Verboticism: Retropetrifry

DEFINITION: v. To spend years and years wishing you could be young again, only to discover that it's actually happening, but not exactly as you imagined. n. The fear the you are getting so old that people will start treating you like a baby
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: ret-ro-PET-rih-fry
Sentence: Elmo J. Fox didn't mind getting old- he just didn't want to RETROPETRIFRY like those guys sitting on resin chairs outside the Veteran's Tapdance Administration. Elmo had too many good memories, and when he was driving alone he thought of many women he had loved, or believed he had. Turns out they hadn't loved him, though, and right now he just wished someone were sitting in the passenger seat - someone who would get his jokes - not his fuzzy slippers. The clear beauty of this vibrant day could only be better shared with someone....mabye that redhead at the clinic would like to watch an old movie some evening.....NAAAH ! Elmo J. Fox would eventually,inexorably,inevitably become: RETROPETRIFRIED.
Etymology: RETRO+PETRIfy+FRY=RETROPETRIFRY________RETRO:meaning "backwards" or "in past times"French rétro, short for rétrospectif _____PETRIFY:to make rigid or inert like stone: a: to make lifeless or inactive like an old fart feeding pigeons on a bench in the park on a saturday afternoon. Middle French petrifier, from petr- + -ifier –ify_____FRY: to damage or destroy by overheating especially as a result of unusually high voltage, too many rock concerts, or generally intense living.Middle English frien, from Anglo-French frire, from Latin frigere to roast; akin to Greek phrygein to roast, fry, Sanskrit bhṛjjati he roasts;late 1960s jargon "Man, that dude is FRIED!"
Points: 800
Comments: Retropetrifry
metrohumanx - 2008-08-14: 02:02:00
Get my drift?
metrohumanx - 2008-08-14: 02:06:00
Jabberwocky - 2008-08-14: 12:21:00
great word metro
Nosila - 2008-08-14: 21:39:00
Good word, RetroMetro!