Verboticism: Passionsmashin

DEFINITION: v., To counsel patience and caution when it comes to romantic endeavors. n., An unexpected or unwanted chaperon who has a special knack for "putting ice on it" when people get the "hots".
Created by: silveryaspen
Pronunciation: Passion Smash in
Sentence: In the school hall, stealing a kiss. Teacher comes. "Now! Now! None of this." Necking in the car at the drive-in move passion pit. Parents pull up, park in the next spot, "Dad gum it!" Making out in the back seat out on Lover's Lane. Cops rapped on the widow. Another passionsmashin again!
Etymology: Passion, Smash in. Passion - strong sexual desires. Smash in - break, ruin, end, destroy. Passionsmashin can be used as a noun, a verb, or adjective.
Points: 893
Comments: Passionsmashin
mweinmann - 2008-12-06: 09:14:00 it.