Vote for the best verboticism.
!['Aaaaah!!! My finger slipped.'](/jimage/sent.gif)
DEFINITION: n., A feeling of regret and helplessness, which occurs once you realize that you have just sent out an erroneous email (i.e. one full of stupid mistakes). v., To send out an email and wish you hadn't.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: IllmaticKD
Pronunciation: Pronounced just as it reads. Bunk'mail. Bunkmail.
Sentence: Damn, I went ahead and sent that girl some bunkmail, my phone number wasn't typed correctly! My boss bunkmailed me today, he spelled the name of the business wrong!
Etymology: noun; Derived from two words. One being the slang-term "bunk" which is a synonym for false or bad quality. The second being e-mail. Also see: Bunkmailed, Bunkmailing, & Bunkmailer.
Created by: hendrixius
Pronunciation: /ee-wail/
Sentence: I can't believe I sent that Ewail to my boss; then again, its not my fault his daughter posed for that picture...
Etymology: "email", "bewail" and/or "wail"
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: mayl kon tont
Sentence: Tom went from a malcontent to a mailcontent with the speed of a flying finger
Etymology: malcontent, mail
mailificent word - Nosila, 2010-03-26: 11:41:00
Created by: Nosila
Sentence: After realizing that the racy e-mail meant for his pal Fred just went out to the entire office, including his boss, Marco was overwhelmed by a feeling of remorsecode.
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: e-'slip
Sentence: Kimberly regularly stumbled around the office. "It's an inner-ear thing" she explained, "but I don't let it embarrass me." Yet, she was mortified after her latest e-slip revealed to the entire office her love of spanx.
Etymology: e (electronic as in e-mail) + slip (error)
E-xellent word - Nosila, 2010-03-26: 11:42:00
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ēgənē
Sentence: Dwight was in egony. He and all of the managers in his division had received the e-memo from the big boss. He had meant his commentary about the stupidity of this newest scheme to go to a fellow manager who shared his views but realized as he hit send that he had accidentally clicked "reply all". Not only would this get back to the boss but his detractors amongst the managers would have the evidence of the source of his career implosion.
Etymology: e-mail (messages distributed by electronic means from one computer user to one or more recipients via a network) + agony (extreme physical or mental suffering)
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: click-in-thee-ass
Sentence: Luke didn't know what possessed him to Google and then email not one, but several of his former girlfriends. Maybe it was the rum. Regardless, he came to regret his clickintheass when we woke up the next morning and saw several scathing responses that would have been howlers (a la Harry Potter) had the technology existed.
Etymology: Variation on kick in the ass
Hahahaha! - The RUM! - Luke's gonna be one dead poet on the morrow! - metrohumanx, 2008-10-29: 00:43:00
Love clicks ass alright! - Nosila, 2008-10-29: 01:22:00
hehe - galwaywegian, 2008-10-29: 04:34:00
Created by: Osomatic
Pronunciation: rue + sent
Sentence: I deeply, deeply ruesent having forwarded the profanity-laced rant to every single person in my company, including the CEO.
Etymology: It's sort of like resent, only with the idea of rueing what one has sent.
Created by: mweinmann
Pronunciation: click - sick
Sentence: A few seconds after Ellen sent the email that she thought she had forwarded to her friend, she felt clicksick. Instead of forwarding her boss's email with her barbed comments and description of his many shortcomings, she had "replied" to her boss instead.
Etymology: A combination of the word "click" and "sick" with just a dose of the word "heartsick".
Today's definition was suggested by Daniel999. Thank you Daniel999~ James
I like your word...
Mustang - 2007-12-05: 01:27:00
Good definition and one most folks can identify with.
Yes! Great idea Daniel999 ~ James
silveryaspen - 2007-12-05: 14:27:00
Blundermail is direct and to the point ... so easily understood ... it doesn't require defining. Good job!
silveryaspen - 2007-12-05: 14:30:00
Love calamiteemil! I'm from the wild west in Montana ... so love the pun on Calamity Jane! I even like the way it rolls and clicks across the tongue!
silveryaspen - 2007-12-05: 14:32:00
All of them made me smile ... good job everyone. I wish I could vote for them all!
Thanks for the great feedback silveryaspen. Makes me feel good enough to forget about all my ohnotes and blundermails! ~ James
Today's definition was suggested by Daniel999. Thank you Daniel999. ~ James