Verboticism: Vodkatage

'What do mean you're canceling our date'

DEFINITION: n. Something, or someone, that/who always seems to break or fall apart, just when you need it/them the most. v. To fall apart just when you need to get it together.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: parəgôn

Sentence: Just when they were needed most the aging quarterback’s legendary comeback abilities were paragone.

Etymology: paragon (a person or thing regarded as a perfect example of a particular quality) + gone (no longer present; departed)

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Created by: jasjamson

Pronunciation: jurk ul ist

Sentence: The jerkalist never returned my call.

Etymology: The act of being a jerk. Even if it means making yourself look good!


Being the jeralist effects everyone to the degree that if you're not careful you'll end up doing the same to others - jasjamson, 2009-05-07: 03:41:00

mrskellyscl I think I know that guy - mrskellyscl, 2009-05-07: 06:07:00

Everyone is bound to run into a jerkalist at some point in our lives. Thanks for the comment mrskellyscl! - jasjamson, 2009-05-08: 07:39:00


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Created by: BeauKnows

Pronunciation: I-Phone-U-Lar


Etymology: Iphone + Failure

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Created by: tigress


Sentence: My fethrend dentist has an appointment available whenever I don't need him.

Etymology: fair weather friend

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Created by: chuzzlechamp




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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: mis me funk shun

Sentence: Every time her family had a get together, Velma's husband, Harry, would mismefunktion and she'd end up going alone. One time it was migraines, another he'd have to work late or another time his gout was too bad. It really came down to 2 things...he did not like her family and he had a mistress who had a wide screen tv.

Etymology: Misfunction (fail to function or function improperly); Function (a social event)& Me (Myself) & Funk (a state of nervous depression)

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Created by: dekra

Pronunciation: emergence-see-u-later

Sentence: Dan always disappeared when it came down to crunch time, definitely an emergencyalater kind of guy.

Etymology: Emergency + See you later

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Created by: Mustang

Pronunciation: WID-jit-rek

Sentence: Sandra calls her appliances, tools, cell phone and other gadgets widgets and sadly for her many of them seem to fail at the most inopportune moment, a condition she lugubriously refers to as widgetwreck.

Etymology: Blend of widget and wreck


wizard of widgets! - Nosila, 2009-05-07: 21:41:00


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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: kwit-uh-sen-shuhl

Sentence: Marsha assumed that the owner's manual had a typo when it described her new computer as quitessential. Not so. All too often, when she was at a crucial juncture in a tabulation, it would just quit. She wouldn't even get the dreaded blue screen, just a few Chinese-looking Kanji characters and a shutdown. When she had the characters translated, they said "I have a headache, goodnight". So much for buying a cheap PC from the back of a van.

Etymology: quit (of the pure and essential essence of something) + essential (absolutely necessary; indispensable)

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: fragmənshə

Sentence: Alan has an unusual approach to stress. First he will fall apart, go into a tizzy, disintegrate. Then he will conveniently forget that it ever happened. His friends call it fragmentia. They aren't sure which is worse, the cyclone of chaos that occurs first or being ignored afterward.

Etymology: fragment (break or cause to break into fragments) + dementia (a chronic or persistent disorder of the mental processes caused by brain disease or injury and marked by memory disorders, personality changes, and impaired reasoning)

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