Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: v. To assess an individual's current mental state, or identify hidden personality traits, through careful analysis of their hairstyle. n. A method of psychoanalysis based hairdos and don'ts.
Click on each verboticism to read the sentences created by the Verbotomy writers, and to see your voting options...
You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: mdschermer
Pronunciation: GROOM-rea-ding
Sentence: After some careful groomreading, I have decided that you must be one confused individual and are not just having a bad hair day.
Etymology: to groom + to read
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: kair - ak - tare - ize
Sentence: Lisette had beautiful hair so Phil tended to characthairize her as pleasant, organized and ethical. He believed that Mona was unintelligent and lacking in manners because of her wild and unkept hair. In fact, his hairsessments were erroneous because; of the two women, Mona was the one with integrity, intelligence and loyalty.
Etymology: characterize (describe or portray the character or the qualities or peculiarities of), hair
Created by: Kevcom2007
Pronunciation: hair/ed/it/ee
Sentence: Her hairedity is terrible today!
Etymology: Hair + (Her)edity
Created by: exmugger
Pronunciation: hair-ra-thought
Sentence: Can you guys please hairathought for her? she isnt feeling too well today! cant you see?
Etymology: Spare a thought. now, Hairathought!
Created by: jrogan
Pronunciation: not-tee-pah-theh-tik
Sentence: Roger figured he'd use his knottipathetic skills to get ahead at work. (He learned all about it on the internet during knotworking breaks.) But when he misdiagnosed his boss's bed-head as a subliminal invitation to get kinky, he ended up losing more than his hair.
Etymology: knot + pathy
Created by: Fleury
Pronunciation: HAIR-oh
Sentence: Your Hairot Card reading says "something wicked this way comes"
Etymology: hair + tarot
Created by: mrskellyscl
Pronunciation: hair-pin-yun
Sentence: It was everyone's hairpinion that Martha's constant hairstyle changes reflected her moods. If she was having a good day her hair looked well groomed, but if she had a fight with her boyfriend she looked pretty ratty.
Etymology: hair + hairpin: a little metal thing which is used to keep hair out of one's face + opinion: a conclusion that was based on belief instead of concrete facts.
A neat and stylish word. I bet your hair looks good today! - jrogan, 2009-07-30: 09:06:00
chris - 2006-12-01: 11:32:00
I like 'coiffology'.....
wordmeister - 2006-12-01: 11:49:00
I like hairballogy, but then again I created it. I guess it's lucky we can't vote for our own words...
Verbotomy - 2006-12-01: 12:40:00
Due to popular demand we are changing the voting and scoring rules. Here is how the new setup works:
1. Voting: Each player gets two "plus" Votes (Against votes have been eliminated.)
2. Creativity Points: You get 4 points for creating a word, 4 points for creating a sentence, plus 1 point each for the pronunciation and etymology.
3. Voting Points: Each vote counts for 3 points
NOTE 1: Let us know what you think about this...
NOTE 2: We have made the changes but it may have unintended consequences. Let us know if anything screws up...
chris - 2006-12-01: 13:01:00
...good of you to be so objective about things, wordmeister :)
Jabberwocky - 2006-12-01: 13:42:00
I like it alot - sometimes the sentences are better than the words. This will encourage all of us with fragile egos
wordmeister - 2006-12-01: 13:54:00
Check out the revised player standing -- chris and Jabberwocky are neck and neck. This could get vicious! Oh wait... They removed the negative voting. Dang!
ChrisCarrk - 2006-12-01: 15:57:00
it seems menthairity is a really funny word, rock on!
wordmeister - 2006-12-01: 23:39:00
Hey Bjorn, Nice one with 'Salonalysis'. It's from different angle...
splendiction - 2009-07-30: 23:21:00
yes, and Mona (Lisa) has that mysterious smile, too! Excellent word
artipt - 2018-12-03: 19:28:00
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