Vote for the best verboticism.

'Aren't you supposed to use a scoop?'

DEFINITION: n. The euphoria felt when sticking one's hand surreptitiously into a barrelful of rice, peas, or other legumes. v. To plunge your hand into a container of rice.

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Created by: maddyclo

Pronunciation: pea-gazem

Sentence: Regardless of the fact that it was a barrel of oats that I thrust my hand into at Richard's Whole Foods, I had a peagasm.


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: circum/pod/stasy

Sentence: Wiggling her hand around deep in the barrel of split peas was a sensation that shifted her mind into the ultimate state of circumpodstacy.

Etymology: circum + pod + ecstasy

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Created by: daisy

Pronunciation: leg-u-min-us

Sentence: The feeling of barely between my toes is leguminous


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Created by: Franneke




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: leg yoom ay shun

Sentence: LaSoya was a girl who had reached pea-uberty. When in the local produce store, she loved running her fingers through the barrels of peas, beans, lentils and others dried pods. It was a phenomenom called legumeation, which creates a nitrogen dependency. It caused the manager, Mr.Peabody, agitation and after remonstration, he would have to use fumigation. When he asked her why she did it, she answered simply, "I'm looking for a good Pod-i-ah-trust. Bean there, done that!

Etymology: Legume (the seedpod of a leguminous plant (such as peas or beans or lentils)& Elation (a feeling of joy; absence of depression)

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Created by: Scattercat

Pronunciation: sker-ful

Sentence: The delibulous scurfle of the clatatat beans filled me with gleen.

Etymology: Sounds a bit happy and soothing (and owes a small amount to the 'scurf of yesterday' which so entranced Amelie, who helped to popularize this pasttime.)

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Created by: loribethinbaltimore

Pronunciation: [pyour-gaz-um]

Sentence: "My this is puregasmic!!"

Etymology: purely + orgasmic imp. handsticking into a barrell of something or other that feels just puckity ducking fantastic plus you're just going to cook it anyway unless you dig raw rice or something


metrohumanx ...and pour it through a "parental filter" ? - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:22:00


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Created by: Discoveria

Pronunciation: leh-goo-die-moan-eah

Sentence: Susie was so overwhelmed with legudaimonia after sticking her hand into a bag of peas, that she started crying.

Etymology: legume + eudaimonia (Greek 'happiness or welfare')

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: leh-goom-e-LAY-shun

Sentence: Whenever Heather passed the open bins of peas, beans and lentils she could not resist the temptation to burrow into them in anticipation of the wonderful legumelation it always provided her.

Etymology: Blend of the words 'legume' (n. the fruit or seed of plants of the legume family (as peas or beans) and 'elation' (n. pathological euphoria)

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: pare/a/drice

Sentence: Slipping off to the market near work and dipping her fingers into the cool vat of silky rice was nothing short of paradrice.

Etymology: paradise + rice


metrohumanx ...until they caught her. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:19:00


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Created by: ohwtepph

Pronunciation: LEH - goo - las

Sentence: & Anne said to his voluptuously nerdy bestfriend who secretly has a crush on her, "Oooh, the legulas is indeed..." Anne paused and looked at Chris, "Let's go make out. I feel like you look like Orlando Bloom now."

Etymology: legumes [beans and other round thingies because I don't know how to correctly define this] + Legolas [IDK, but it was the best idea that came to my mind. XD]; his charm and arrow mastery is supposed to induce euphoria

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Created by: Megsee

Pronunciation: just like pleasure but without the L

Sentence: The man groaned with peasure as he wiggled his stubby fingers inside the red bean basket.


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Created by: Robologicon




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Created by: pungineer

Pronunciation: pex/taz/C

Sentence: Bronwyn worked herself into a state of near pextasy even at the mere mention of a dried wholefoods scoop n save shop - but unfortunately her local had banned her for the ridiculously loud moaning noises she made whenever she shoved her scoop free mitts into the barrel of chick peas at the back...

