Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A condition where you get so distracted by the fact that you can't find something, that you forget what you were looking for. v. To forget what you are looking for while you are looking for it.
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Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: ab - sent - fine - ded
Sentence: Felicity was absentfinded. Everytime she went to look for something, she forgot what she was supposed to be looking for.
Etymology: absent-minded, find
Our words today are very similar -this proves great minds think alike! Good word! - splendiction, 2009-10-01: 19:10:00
great word - Nosila, 2009-10-01: 20:22:00
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: out-o-FLOW-cus
Sentence: Conor was so outoflocus that he spent all day retracing his steps trying to remind himself of what he was looking for.
Etymology: out of focus (not focussed) + locus (location)
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: roŏmnēzhə
Sentence: Tom has more nesias than you can shake a stick at. There*s roomnesia, where he is working and realizes he needs something to complete his task only to forget what he was going to find when he leaves the room. There is roamnesia, where he forgets what he was working on as soon as he starts to wander in search of something he now can\'t remember. He also shows signs of homenesia, where he forgets where he is going as soon as he leaves the house and Romenesia where he can*t remember his vacation to Italy. Tom figures the final stage will be tombnesia when he can forget everything and get some long-lasting rest.
Etymology: room (a part or division of a building enclosed by walls, floor, and ceiling) + amnesia (a partial or total loss of memory)
I have worknesia, where I get so distracted thinking up a word for Verbotomy that I forget to get ready for work. - mrskellyscl, 2009-10-01: 06:40:00
Created by: Maureen
Pronunciation: stum-ble-ser-ch
Sentence: John's gone for another one of his stumblesearches and he'll soon be asking us what it was he was looking for.
Etymology: stumble- from stumbling block when one draws a blank. search - to look for something.
Created by: paintergrl1313
Pronunciation: con-fog-u-late-ed
Sentence: I'm so confogulated, what was I looking for?
Etymology: Confused+forgot+discombobulated
Created by: Sed8ed
Pronunciation: tw'eek p'eek
Sentence: So irritated at his inability to locate his wallet, John found himself throwing things about the room while tweekpeeking under everything.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: res kloo less
Sentence: Les often forgot what he was looking for even as he was hunting it. He was resclueless. He even forgot to look for his girlfriend Ruth when she ran off with the paper boy. He still searches Ruthlessly for her...or something.
Etymology: Rescue (recover, retrieve) & Clueless (not having even a clue from which to infer what is occurring;having forgotten all)
Created by: Ahmad
Pronunciation: ste-ml
Sentence: After every 10 minutes , Jamil comes and asks what questions are expected in tomorrow's paper , exams has turned him into a stemel.
Etymology: Stemel is the acronym for Short term memory loss.
Created by: jedijawa
Pronunciation: space-quest-ing
Sentence: John had been looking for his keys for so long that he was now spacequesting as he looked right at them without realizing he had found them.
Etymology: space (to be spaced-out as in distracted) + questing (to be searching for something)
Created by: erasmus
Pronunciation: for get er er
Sentence: Tom was a forgetterer, not only did he forget to pick up his keys, when he went back for them he forgot what he was looking for.
Etymology: from forget and erer means over and over. so forgetting one thing then another then another.
Verbotomy - 2007-03-15: 00:12:18
Today's definition was suggested by mana1066.
Thank you mana1066! ~ James
erasmus - 2007-03-15: 12:25:00
I do believe in the UK the DJ on Radio 2 called Terry Wogan calls this a senior moment but thats two words.
Verbotomy - 2007-03-15: 20:02:00
Funny thing is that it's been happening to me since I was a kid... Do think it's going to get worse as I get older?
Verbotomy - 2009-10-01: 00:12:00
Today's definition was suggested by mana1066. Thank you mana1066. ~ James