Verboticism: Debtcardholder

'Why can't I get my allowance in cash?'

DEFINITION: v. To exclusively use credit cards, debit cards and/or electronic banking in order to avoid using, or even touching, old fashioned cash. n. A person who never pays for anything using real money.

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Created by: kateinkorea

Pronunciation: DEBT card HOL der

Sentence: John had gone from debit and credit cardholder to debtcardholder over a few short months. It felt like extra money. He never used cash but he always carried some on him. He ate in restaurants...used his credit card...checked his wallet...still had cash. He bought gifts for his wife...used his credit card...checked his wallet...still had cash. He bought groceries...used his debit card...checked his wallet...still had cash. It was amazing how these magical cards had stretched his paycheck. But soon he was not allowed to use any of the cards anymore because they had all become debtcards. So now he had to get more of them to help him pay his payments on these ones.


Points: 1214

Comments: Debtcardholder

abrakadeborah - 2009-03-14: 19:17:00
Really good word Kateinkorea! "debtcardholder", makes logical sense to me! So many fools out there acquiring tons of debt and charging away instead using cash!