Etymology: [dried]peas + sex + ecstasy [you've all done it...]


metrohumanx Hahahaha. Like it! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:06:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: para/dryce

Sentence: Slipping off to the market near work and dipping her fingers into the cool vat of silky rice was nothing short of paradrice.

Etymology: paradise + rice


wild rice I assume? - galwaywegian, 2007-05-28: 06:13:00

wild and crazy - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-28: 09:11:00


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Created by: Andlat

Pronunciation: lEg.ju:.foU.ri:A

Sentence: Experiencing leguphoria is a great way to get your daily serving of peas.

Etymology: Portmanteau of legume and euphoria.


metrohumanx aaah the noble legume strikes sgain! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:05:00


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Created by: chrismduenas

Pronunciation: pea gas im (like in)


Etymology: pea, orgasim

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: legyu for ee ya

Sentence: When Missy passed a barrel of open soup ingredients, she always experienced a feeling of leguphoria. Hardly surprising, as she was only a human bean...

Etymology: Legume (the seedpod of a leguminous plant (such as peas or beans or lentils & Euphoria (exaggerated feeling of bliss, elation)

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Created by: OZZIEBOB

Pronunciation: glee-DIP-ee-tee

Sentence: Sarah was a obsessive compulsive dipper, whose gleedipity was the bane of shopkeeepers everywhere.

Etymology: GLEE: open delight or pleasure; exultant joy; exultation. DIP: 1. to put the hand down into a liquid or a container, esp. in order to remove something (often fol. by in or into)DIP 2. Sl. to pickpocket, a pickpocket: ie: to "dip" your hand surreptitiously into someone pocket. ITY: state or condition, and with SERENDIPITY in mind


metrohumanx Inspirational OCD. Good one, O-bob! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:12:00

gleepidity doo dah - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-11: 19:40:00


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Created by: guesser

Pronunciation: Pod + Jubie

Sentence: She enjoys the sensation of podjubie so much that she has gotten herself thrown out of every Grocery Store in town!

Etymology: Pod (seed pod) + Jubie (short for Jubilant)

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Created by: cloclopops




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Created by: jadenguy

Pronunciation: grain - dee - ah - city

Sentence: The stress of impending meetings and inane mission statements vanished in one fell swoop; the smooth soy ravaging her in sensational grandiosity.

Etymology: Grain + Grandiosity.


I wanted to combine the word grand and grain, but it didn't seem to well. Graind. But grandiosity means, using synonyms loosely, feeling really great about not a whole lot, and grains because the things mentioned were granular. But granular and grand and/or grandiose didn't really work. Grand. Pretty sure I've seen that word before. Grandule...? No, no, graindiosity's fine. - jadenguy, 2007-05-28: 19:52:00

great - it encompasses all grains - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-29: 08:45:00


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Created by: bookowl

Pronunciation: fam/ee/lee/ar/ity

Sentence: Famealiarity is a peaculiar hightened sensation one experiences when running their hands through vats of ground grain.

Etymology: familiarity + meal


metrohumanx OOOOh- VATS ! nice. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:18:00

What a rye sense of humour you need when feeling your oats! - Nosila, 2008-08-11: 20:08:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pēfôrēə

Sentence: Nothing is quite so exciting to Naomi as a trip to the wholesale market -- all those open bins of dried vegetables. She can plunge elbow-deep into peaphoria. Green or black-eyed, doesn\'t matter. Damn the health laws. This is fun.

Etymology: pea (a spherical green seed that is widely eaten as a vegetable) + euphoria (a feeling or state of intense excitement and happiness)

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Created by: petaj

Pronunciation: len-tit-ill-ay-shun

Sentence: Dahlene has been lupining for some lentitillation for soy long that I'm masoor she'll go crazy next time we visit the Indian grocer.

Etymology: lentil + titillation


Most impressive. - Clayton, 2007-05-28: 08:57:00

Holy crap. - jadenguy, 2007-05-28: 19:54:00

petaj I'll take that as peasitive feedback. - petaj, 2007-06-01: 09:26:00


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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: leh - goom - egz - ill - uhr - ay - shun

Sentence: Marilu had a weird fascination with peas, beans, other legumes and rice and when she would get near the displays in the stores she couldnt resist indulging in legumexhiliration, running her hands thru the veggies, eyes closed, swaying to and fro, humming and clearly in some other realm.

