Verboticism: Pendaver

DEFINITION: v., To search for and find a pen to write down an important note, only to discover that the pen does not work. n., A moment in time when the only pens you can find, are pens that do not work.
Created by: Stevenson0
Pronunciation: pen/daver
Sentence: It's another of Murphy's Laws that writing utensils turn into pendavers when an important message needs to be scribbled.
Etymology: PENDAVER noun - from PEN (instrument for writing) + CADAVER (a dead body)
Points: 800
Comments: Pendaver
Jabberwocky - 2008-10-03: 09:47:00
I bet Dexter has several pendavers
OZZIEBOB - 2008-10-05: 17:35:00
Good word