Verboticism: Eternaldarnation

DEFINITION: n., 1. The process by which pairs of socks are washed, dried, and then separated perhaps never to be reunited again. 2. The place where lost socks disappear to. v. To lose your mate in the wash.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: ee tern al dar nay shun
Sentence: Turns out old Father McGregor had been right all along. He had been preaching to the sock kids from the time they were little booties until they made it to the support hose years. "Toe the Line", "Mend Your Ways" and "Don't be Heels" or "You'll face Eternaldarnation" were the lessons he tried to instill on the close-knit community. "Save Your Soles" and "Don't be guilty of Stocking", "You garter heed yarn words of wisdom", "Stay together, but don't give each other any Static or you'll be going to Heel in a handbasket" and "You'll end up in Purlgatory for your Sins" were other parts of his Knitany. Each laundry day, he would lead his little flock in prayer, "Argyll Father, who art in Hosiery Heaven, deliver us from weevils and lead us not into separation. Thy wool be done. Amen" Those who suspendered their beliefs were seldom reunited on the other side. They became the Lost Soles.
Etymology: Eternal ( continuing forever or indefinitely) & Darn (to mend, especially socks, by sewing closed holes) & Damnation (the state of being condemned to eternal punishment in Hell) & play on Eternal Damnation (what good Christians fear is their punishment for sins committed, refusal into Heaven)
Points: 656
Comments: Eternaldarnation
mweinmann - 2008-11-06: 11:19:00
This is hysterical!! I like it.
metrohumanx - 2008-11-06: 11:52:00
Wowie Zowie! You leave me FLABBERGASTED every time!