Verboticism: Nebutaunt

'I'm dancing on the boss's desk  '

DEFINITION: v., To facilitate camaraderie among your colleagues by making fun at your boss's expense, only to discover that you-know-who is standing right behind you. n., A professional faux pas made with the best intentions.

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Created by: badsnudge

Pronunciation: \ˈne-byu̇-ˌtänt\

Sentence: Unaware of the two-way mirror, Debbie's nebutaunting of the produce manager, while resulting in her demotion and ultimately her dismissal, caused her popularity to boom amidst the bag-boys.

Etymology: neb (from nebbish, in this case a sissy produce manager) + debutant (one making a first appearance, in this case first appearance in showing one's ass) + taunt

Points: 914