Vote for the best verboticism.

'This is going to be the closest shave ever!'

DEFINITION: v. To push yourself so hard to reach an impossibly high standard of perfection, that you undercut your own success. n. An impossibly high goal which practically guarantees failure.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: pərfləngkshən

Sentence: In a Utopian world Jerry would always meet his lofty goals. In this world he usually achieves perflunktion. Karma seems bent on snatching the linchpin from whatever project he was about to declare a success.

Etymology: perfection (being free from all flaws or defects) + flunk (fail to reach the required standard)


hyperborean Love this word. It really fits the definition and sounds funny too. - hyperborean, 2013-09-28: 11:08:00


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Created by: Stevenson0

Pronunciation: null/tih/may/t

Sentence: By trying so hard to get it right he achieved the nulltimate goal - nothing!

Etymology: null + ultimate


You have created the nultimate word! - wordmeister, 2007-01-16: 10:17:00

I think I should be insulted but thanks - Stevenson0, 2007-01-16: 10:47:00

Should be insulted? Perhaps you have the nulltimate ego problem, - wordmeister, 2007-01-16: 11:00:00

This word is awesome. Simple and sweet - david, 2007-01-17: 10:40:00

thanks David - Stevenson0, 2007-01-17: 10:51:00


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Created by: ToblerOne

Pronunciation: Per-fec-tion-a-lynch

Sentence: Jimmy's perfectionalynch behavior cost him and his employees their jobs.

Etymology: Perfectionist + Lynching


I love this word - it leaves you hanging - Jabberwocky, 2007-01-17: 10:49:00


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Created by: chofu67




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Created by: rikboyee

Pronunciation: strive-bom

Sentence: Why did he have to Strivebomb every time things started coming together...

Etymology: strive, divebomb


1st time at site. great word(s) - kbones, 2007-01-16: 18:13:00


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Created by: urbanwookie

Pronunciation: par-fek-shun

Sentence: Despite his best efforts, Jeremy again found himself only achieving parfection...

Etymology: par (average) + perfection

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Created by: Osomatic

Pronunciation: de-STRIVE

Sentence: Trying to fit into her bikini caused her to destrive herself at the gym.

Etymology: destroy + strive

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Created by: blakyoshi7

Pronunciation: Su-per-fum-blis

Sentence: He was so determined to win the 500 meter dash that he superfumblissed and came in last!

Etymology: Prefix, super- above, over, or upon. From the Latin super Verb, to fumble To blunder uncertainly

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Created by: EonaFrae

Pronunciation: more-tane

Sentence: I'd been struggling all year to mortain good grades, but for some reason my coveted A+ remained illusive.

Etymology: Mort [french: dead] + Attain [To accomplish, to achieve]

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: doom bis shun

Sentence: Nick lived up to his name. His doombition was to have the smoothest shave possible to impress his new girl. He honed his blade too fine, worked too fast and ended up becoming her ex-boyfriend by exsanguinating all over the bathroom floor. His doombition was also a dumbition. Too bad, the medics did not get there in the Nick of time...

Etymology: Doom ( make certain of the failure or destruction of;an unpleasant or disastrous destiny) & Ambition (a strong drive for success;strive for a lofty goal)


Sharp! - jrogan, 2009-08-19: 08:33:00


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