Vote for the best verboticism.

DEFINITION: n. A psychological dependency on electronic messaging which often leads to compulsive emailing, even among people who are sitting inches apart. v. To email, twitter, or text compulsively.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: ErWenn
Pronunciation: /ˌeɪˈʊlʒʌn/
Sentence: His AIMpulsion had entered into a dangerously advanced stage, and when his girlfriend responded to his IM by tapping him on the shoulder, he nearly had a heart attack.
Etymology: From AIM (AOL Instant Messenger) + compulsion
Created by: Windyo
Pronunciation: di/pun/mail
Sentence: He is a depenmail... just look at him typing!
Etymology: Dependece + email. For an obscure reason it made me think of "lolicon" so i put it as a noun even though i wanted to put it as a verb...
Created by: Alchemist
Pronunciation: ahb-SEHS-e-male
Sentence: Between Rhonda's chipped fingernails and Bret's carpal tunnel, you'd think they'd start arguing in person, and give up the obsessemail war. After all, they share an efficiency apartment.
Etymology: obsess + email
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: kw3rti-cate
Sentence: Ashley, Meghan and Tiffany would qwertycate with each other for hours, even if they were sitting in the same room together, at the movies or in school. When they began to text instead of speak, their parents and teachers worried that they were losing the ability to express themselves in speech, except for an occasional "whatever" when questioned by an adult. Doctors are becoming concerned that qwertycation can become a powerful addiction with teenagers, young adults and those parents who have learned how to text by their kids who constantly hunt them down via the phone to ask stupid questions.
Etymology: qwerty: a computer keyboard. Named for the first six letters on the left hand of a standard English typewriting keyboard, it is the name adopted for miniature keyboards used in texting devices such as phones. + communicate: exchange ideas or information
Created by: Shellbow
Pronunciation: teks-TAW-path-ee
Sentence: He suffered so severely from textopathy that the joints in both of his thumbs were permanently inflamed.
Etymology: Text (to send text messages) + pathy (a disease of, or abnormality)
This is much better for me than watching reruns of The Big Bang Theory. - Shellbow, 2013-11-01: 23:18:00
Created by: catgrin
Pronunciation: nee-dee-meyl
Sentence: Jackie's neeymailing issue had gotten her Blackberry taken away and a free trip to the principal's office. Twitching her fingers, she now sat outside.
this is good - wordmeister, 2007-03-22: 16:00:00
Created by: jedijawa
Pronunciation: DIH-je-mute
Sentence: Linda was a classic digimute - often emailing her office partner questions that she could just as easily ask by looking across the room and speaking.
Etymology: digi (digital) + mute (unable to speak)
Created by: lalaland6868
Pronunciation: Teck-Ah-Dick-shun
Sentence: Techaddiction is feared by most because it is believed to be taking over the next generation.
Etymology: Tech-technology Addiction- a strong attraction to.
Created by: BMott
Pronunciation: Im-aholic
Sentence: Her boyfriend was in the chair three feet away, but rather than talk, she sent IM's. He responded via IM, "Your an Imaholic!"
Etymology: IM: short for instant messaging. -- holic: from Alcoholic, indicating dependency.
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: mac + hooked
Sentence: They were so machooked that they would chat on and on without ever saying a word to each other, despite being in the same room.
Etymology: You've heard of a Macbook, right? Right.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: kom myoon ick ad dikt shun
Sentence: Byron had a communicaddiction and was never seen without being glued to a computer, blackberry ot other latest device to contact other humans. The main problem with this communicaddiction, was that Byron could not communicate verbally in person with other humans. Without the crutches of modern technology, he was powerless to transmit his emotions and develop real relationships. He was not alone in his dependency. We know that the early pioneers of e-mail, only developed it so that a person could send a joke to a co-worker only inches away in the same room, on company time...
