Verboticism: Paronody

'I'm dancing on the boss's desk  '

DEFINITION: v., To facilitate camaraderie among your colleagues by making fun at your boss's expense, only to discover that you-know-who is standing right behind you. n., A professional faux pas made with the best intentions.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: per o no dee

Sentence: Shelley was always the life of the party, even at work. She could imitate anybody, but especially her boss, Fred. Unfortunately, Fred gave her lots of material to work with. Like many bosses, Fred was always too busy to answer his staff's concerns. If you wanted to get his attention, it was usually a challenge. Unfortunately for Shelley, Fred also had a knack for showing up when she least expected him. If you talked to him, he would not hear, but if you talked about him, he had omnipresent hearing. Fred could managerialize out of thin air. This happened on Shelley's last day of work, when she was doing her paronody of Fred dancing at the Christmas party. "Out, Shelley", he yelled..."you will be a slambossador no more"!

Etymology: Parody (humorous or satirical mimicry; a composition that imitates somebody's style in a humorous way) & Oh No! (Exclamation of regret, remorse, unpleassant SNL's Mr.Bill who always said "OHHH NOOOOO!)

Points: 713