Verboticism: Pneumanzone

DEFINITION: v., To carefully place a lid on a bottle, especially a salad dressing bottle, so that it appears closed and will not spill unless the bottle is moved or shaken. n., A bottle which has been prepared in such a manner.
Created by: Kyoti
Pronunciation: New-mans-own
Sentence: "Who was that guy in the 'Butch and Sundance' film who donates all the profits to charity?", asked Alyssa as she brusquely reached for the bottle, squeezed, and fell victim to yet another heartless pneumanzoning from her grinning boyfriend.
Etymology: Pneuma: prefix meaning "full of air", man: as in "manual", zone: referring to the splatter area as a ratio of the release of air in direct proportion to valuable family heirlooms and furniture.
Points: 722