Etymology: Communicate ( transmit thoughts or feelings or information;be in contact; interchange information or ideas) & Addiction (being abnormally tolerant to and dependent on something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming)
Created by: gamurray121
Pronunciation: Impulsive-email-ing
Created by: bettyann9
Pronunciation: Eye-em-brane-ose-is
Sentence: Overuse of Yahoo messenger can lead to severe eyembrainosis. The only known treatment is removal from the computer area and forced conversation with strangers in line at the supermarket.
Etymology: IM (instant messaging)+ brain (brain) + osis (a diseased or abnormal condition)
Created by: paintergrl1313
Sentence: Did you get my message? Stop obsessamessage-ing it.
Etymology: obsessive messageing
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ooo win fat you ay shun
Sentence: "this wwwinfatuation is getting out of hand" as he fished the palmtop out of the toilet bowl, complete with its waterproof cover which he had designed after the last incident.
Etymology: www, infatuation
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ee-dik-shuhn
Sentence: Ronnie's eddiction is so bad that he has to email himself reminders to eat meals or shower. He even bought a waterproof housing for his phone so he won't miss any incoming texts.
Etymology: e (electronic) + addiction (the state of being enslaved to a habit or practice or to something that is psychologically or physically habit-forming, as narcotics, to such an extent that its cessation causes severe trauma)
Created by: mickey666
Pronunciation: ee-ma-shon
Sentence: Well, you have to become part of the office culture, of course, if you want to achieve emation
Etymology: e = (abbr) electronic mail. mation = the process of making friends
Created by: Ahmad
Pronunciation: el-mis-ne-ac
Sentence: He is always busy with sending emails and messages to his buddies , he seems a real elemesniac.
Etymology: ele = electronic , mes = messaging , niac = maniac
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: e-mit-tel
Sentence: I started to emittle a little, then I started to emittle a lot. My girlfriend doesn't like much...
Etymology: emit+email
Created by: sonic101
Pronunciation: text-a-hol-ic
Sentence: James is such a textaholic, he emails his order at Starbucks while standing in line.
Created by: Koekbroer
Pronunciation: ass-kee-may-nee-ya
Sentence: "Doug just emailed his dog explaining that he couldn't get the usual chow. I think he has asciimania."
Etymology: ASCII (American Standard Code for Information Interchange), the text encoding system used in computers and communication; + mania
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: need/ee
Sentence: The pair was so needee that they both continued to email after several bouts of carpal tunnel surgery
Etymology: Need (addiction) + e (email)
Created by: quippingqueen
Pronunciation: bot/i/tis
Sentence: BOTitis, (better known as a digital disconnect between the brain and the fingers), may be responsible for her clueless condition; on the other hand, he had to admit that maybe he wasn't al2gethR there either.
Etymology: BOT: text messaging acronym meaning "Back On Track" + itis (indicating a disorder or disease)
Created by: toralora
Pronunciation: ee/ma/ladd/ee
Sentence: He has a classic case of emalady. He 'emaladresses' his sister whilst in the same room as her.
Etymology: Email + Malady ( = a disease / a disorder).
I also came up with "emaladress" from Email + maladdress (=Bad address; an awkward, tactless or offensive way of accosting one or talking with one). - toralora, 2007-03-06: 00:33:00
yes indeedy, ma'lady... - Alchemist, 2007-03-06: 08:18:00
Aw geez. I'm really having an off day. I just now got Alchemist's remark. I must have been visited by a doltergeist. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-06: 18:37:00
Great one! - BMott, 2007-03-09: 00:02:00
Created by: purpleartichokes
Pronunciation: ee-lec-bon-ix
Sentence: Bob had an addydiction and spoke only in elecbonics, so by the time he could e-mail his coworkers that he "did believe he was experiencing an acute myocardial infarction," it was too late.
Etymology: electronic, ebonics
it actually sounds like a malady - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-06: 10:17:00
Hmmmm.... let me see if I can change it. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-06: 11:29:00
that's a good word too - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-06: 13:41:00
Created by: urbanwookie
Pronunciation: im-puhl-shun
Sentence: Chad felt IMpelled to MSN his colleagues to check who wanted the window open.
