Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: v. To suddenly discover that your most troublesome personality defect, for which you have been taking medication and/or therapy, is actually your greatest asset. n. A perceived weakness which is actually a strength.
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Created by: Msumida
Pronunciation: Replace the w in worse with bl.
Etymology: Combination of "blessing" and "curse" from the the saying, "It's a blessing and a curse."
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˈɹɛdˌnoʊz/
Sentence: Sadly, while the fact that his face and voice were incapable of expressing emotion was an impressive rednose during the poker tournament, he still couldn't get a date.
Etymology: As in Rudolph the reindeer's shiny red nose
Created by: splendiction
Pronunciation: IM pair might
Sentence: Beatta shrieked excitedly, “you mean I can keep everything as clean as I want? Including my hands?” Her impairment would become her impairmight, as long as she agreed to wear gloves.
Etymology: From: impairment and might.
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: dum-skil
Sentence: In person, everyone thought Annie was a complete numskull. She was always chattering about whatever was on her mind, which was not too much. (She had the attention span of a gnat, and an addiction to celebrity gossip.) It was a dumbskill that she made the most of on twitter, where she had 1000 followers.
Etymology: dumbskull + skill
They say, in order to 'keep ahead of the game' and 'to remain relevent in the workplace' workers should dumbskill every 5 years. - scrabbelicious, 2009-07-31: 11:41:00
The dumber the better... - jrogan, 2009-07-31: 12:35:00
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: han-dee-capp
Etymology: handy, handicap
Very apt and capped a good day's verboting. - scrabbelicious, 2009-07-31: 15:22:00
Nice Flo to it! - scrabbelicious, 2009-07-31: 15:24:00
Created by: remistram
Pronunciation: bo-nuss-nerr-os-iss
Sentence: Viv discovered that her bonusneurosis actually enhanced her standing in the company....numbering all the photocopy paper saved the office money, which in turn led to her promotion.
Etymology: bonus (as in free gift, or reward) + neurosis (a relatively mild personality disorder typified by excessive anxiety or indecision and a degree of social or interpersonal maladjustment)
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: em-foy-bull
Sentence: "Eureklutz!" Ted exclaimed, as he landed that nifty job as a baggage handler. He had become emfoible.
Etymology: employable, foible
Created by: Lapper
Pronunciation: pro-FEKT-ihv
Sentence: John was found to be quite profective when his lack of heart permitted him to be one of the country's top assassins.
Etymology: The prefix "pro-" and "defective".
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: loo na tik awl the rite bok ses
Sentence: She managed to lunatickalltherightboxes despite the rather stained resumé
Etymology: lunatic tick all the right boxes

chris - 2006-12-04: 07:56:00
great sentence, babel
babel - 2006-12-04: 12:28:00
thanks chris!
wordmeister - 2006-12-04: 14:12:00
Hey Babel, Your word is good too! This is a tough one. I am thinking... Maybe I think too much... Maybe that's my weakness...
babel - 2006-12-04: 16:27:00
Yeah, this one was a toughie...
This is a Verbotomy Classic -- one of our favorites from the past. If you have already created a word for this definition, and want to try a new challenge try our new Verbotomy Text. ~ James
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-25: 11:55:00
Hey James, the Show All view doesn't show all. I like the Daily Stats better.
purpleartichokes - 2007-06-25: 12:04:00
Points aren't working either. I got 8. Did a word, pronunciation, etymology, and voted.
Show all is working now. I'm working on the scoring. ~ James
The score is now updated properly ~ James
wordmeister - 2007-06-29: 00:39:00
jrogan - 2009-07-31: 10:16:00
It was hard to write a sentence for this one...