomach in order to put pressure on the hole in their heart, in hope that it might stop the bleeding.
Etymology: eat + emotion, eat + more + shun, eat + motion
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: crynj
Sentence: Whenever Donald was depressed, worried or feeling rejection he would crynge on his favorite cereal, Sugar Pops, until his mood improved.
Etymology: Blend of 'cry' and 'binge' ("v. to have a binge: to binge on junk food")
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: korn so lay shun
Sentence: Kernel Bran Dunne was so upset after his girlfriend Maizy dumped him that he went AWOL. At his home, he sought cornsolation in eating ten bowls of corn flakes. When the MP's found him, after he made a gluten of himself, they rushed him to the infirmary. Luckily, the medics were able to save him. Hominy was restored and another senseless cereal killing was avoided!
Etymology: Corn (ears of corn grown for human food; tall annual cereal grass bearing kernels on large ears: widely cultivated in America in many varieties; the principal cereal in American breakfast foods. & Consolation (the comfort/relief you feel when consoled in times of disappointment)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: boor-mey
Sentence: Alan doesn't handle the mundane or monotonous well. When he is bored he eats and eats well. No bag of chips for him. When life seems tedious, it's caviar or truffles to make him feel better. Alan's friends refer to him as a boremet.
Etymology: bore (to weary by dullness, tedious repetition) + gourmet (connoisseur of fine food and drink; epicure)
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: mood tree ents
Sentence: Tony consumes moodtrients when dealing with emotional issues. His favourite moodtrition was found in bowls and bowls of cereal. Each mood was reflected in the cereal choice: Lucky Charms when he lost at poker; Cheerios when he was dumping someone;Froot Loops when he felt a little crazy;Alpha-Bits when he felt like spelling;Chex when his bounced;Quaker Oats when he felt like sowing his and Trix when he felt the need to visit the local ladies of the evening.
Etymology: Mood (a characteristic (habitual or relatively temporary) state of feeling;the prevailing psychological state) & Nutrients (any substance that can be metabolized by an organism to give energy & build tissue;of or providing nourishment; food)
Funny! - splendiction, 2009-09-29: 23:06:00
Created by: libertybelle
Pronunciation: eet-moe-shun-al
Sentence: Something about the Grammys makes me very eatmotional. Why else would I sit there sobbing and polish off a whole bag of Oreos.
Etymology: Eat + Emotional
Created by: chercherlalun
Pronunciation: calorie-crutch
Sentence: to get me through a tough spell I used Ben and Jerry's ice cream as a caloriecrutch
Etymology: from the latin word calorie meaning to stuff one's face.
Created by: tealismyname
Pronunciation: Gor-gul-flop
Sentence: I found a seagull and named it GORGLEFLOP!
Etymology: Random cool word my sister, PIper made up!!!!
Best word ever! - tealismyname, 2007-03-12: 18:24:00
Osomatic - 2007-03-12: 13:34:00
Oooh! I was trying to think of something for Prozac, and nothing came to mind. Well done!