Vote for the best verboticism.

'Honey, are you awake?'

DEFINITION: n. An idea that pops into your head just before you fall asleep, which is so big and brilliant, or else so dark and scary, that it keeps you awake all night long. v. To lie awake in bed with a head full of big dreams.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: in som nee a ha

Sentence: It's like Wayne's brain was frozen all day, but when he did get brilliant ideas, it was just before he was getting ready to sleep. Then he would get his insomniaha moment. He finally learned to write these brain revolutions down, as inevitably he would be so tired the next day that he would forget his inspirations. That's when he would get amnesiaohnooooo!

Etymology: Insomnia (an inability to sleep) & Aha (expression used to describe triumph, surprise or "I get it!")

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Created by: timmy

Pronunciation: I dem ic

Sentence: I have an idemic idea!


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: think som neeya

Sentence: Apparently he was too busy or preoccupied to think during his busy day, but Joe Einstein got his best ideas at night just before or after he went to sleep and ended up thinking of all the possibilies/obstructions/refinements to his ideas all night. To the point he could not get to sleep. He had thinksomnia real bad and it was only when he actually committed these ideas to paper while he was "on" that he remembered enough of them in the morning to put them in motion. But this meant turning on a light, writing for hours and keeping his wife Mona awake, too. It was not until he had another bright idea one night that she approved of his nocturnal brilliance. He invented a sleeprecorder and told it all his ideas as he got them, so that he could replay in the morning and capitalize on his great ideas!

Etymology: Think (ideas;imagine;visualize;an instance of deliberate thinking) & Insomnia (an inability to sleep; chronic sleeplessness)

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: in som nee a ha

Sentence: It's like Wayne's brain was frozen all day, but when he did get brilliant ideas, it was just before he was getting ready to sleep. Then he would get his insomniaha moment. He finally learned to write these brain revolutions down, as inevitably he would be so tired the next day that he would forget his inspirations. That's when he would get amnesiaohnooooo!

Etymology: Insomnia (an inability to sleep) & Aha (expression used to describe triumph, surprise or "I get it!")

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: eyes/wyde/open/ur

Sentence: Just as I was falling asleep I was struck with an eyeswideopener, one of those ridiculous brainstorms that fade with the morning light, unlike my eyes which remain red all week

Etymology: eye opener (shocking revelation) + wide open

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: i - dreem - ee - ah

Sentence: Susanna had a brilliant idreamea last night. She thought of new strategies and ideas which came to her in an awake but dreamlike state.....borne out of exhaustion from not sleeping. This must be what happens when you are on the edge of insanity she thought.

Etymology: idea, dream


dreamy word - Nosila, 2009-10-27: 01:34:00


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Created by: Koekbroer

Pronunciation: snooz-flash

Sentence: Rachel was just about to drop off when she had a sudden snoozeflash which woke her up and sent her mind racing for the rest of the night.

Etymology: "snooze", as in sleep and "flash" from "newsflash"

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Created by: libertybelle

Pronunciation: coj-ee-wake

Sentence: Instead of getting the much needed slumber before her big trial, Bianca spent the night cogiwaking about the prospect of spending the next ten years behind bars. Too tired to testify her defense well, poor Bianca was ultimately sentenced to life.

Etymology: cogitate + awake

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Created by: rebelvin

Pronunciation: WISE+AWAKE

Sentence: After working all day, I finally thought of the solution so perfect it kept me wiseawake all night.

Etymology: WISE+AWAKE


Now why didn't I think of that one! Perfect! - lumina, 2008-06-21: 10:25:00

Good word - OZZIEBOB, 2008-06-21: 19:36:00


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Created by: PythianHabenero

Pronunciation: in-som-ni-pi-fa-nee

Sentence: Annette suffered an insomnipiphany and was unable to sleep the rest of the night.

Etymology: insomnia + epiphany

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-09: 00:03:00
Thank you to Dan Pink for sponsoring this week's Right-Brain Verbotomy Contest and creativity prize. ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-09: 11:29:00
What happened last week? Read Verbotoweek! A look back at last week's wickedest words and funniest comments... Edited by "Weeklink", one of our top players who from some reason, perhaps self-preservation, prefers to remain anonymous! See: Verbotoweek in the Verbotomy Blog.

Bulletchewer - 2007-04-09: 15:52:00
Wonder if this happened to Thomas Edison. Oh, and in a related piece of propaganda, vote for Wordmeister's "Nightbulb"! PS Great (if slightly embarrassing) blog!

wordmeister - 2007-04-09: 18:04:00
Hey Bulletchewer, Thanks for the vote of support! I guess I managed to skip through my own premonstermare without getting trampled...

Bulletchewer - 2007-04-09: 18:37:00
Just wondering if anyone else is ineligible for this week's contest. Who's up for a Sir Geoffrey?

toadstool57 - 2007-04-09: 21:34:00
James - cool that you spotlighted CFLs.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-04-10: 00:07:00
Thanks toadstool57. We're just trying to create some environmentally friendly ideas. ~ James

OZZIEBOB - 2008-06-21: 19:35:00

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-10-26: 02:14:00
Today's definition was suggested by wordmeister. Thank you wordmeister. ~ James