Verboticism: Linearage

DEFINITION: n. The feelings that well up inside of you when you're waiting for service and another person, who arrived after you did, gets waited first! v. To wait and wait in line, only to watch other people jump the queue.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: linēərāj
Sentence: Gerry was happy when he was finally able to take his kids to Disney World. He fully expected to have to wait in lines. What he hadn't anticipated was the queue jumpers who thought nothing of cutting in line. He could feel his linearage building. If the kids weren't with him there might have been a all-out queuebrawl.
Etymology: linear (arranged in or extending along a straight or nearly straight line) + rage (violent, uncontrollable anger)
Points: 2708
Comments: Linearage
metrohumanx - 2009-04-08: 02:23:00
Wouldn't want the kids to witness GERRYatrix!