Etymology: Blend of legume and exhilaration.

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Created by: suzanne

Pronunciation: rye-ss-kay

Sentence: A trip to the local health food store was aalways a riceque experience for Jane who enjoyed it more when there was a threat of being caught.

Etymology: risk- a endeavour with an element of danger. risque - something with a slightly adventourous sexual quality. rice- a staple carbohydrate sead crop,


Caught with your hand in the rice bowl? That's very riceque. - wordmeister, 2007-05-28: 13:58:00

yes, i abhorio that kind of behavior... - rikboyee, 2007-05-28: 19:51:00

petaj That kind of behaviour is beyond the paella. - petaj, 2007-05-29: 00:50:00

but what do you expect from these basmati-farty types - rikboyee, 2007-05-29: 01:26:00

I know, they are all, bean there, done that, seed it all. - suzanne, 2007-05-30: 09:36:00

petaj They should mind their peas and queue behind the rice bag. - petaj, 2007-06-01: 09:25:00


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Created by: jimmmm

Pronunciation: or-GAN-ic-gasm

Sentence: While fondling the purple-podded beans (NOTE: see ), Sara experienced an intense organicgasm.

Etymology: organic + orgasm


I bet it was apodalyptical - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-11: 15:54:00

metrohumanx Organic marital aides? Who'da thunk ! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:17:00

Can this be marketed? - Mustang, 2008-08-11: 19:42:00

metrohumanx Thanks for the link, Jimmmmmm - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:18:00


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Created by: serendipity9000

Pronunciation: in-ner-pees

Sentence: They tried to talk her out of it, but Sally always insisted on visiting the legume corner in the bulk food isle on her endless quest for innerpeas

Etymology: inner + peas (pun on peace)


funny - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-30: 12:07:00


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Created by: mplsbohemian

Pronunciation: gran-yoo-bihl-AY-shuhn

Sentence: Alex's therapist suggested a routine of submerging his arms in rice--the granubilation to counteract his otherwise complete lack of personality.

Etymology: granule + jubilation


petaj hints of a grand jubilation too - petaj, 2007-05-29: 05:29:00


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Created by: Clayton

Pronunciation: tak-TIL-i-gyu-me-no-SAHY-i-tee

Sentence: Virna was overcome by a sudden tactileguminosaeity, finding herself inexplicably aroused by the alfalfa shoots.

Etymology: tactility + leguminosae

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: orr gan ig asum

Sentence: she frequently achieved organigasm at the farmers shop.

Etymology: organic orgasm.


I had one of those after taking a hermaphrodisiac. - Clayton, 2007-05-28: 08:59:00


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Created by: cohenarie

Pronunciation: gran-yoo-'lay-shun

Sentence: Walking down the bulk foods aisle on an uncrowded early weekday morning, I could indulge myself with many opportunities for granuelation.

Etymology: granular + elation

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Created by: purpleartichokes

Pronunciation: seed-lay-shun

Sentence: A feeling of seedlation came over me as I groped my way through the barrel of corn.

Etymology: seed, elation

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Created by: metrohumanx

Pronunciation: TIE-nee-TACKT-eel-ay shun

Sentence: Alison had never been to a whole-food warehouse, so Edmond found one and took her there. After ordering a drum of soy milk with gag-supressant, Edmond turned around and was taken aback at the sight of Alison standing betwixt two barrels with a look of orgiastic delight on her face. She had fallen victim to the phenomena known in the health-food industry as TINYTACTILATION ! Mesmerized by the sight of so many tiny wholesome nuggets of nutrition, Alison had plunged her left hand into the hogshead full of legumes, and her right hand into the split peas. Alison's TINYTACTILATION was bringing her close to that look of ecstasy Edmond had witnessed only the night before. Fearing he would have to purchase both barrels, Edmond grabbed her gently by the arms and guided Alison slowly outside to the car. Later he came back, had the two barrels delivered to his apartment, and they achieved a state of bliss unknown in the pallid world of pre-processed foods. They lived hapticly ever after.

