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DEFINITION: n. A group of runners that moves as a single entity, ignoring traffic signals and pedestrians alike. v. To run in a herd without watching where you are going.

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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: shu/klux/klan

Sentence: After dark, on a rain slicked road, the shoekluxklan, reflective strips glowing eerily, thundered past, eyes forward, a single goal in mind - to burn calories.

Etymology: shoe + Ku Klux Klan

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Created by: whimsy


Sentence: The cross-country runners quickly formed a group of stampedestrians at the beginning of the race, promptly mowing down a dogwalker, a small child, and a squirrel that was in their path.

Etymology: stampede + pedestrians

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Created by: Alchemist

Pronunciation: stom-PEED

Sentence: While trying to cross 5th Avenue I was nearly taken out by a taxi, a bus, and then a stompede of fitness freaks.

Etymology: stomp stomp stomp oh no, there they go!


Simpler than's my vote! - Discoveria, 2007-03-01: 05:20:00


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Created by: Jabberwocky

Pronunciation: shu/klux/klan

Sentence: After dark, on a rain slicked road the shoekluxklan, reflective stripes glowing eerily, thundered past, eyes forward, a single goal in mind - burning calories

Etymology: shoe +Ku Klux Klan


scary but funny - porsche, 2007-03-01: 10:59:00

Best word of the day! Funny and pokes fun at runners and racers and racists - multi-layered humour. Now what's a good word for multi-layered intelligent humour? How about 'bantier'? - Stevenson0, 2007-03-01: 11:47:00

how about witfulness? - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-01: 13:26:00

Whimsiwhizwit. Naw, looks Russian. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-01: 14:05:00

looks like you might get snowed in again purple - Jabberwocky, 2007-03-01: 16:16:00

Thanks for the warning Jabber. Looks like freezing rain and a melting of the snow. My sump pump will be getting a good workout. My state's weather motto - we put the "vain" in Pennsylvainia. (My spelling, of course.) - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-01: 18:27:00


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Created by: porsche

Pronunciation: trak/pak

Sentence: The trackpack parted the crowd like Moses parting the Red Sea

Etymology: Track + pack

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Created by: JoePeacock


Sentence: The overwhelming monodrome was sweeping across the city: on this one day of the year travelling by car was simply not an option.

Etymology: mono- from the Greek for the number one; -drome from the Greek dromos, meaning running, or race.

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Created by: jedijawa

Pronunciation: ped-oh-tawn

Sentence: The marathoners ran in a pedoton which moved like a phalanx through the streets and traffic of the city.

Etymology: ped (foot) + peloton (cycilng pack)


This is a very good word which I think runners will like... even they do roll over a few of the slower moving peds. - wordmeister, 2007-03-01: 00:15:00

petaj Yes, I thought peloton would be good too, but liked the image of the way amoeba move. - petaj, 2007-03-01: 04:57:00


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Created by: galwaywegian

Pronunciation: jopg gur nawtt

Sentence: The joggernaut appeared large and quite formidable as it came down the road. It was amazing how one small(cranky) pitbull could cause such a massive effect.

Etymology: juggernaut, jog


good with it! - Nosila, 2009-09-21: 12:26:00


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Created by: w5lf9s

Pronunciation: fluk

Sentence: It was great fun to do their jogging in the middle of of the city at rush hour and as a fluck they couldn't be ignored! people slowed down or stopped their cars to let them through.

Etymology: amalgamate of flock and truck


Fluck as in "what the fluck? Get out of the way!!!"? - Discoveria, 2007-03-01: 11:13:00

I'll be using this word to describe a lot of annoying groups of things. - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-01: 11:59:00

.. and not just "groups of things". Some of those runners are flucking egopists takeing up half of the road! - w5lf9s, 2007-03-01: 13:21:00

How about the always present fluck of movie-goers ever-so-slowly ambling out of the theater? Makes me want to scream "Fire!" - purpleartichokes, 2007-03-01: 18:30:00

..or that fluck of ants, in single file no less, going in and out of your pantry.. - w5lf9s, 2007-03-01: 19:11:00


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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: stam ped o fyls

Sentence: The Stampedophiles were galloping en masse down Fourth Avenue. Their goal was to get to the Calgary Stampede after having watched the Stampeders get trounced by the Eskimos (again). Like the bison who used to roam this area, they trampled everything in their way.

Etymology: Stampede (a headlong rush of people on a common impulse) & Pedo (Greek:of on foot/on soil/about children) & Philes (Greek:attracted to;Loves)

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Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2007-03-01: 00:00:01
Today's definition was suggested by Jabberwocky.
Thank you Jabberwocky! ~ James

ErWenn - 2007-03-01: 20:50:00
Lots of similar thinking on this one.

wordmeister - 2007-03-01: 22:10:00
Hey ErWenn, The way I see it there are two groups of words here. Those who like runners:Easystriders, Pedoton, Marathrong, and your Jogstalt. And those who don't: Stompede, Jogmob, Syncrunidiots, Stampedestrian, and the Shoekluxklan! Overall -- very creative!

Verbotomy Verbotomy - 2009-09-21: 00:05:00
Today's definition was suggested by Jabberwocky. Thank you Jabberwocky. ~ James

mutya123 - 2011-02-03: 07:15:00