Etymology: IM (Instant Messaging) + compulsion
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: e-dict-shun
Sentence: My boss's eddiction is even worse since he got his crackberry, now when we talk about Blackberry and Apple crumble he thinks there's been a collapse in the computer industry.
Etymology: addiction (physical dependence) + e (short for electronic)
great sentence - fantastic word - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-06: 10:15:00
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: e/nal
Sentence: To cover his ass and reassure himself he has told everybody everything he should and covered all his bases, my boss e-mails everything instead of speaking any more. He's totally enal.
Etymology: e-mail + anal
nice. - galwaywegian, 2007-03-06: 07:05:00
good one - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-06: 10:16:00
short, sweet and clear. here's my vote. - w5lf9s, 2007-03-06: 13:08:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: θəmyoōnəkāt
Sentence: Qwerty can only thumbunicate with the rest of the world via his Crackberry from his home deep in the heart of Textus.
Etymology: thumb (the short, thick first digit of the human hand, set lower and apart from the other four and opposable to them) + communicate (share or exchange information, news, or ideas)
:) - galwaywegian, 2009-09-23: 12:14:00
Created by: Javeson1
Pronunciation: eego-male
Sentence: Please! Don't feed the egomails! Use your voice!
Etymology: email+ego (which you are feeding by doing this...)
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: tweet - freek
Sentence: When I met Elijah, I knew there was something different about him. He seemed to be mute. If I asked him a question, he would smile and type. By the time I walked away, I had the answer on my Blackberry. Elijah had become a tweetfreak; he had apparantly decided he would rather twitter than talk.
Etymology: tweet (Twitter is a free social networking and micro-blogging service that enables its users to send and read other users' updates known as tweets), freak (addict: someone who is so ardently devoted to something that it resembles an addiction)
Created by: porsche
Pronunciation: lap/top/luv
Sentence: Laptoplove is a marriage made in cyber space
Etymology: lap top + love
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ee dik shun
Sentence: Best pals Joanie and Charlie had such an ediction to their computers, they barely spoke to one another. Most of their communication was through their e-mails, texts and twitters. They did not even think it odd that they paid so much for their on-line chats, which they could do for free in person. This e-pulsive e-havior and e-diction was one of the e-vils of the e-lectronic e-ra, e-pparently!
Etymology: e-electronic;addiction (compulsion; habit-forming;psychological necessity)
e-gad - galwaywegian, 2011-02-07: 10:20:00
Created by: w5lf9s
Sentence: He hasn't left his desk for days - probably has a new girl e-friend. He seems completely enemoured.
Etymology: enamored + e-anything
Created by: iwasatripwire
Sentence: I don't mind my cybereliance--it means I don't have to hear my roommate's voice anymore.
Etymology: cyber + reliance (duh)
Created by: Jabberwocky
Pronunciation: con/sen/shu/al/ste/xt
Sentence: Texting constantly is quite alright as long as it's consensualstext.
Etymology: consensual sex + text
textsational! - Nosila, 2011-02-08: 00:38:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: fənatitekstng
Sentence: William’s mother is glad she took the protection plan when she bought his phone. He has worn out numerous models fanatitexting his friends for hours at a time. He usually wears the printed letters off of the keypad shortly before the overheated electronics literally blow up.
Etymology: fanatic (a person filled with excessive and single-minded zeal) + texting (an electronic communication sent and received by cellular phone)
Created by: tommyboy
Pronunciation: teks-eh-ken
Sentence: her over-dependency on facebook practically grants her texican citizenship.
Etymology: hmm
Bueno! - Nosila, 2009-09-24: 01:32:00
Created by: Mustang
Pronunciation: net-werk-EYE-tis
Sentence: Gilbert has long been suffering from networkitis, a psychological condition that can only be relieved by near constant networking with others thru emails, text messaging, twitter, Facebook, chats and instant messaging. The prognosis is not good.