Etymology: TINY+TACTILe+elATION....TINY:smaller than a grape___TACTILE:pertaining to the sense of touch;Tactile: French or Latin; French, from Latin tactilis, from tangere to touch___ELATION: the quality or state of being elated 2 : pathological euphoria


metrohumanx - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:01:00

metrohumanx Kartoo shows you what any website is linked to. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:02:00

wonderful sentence - Jabberwocky, 2008-08-11: 19:39:00

Somehow, I can relate to the heroine... - Nosila, 2008-08-11: 20:05:00

metrohumanx Do you like magic? I thought so: - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 19:33:00

Looks a bit strange; sounds nice and well blended. - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-14: 05:15:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: palm/pod/stasy

Sentence: Wiggling the palm of her hand around and around deep in the barrel of split peas was a sensation that shifted her mind into the ultimate state of palmpodstacy.

Etymology: palm + pod + ecstasy

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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: inn puhlllllssss

Sentence: her inpulse was to get inpulses

Etymology: impulse, in pulse,

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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: in-poll-say-shun

Sentence: as the owner of a lentil store, my biggest peeve is with people who come in for some inpulsation and then leave without buying anything

Etymology: in,pulse[as in peas,beans etc], sensation, impulse, pulsate, npul, ulsa, satio


petaj Is inpulsation caused by a need for a nitrogen fix? - petaj, 2007-05-28: 04:32:00

excellent - galwaywegian, 2007-05-28: 06:13:00


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Created by: texmom

Pronunciation: sin sah pin toe isem

Sentence: Dipping her hand into the pinto beans, she closed her eyes and sighed

Etymology: sensi - sensation pinto - the bean ism - makes it an action

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Created by: Rhyme79

Pronunciation: peez-yer-seez-yer

Sentence: I had the most amazing peasureseizure at the health food place the other day. It was so good, I fainted and the checkout girl called an ambulance.

Etymology: A play on pleasure, minus the 'l'. Added seizure for some rhyming goodness.

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Created by: Mrgoodtimes

Pronunciation: beem - dip

Sentence: Not since the rice on ailse 3 had Mary felt such elation, she hoped there was but one more beamdip opportunity between her and the checkout counter.

Etymology: Beam (express happiness) - Dip (sounds like bean dip...hmmm)

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Created by: TJayzz

Pronunciation: Veg-ee-stay-t

Sentence: Whenever Lucy put her hands into a tub of split peas she found the experience so wonderful that it sent her into a complete vegistate.

Etymology: Veg(informal, vegetable) + State(the condition of someone at a particular time) = Vegistate


metrohumanx Succinct...I can't take those FORMAL vegetables. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:35:00


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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: leg-yu-gah-zim

Sentence: Lola had her first legugasm in front of the young store clerk.

Etymology: legume + orgasm

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: rīsirätik

Sentence: Julie loves the bulk bins at the local market, not because of the lower prices or the convenience of buying just what you need. She just loved to plunge her hand into the open barrel. It is almost ricerotic for her.

Etymology: rice (a swamp grass that is widely cultivated as a source of food) + erotic (of, relating to, or tending to arouse sexual desire or excitement) a bit like Rice-A-Roni

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: pee lay shun

Sentence: It had bean a long time since Peanelope Beanthere had run her hand through a barrel of peas, just to experience pealation. Harry Cotver, her co-worker at the Legumatorium Emporium could not understand why she never used a scoop when she did this. The other staff at the Store: Parquin Beans (he'd been a Navy bean in the War); Mushy Peas (he'd bean married to former employee Sweet Peas, but now they were Split-Peas; Kid Neebeans (a real Stringbean); Scarlet Runner-Bean (she was a real broad bean); Yenta Lentil; Goober Peas (he was a black-eyed pea and a pea nut) and Chili Beans (he came from Lima, Peru)...always used a scoop. When Harry asked Peaneleope about this habit of hers, she said it was a chickpea thing and made her feel closer to her own kind. One day, Peaneleope disappeared forever and it was rumoured that she had bean kidneyapped by aliens, to the Planet Garbanzo. Yes, Peanelope was now one of the Pod People!

