Vote for the best verboticism.
DEFINITION: n. A state of hyper-attentive focus combined with WBT (Whole Body Twitching) and IEE (Ignores Everything Else), which commonly afflicts video game players. v. To get so caught up in a video game that you cannot stop.
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You have two votes. Click on the words to read the details, then vote your favorite.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: win ten do nye tis
Sentence: Buster played his video games morning, noon and night to the consternation of his parents. He was so intent on winning each game, he was oblvious to the need to rest, eat and hydrate himself. He could barely move his hand or arm anymore, as he was developing wintendonitis. There was always a pong coming from his room, his nickname was Gameboy and he thought Mario and Luigi were his real brothers. His parents could not wait for September, when Buster would go to school and apply his energy elsewhere. It would be hard for him to hold a pencil or crayon, unless they could surgically remove his hand controls. Grade One was going to be a tough year for Buster!
Etymology: Win (be the winner in a contest or competition; be victorious) & Nintendo (Video game system made by the Japanese Nintendo Co.) & Tendonitis (inflammation of a tendon due to over-use, such as in thumb, elbow, shoulder,etc)
ecin - galwaywegian, 2009-10-02: 10:12:00
Created by: Maureen
Pronunciation: de- sens - a - twitch
Sentence: Once that gameboy goes on his desensitwich condition becomes immediately apparent.
Etymology: From desensitized - to make less sensitve to external stimuli and twitch- to jerk suddenly.
Created by: bllsht2
Pronunciation: spaz-tee-go
Sentence: every game he played he went spaztego
Etymology: spaz,ego
Created by: petaj
Pronunciation: sim + drone
Sentence: The original diagnosis was acronymosis, but it became clear from his concentration on the console that he had simdrone brought on by extensive use of Sims for PS2, manifesting in a constant moaning about the characters and game commands accompanied by tics.
Etymology: Syndrome (a set of symptoms) + Sims (simulation video game) + drone (continuous noise)
Created by: Squicy31
Pronunciation: Squi-cee
Sentence: The jellyfish is so squicy.
Etymology: It means Squishy in a funnier way.
Created by: PythianHabenero
Pronunciation: loo-diss-om-nee-um
Sentence: The state of ludisomnium entered into by gamers everywhere is a mystery to outsiders.
Etymology: Latin "ludus" game, "somnio, -ere" to dream - a game-dream or game-trance.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: pwēˈäkyəˌpī
Sentence: Wendell is pwiioccupied with gaming. He Eats, breathes and sleeps a video game life. He thinks his Wii Fit app has improved his wiiflexes, his wiiaction time. His friends think it has made him a social wiitard. Those friends are planning an intervention to get him into wiihab. It*s all wiidiculous.
Etymology: preoccupied (dominate or engross the mind of someone to the exclusion of other thoughts) + Wii (home video game console released by Nintendo)
poifect - galwaywegian, 2009-10-02: 10:06:00
wiitty woid, you wiiascally wabbit! - Nosila, 2009-10-02: 11:01:00
Created by: galwaywegian
Pronunciation: ayy deeee haych weeeee
Sentence: Sony boy suffers from aydeehaitchwii, so his responses to questions don't always come out as he nintended.
Etymology: adhd, wii
Love it, but ran out of votes...we need aydeehaitchthree votes! - Nosila, 2009-10-02: 23:33:00
Created by: screech
Sentence: He's been stuck in a state of Namm retardedness all day.
Created by: Nuwanda
Pronunciation: marr-ee-oo-pee-a
Sentence: Clyde suffered from Mariopia and it ruined his life. It started out with a simple Gameboy--black and white screen, bad graphics. Yet he was compelled to conquer it, and was willing to let his life fall into shambles around him. Today, Clyde is so destitute that he has taken to hanging around Best Buy looking for some kid who he can convince to "test drive" Mario Kart on the store's demo Wiis. The scene usually ends with the kid crying, Clyde taunting and security escorting him off the premises.
Etymology: Mario, the ubiquitous gaming brothers, combined with suffix "opia" which means affecting vision.
A Mario made in Heaven...good word - Nosila, 2009-10-02: 23:32:00
Verbotomy - 2007-03-16: 00:01:18
Today's definition was suggested by Lucyof2009.
Thank you Lucyof2009! ~ James
petaj - 2007-03-16: 04:35:00
wii - this is fun.
wordmeister - 2007-03-16: 08:35:00
Yes, it's exboxellent!
Discoveria - 2007-03-16: 14:26:00
Please, exercise some selfconsole!
Osomatic - 2007-03-16: 18:20:00
Nintendon't go there.
Verbotomy - 2009-10-02: 00:31:00
Today's definition was suggested by Lucyof2009. Thank you Lucyof2009. ~ James