Verboticism: Animaltruistic

'I thought love was a two-way street'

DEFINITION: n. A lovable yet stupid pet. v. To be dumb, fat, lazy, arrogant, and totally, completely, irresistibly cute.

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Created by: DrWebsterIII

Pronunciation: an-a-mul-tru-is-tik

Sentence: It's not that I expect Teenie to bring me my slippers when I get home from a long shift, but it would be a nice switch from her usual animaltruistic ways to not have to cater to her

Etymology: N.E. (uws)

Points: 923

Comments: Animaltruistic

abrakadeborah - 2009-04-24: 04:51:00
Animaltruistic...I get it! an altruistic animal :)~ Great word Drwebsterill!