Etymology: pea (legume, seed pod of a pea plant of family leguminosae) & elation (euphoria, extreme bliss,joy and exhilaration)


metrohumanx Congrats on your yesterword, and WOW for today. I've always wondered if PENELOPE rhymed with ENVELOPE... - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:15:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: pee/fawr/ee/uh

Sentence: Wiggling her hand around deep in the barrel of split peas and closing her eyes was a sensation that shifted her mind into the ultimate state of peaphoria.

Etymology: PEAPHORIA - noun - from PEA (the round, edible seed of the pisum sativum, of the legume family) + EUPHORIA (a feeling of great happiness and well-being)


metrohumanx LOVE those legumes. Isn't peaphoria the capitol of illinoise? - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 22:10:00


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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: EX-tah-pee

Sentence: Barbara is no longer allowed in the "bulk foods" section of the co-op, after she ran amok overdosing on ecstapea.

Etymology: ecstasy, pea

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Created by: w5lf9s

Pronunciation: pee-ckle

Sentence: Beth, tell me if anyone is looking. I've got to go for a quick peakle! It's too tempting .. Ooohhh!

Etymology: pea + tickle

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: par + tick + eee! + lay + shun

Sentence: I reached my hands into the tub of jelly beans and felt pure particelation.

Etymology: particle + elation

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Created by: chlorinejenny




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Created by: scrabbelicious

Pronunciation: Pull/soo/the

Sentence: Mary-Anne had to be apeased or she would easily develop migraine, the only way to soothe her pulse was to allow her to delve deeply into the nearest hill of beans or pulsoothe.

Etymology: Dolly mixture of 1. Pulse and 2. Soothe. Pulse n. Vital sign of life or a class of edible vegetable or grain. Soothe v., to ease.


metrohumanx Hill of beans- like it, like it! - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 13:15:00

love it; great blend - OZZIEBOB, 2008-08-13: 08:10:00


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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: nurv/anna

Sentence: Nerveana can be achieved while grocery shopping with the help of pearl barley

Etymology: nerve + nirvana

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: len-tell-maen-ee-ah

Sentence: Sally slowly felt the sprout induced lentilmania that she had waited so long for when she plunged her hand into the barrel of beans at Barney's Legume and dime.

Etymology: lentil, mania

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: awr-gan-i-gaz-uhm

Sentence: The produce manager was quite embarrassed when the young woman seemed to have an organigasm plunging her hands into the bulk pea bin.

Etymology: organic (food raised without chemicals and processed without additives) + orgasm (the physical and emotional sensation experienced at the peak of sexual excitation)

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Created by: diplogreeable

Pronunciation: Le-goo-mer-shun

Sentence: Joy couldn't resist the urge to indulge in the odd pleasure of legumertion as she passed the deep, open barrels of various legumes in the produce section, plunging her hand fully into the split peas.

Etymology: Legumes + Emertion

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: mahn-o-u-for-e-a

Sentence: "We have a name for it," the doctor had said, "manoeuphoria." All her life Bridget had felt only a slight guilt and unease whenever she stuck her hand into containers of small, cool, round, but firm, objects. They were especially pleasurable on a hot summer's day. She couldn't stop herself. Her first indulgence had come in childhood when she would stick her hand--she always prefered her left--into the large jar of buttons in her grandmother's sewing room. Later, when she was older, she had done the same with the peas, rice and other legumes her parents stored in the storm cellar of their farmhouse in Kansas. Now that she was a famous actress in New York City, the gourmet jelly beans she kept in the half-barrel by her bedside didn't quite produce the same high, but she had her memories. It had been a long process describing her feelings to the doctor, but in her last session she had been able to tell him she knew what it was to be one with a waterfall.