Etymology: Based on the word 'network' (v. to connect with others on line) with the addition of the suffix -itis ( denoting abnormal states or conditions, excesses, tendencies, obsessions)
Created by: abrakadeborah
Pronunciation: Com-pul-so-type
Sentence: Tony Twitterbug would rather compulsotype to ask Netty Texti to go out with him to have coffee.
Etymology: Compulso slang for "Compulsion"; an irresistible persistent impulse to perform an act. Type; a person or thing.
Created by: Discoveria
Pronunciation: High-purr-in-box-sia
Sentence: Michael's hyperinboxia was finally cured by an ingenious psychiatrist who happened to be an excellent hacker and virus programmer.
Etymology: Hyper + inbox + hyperoxia. Hyper: too much. Inbox: where emails go. Hyperoxia: high oxygen concentration in the blood, causes euphoria.
very clever - petaj, 2007-03-07: 03:17:00
Good one - BMott, 2007-03-09: 00:00:00
Created by: toadstool57
Pronunciation: E-fAle-dIa-log-in
Sentence: Seems Jill can't communicate in person. The problem is, her computer is at the repair shop. Jill is experiencing efaildialogin and can't communicate at all.
Etymology: email/fail/dialogue/log in
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: por tal itee
Sentence: Sedgewick just knew that only working on a computer with no fresh air, exercise or proper nutrition would eventually lead to his portality. Inez knew it too, but she faithfully stayed by his side, day after day, exchanging texts and e-mails, knowing that their love was Sympatiromeo and Yahooliet.
Etymology: Portal (a site that the owner positions as an entrance to other sites on the internet) & Mortality (the quality or state of being mortal;susceptibility to death)
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: E-mail ad ee
Sentence: You could watch Carol and Emma from accross the office constantly in a situation of Emailady, unable to even say a word but still talking through their email.
Etymology: from email and malady
Created by: lauramy
Pronunciation: in-stan-i-tee
Sentence: When I was first diagnosed with instantity, I couldn't wait to email the guy next to me all about it.
Etymology: instant + insanity
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: kom puhlll shun
Sentence: Harry the commpulsive comms wizard told his fluffy white owl his message carrying services would no longer be required since the arrival of twitter. Twitt? to who? his feathered ex-friend hooted
Etymology: communications, compulsion
What a hoot...owl like it! - Nosila, 2009-09-23: 10:36:00
Created by: swallowedbyafish
Sentence: The boy suffered from severe emainia, which was not too uncommon among his generation.
Etymology: email + mainia
Created by: rikboyee
Pronunciation: dot-com-poll-siv
Sentence: when he realised that pressing send/receive had become the most exciting part of his day, he knew he was dotcompulsive
Etymology: dot com, compulsive
textraordinary! got my vote - galwaywegian, 2007-03-06: 05:10:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: soe ssssyla noht wer king
Sentence: The office was a hub of socialnotworking, but redundency soon stopped the twitting.
Etymology: social networking not working
good one - Nosila, 2011-02-08: 00:28:00

Today's definition was suggested by Antimus.
Thank you Antimus! ~ James
Osomatic - 2007-03-09: 17:48:00
You know what's creepy that I didn't notice before now? The guy in this cartoon kinda looks like me.
Osomatic - 2007-03-09: 17:48:00
Today's definition was suggested by Antimus. Thank you Antimus. ~ James
Glad to see that everyone is talking with their fingers! Jasper Fforde certainly does it. And I was at a talk last night by August de los Reyes, creative director at Microsoft Surface, where they are designing a touch interface for the next generation computers. He says we are moving closer and closer to immateriality. I think that means fiction is becoming reality. That's we need people like Thursday Next -- Special Operatives in Jurisfiction -- to keep the story straight. ~ James