Verboticism: Mishredread

'Oops! I accidentally shredded my ex-boyfriend'

DEFINITION: v. To fret and worry after the accidental trashing of an important document, file or friend. n. The state of anxiety caused by an accidental deletion.

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Created by: mweinmann

Pronunciation: miss - shred - dread

Sentence: Mona didn't mean to destroy everything in sight. In fact, she often felt mishredread after she went on one of her "rampages". When she was upset, she destroyed things that she would later regret or need. She was known to use shredders, knives, chainsaws, graters, swords or any other shred-capable object within reach. "I need help" she thought after she inflicted shred on her beloved Beanie Baby collection. Tobasco, Ruff and Mew now lay in a big pile of fluff and Mona sat down to cry.

Etymology: Miss (fail to perceive or to catch with the senses or the mind;be without) + Shred (tear into shreds or pieces) + Dread (apprehension: fearful expectation or anticipation)

Points: 854