Etymology: From manos, for hand; euphoria, for intense happiness


metrohumanx Could i have Bridget's phone number? - metrohumanx, 2008-08-11: 17:21:00

metrohumanx No other authors in this group? How humble. - metrohumanx, 2008-08-12: 14:36:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: inn puhl sss

Sentence: she would inpulse impulsively

Etymology: impulse in pulse

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Created by: weareallbeautiful

Pronunciation: l-ey-goo-f-or-ee-uh

Sentence: Jaquline spealed in delight at the feeling of leguphoria as she dipped her hand in a bucket of mixed legumes.

Etymology: legumes+euphoria

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: pod-i-feel-ya

Sentence: One of the oddest of behavioral disorders, podifeelya, is becoming more and more of a problem for grocers. Podifeels have the urge or fantasy to fondle legumes and may actually go up to unwatched barrels of the little veggies and thrust their hands in to experience a "rush" or release of tension. Grocery employees who witness this activity should confront the podifeel and demand that they pay for the entire barrel since this is unsanitary and really disgusting. (This unusual behavior should not be confused with arthritipods -- old Hippies, Deadheads and Tree huggers who will microwave bags of organic rice or beans for arthritis relief rather than use unholistic medicines.)

Etymology: (wordplay on podophilia - foot fetish, one of the paraphilia disorders in which a person has fantasies and attractions to non-sexual parts of the body such as feet or legs) pod: "leg"ume such as peas, beans, etc. + I + feel + ya (you)

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Created by: Paulefinch

Pronunciation: micro-pelo-pit-asti-sism

Sentence: MMMMMM, I felt pure micropelopitasticism when I shoved my entire arm into the barrel of rice at the back of the health-food store.

Etymology: micro+pelota+pit+fantasticism

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: blis mat ee

Sentence: When Judy entered the Exotic Spice Bazaar, the owner, Mr. Patel, kept a close eye on her. Twice before he had caught her with her hand in the vat of uncooked basmati rice. She always ended up with an expression of blissmati on her face when she did it. This time he warned her that she had to but a big bag of it and take it home to get her blissmati, or else the Health Department would shut him down.

Etymology: Bliss (euphoria;state of extreme happiness) & Basmati (fragrant long-grained rice from India & Pakistan)

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Created by: ErWenn

Pronunciation: /ləˈgjuɹiˌeɪt/

Sentence: Though the word "leguriate" technically refers to the physical pleasure found in fondling legumes, one can euphemistically leguriate any raw, dried food product.

Etymology: legume + luxuriate


love it!! - Jabberwocky, 2007-05-28: 10:10:00


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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-28: 00:01:00
Today's definition was suggested by duchessella. Thank you duchessella! ~ James

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-28: 00:15:00
The Stevenson0 gets this week's Verbotomy Cup and goes actstatic! Read about it in Verbotoweek.

ErWenn - 2007-05-28: 00:56:00
Rice is a legume?

rikboyee - 2007-05-28: 01:00:00
it has bean for a while now

petaj petaj - 2007-05-28: 04:38:00
If there is no pulse after a nitrogen fix, check for dry pellets or signs of pea.

Clayton - 2007-05-28: 04:55:00
Too funny. Peas keep it up. Apparently rice is of the family Poaceae, and legumes Fabaceae. They share the same division, Magnoliopsida, but not the same class or order, so they're not very closely related as far as I can tell. But my thumb isn't so green, either.

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-05-28: 08:47:00
Thank you for the question and clarifications. I apologize for my loose conjugglation. I was merely trying to plant a seed (or even provide a barrelful of seeds) that would allow our verbotomists to leguritate in a little verbal lentitillation, and perhaps climax with a grammatical tactileguminosaeity. To encourage this kind of wild inpulsation, perhaps we should change the definition to read "... a barrelful of rice, legumes, seeds, candies, or any other dry pellet-shaped objects." ~ James

Clayton - 2007-05-28: 18:03:00
Why stop there? Let's include moist things, too, like baked beans, caviar, and goose liver.

scrabbelicious - 2008-08-11: 07:55:00
I'm so gleed, that's it!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-12-09: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by duchessella. Thank you duchessella. ~ James