Verboticism: Retrocertainot

DEFINITION: v. To do something decisive and then immediately start to have doubts, wondering if you did the right thing. n. Second thoughts, or second guesses, about a decision or an action you have made but cannot change.
Created by: metrohumanx
Pronunciation: RETRO-sir-tin-OTT
Sentence: She pleaded with him to come over at once- He knocked on her door till he felt like a dunce! In the dark and the rain he had driven cross town- This was the last time that he’d play the clown! Out of his trunk came a real pay-backer.... The largest yet legal immense firecracker. Out in her courtyard the ten-minute fuse- Sizzled like anger fueled by abuse. Back at his pad he had pause there to enter- He couldn’t retrieve the love note that he’d sent her... The night sky lit up like the coming of day- The concussion was felt a half mile away. Community service completed at last, He’d always reflect on his foolish young past... Was it allwrong –just a misguided thought? Or was it a bad RETROCERTAINOT?
Etymology: RETRO+CERTAIn+NOT= RETROCERTAINOT.....-RETRO(prefix): backward : back ; Latin, from retro, from re- + -tro (as in intro within).....CERTAIN: fixed , settled, inevitable, incapable of failing, destined, assured in mind or action; Middle English, from Anglo-French, from Vulgar Latin *certanus, from Latin certus, from past participle of cernere to sift, discern, decide; akin to Greek krinein to separate, decide, judge, Old Irish criathar sieve.....NOT: used as a function word to stand for the negative of a preceding group of words; Middle English, alteration of nought, from nought [13th century]
Points: 1268
Comments: Retrocertainot
metrohumanx - 2009-03-31: 02:18:00
RELAX! NO fictitious characters were harmed in the spinning of this yarn.
Nosila - 2009-03-31: 15:01:00
Dear metro, Your poems and wit are that of a good talker, and we love to hear odes about an explosion, by a stalker!
silveryaspen - 2009-03-31: 15:17:00
Retrocertainot tickles the tongue, especially if you roll those 3 R's! It has a rich rolling rhythym. It shine with alliteraytion!
kateinkorea - 2009-03-31: 23:43:00
I'm glad to hear no characters were maimed. Good story and word.
metrohumanx - 2009-04-01: 14:37:00
Thank you all!