Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To be angry and disappointed (and secretly embarrassed) when your children grow up to make the same foolish mistakes that you did. n. The emotion parents feel when they see their children make the same mistakes they did.
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Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: bay/bee/blu/per
Sentence: The child of a baby boomer often ends up as a babyblooper, making the same mistakes as his or her parents over and over again
Etymology: baby boomer + blooper
Created by: chofu67
Pronunciation: kin tane ted
Sentence: Chester was nearly morose when he realized that his son was kintainted and would never amount to more than a chip off the old block.
Etymology: kin + tainted
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: pah-RENT-la-ment
Sentence: Randy and Sandy are typical parents who share with each other a great deal of parentlament when their kids ignore good advice and make the same mistakes they themselves made as teens.
Etymology: Blend of 'parent' (a father or mother) and 'lament' (a passionate expression of grief or sorrow)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: pissd/off/spr/ing
Sentence: Their pissedoffspring were a constant source of anger and disappointment
Etymology: pissed off + offspring
springs eternal i guess... - wordmeister, 2007-01-17: 23:58:00
Created by: Javeson1
Pronunciation: slap-sz'd
Sentence: Sadly, many parents are slapsed by their children these days.
Etymology: slapped + elapsed (as in, time elapsed since you were a child)
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /'ped-is-"grAs/
Sentence: "Big" Tony Goldblatt was pedisgraced to see his daughter follow in his footsteps and become a hitperson.
Etymology: From pedigree + disgrace
Created by: PolishedAmethyst
Sentence: Gwen isn't going to be at the party tonight, there was an minor offlapse in the family and she needs to take care of it.
Etymology: Offspring, relapse
Created by: Carla
Pronunciation: air-roh-nee-us
Sentence: Like his father, and his father's father before him, Tim heirroneously believed money could buy him happiness.
Etymology: heir + erroneous (containing or derived from error)
Created by: hyperborean
Pronunciation: err-ehd-ih-tee
Sentence: When Sandra insisted she really, really loved the drop-out slacker, her Mom remembered meeting Sandra's Dad for the first time, shrugged, and chalked it up to erredity.
Etymology: err (make an error) + heredity (characteristics transmitted genetically
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: pro-cree-gret
Sentence: When her son was arrested for sexually assaulting the school's goat mascot, Sue precregretted that drunken night sixteen years ago in the back of whats-his-name's car.
Etymology: procreate,regret