Verboticism: Renatalize

'Well Doc, will I ever be young again?'

DEFINITION: v. To spend years and years wishing you could be young again, only to discover that it's actually happening, but not exactly as you imagined. n. The fear the you are getting so old that people will start treating you like a baby

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Created by: readerwriter

Pronunciation: re-na-ta-lize

Sentence: Renatalization was a subfield of Geriatrics and still in the experimental stages. Adolfia Ghering, MD, was among its pioneers. The hopes and dreams of mankind were still a fertile (and sometimes foolish, Adolfia thought) field full of promise. Finding just the right patients took...well, patience. But, afterall, the market was ripe with eager Baby Boomers. Sitting before her now was a dear little man who looked so much like Albert Einstein. Soon she would know if little Albert had been a cute and cuddly baby. Now that the technique had been approved for trial, Adolfia just needed this guy to sign on the dotted line while there was still time to renatalize him. Now if she could just get the pen to stay in his trembling hand...

Etymology: From re, meaning again + natal, meaning relating to one's time of birth

Points: 854

Comments: Renatalize

Jabberwocky - 2008-08-14: 12:26:00
ooh - nice etymology