Verboticism: Ohyesohnoers

'I must admit that I find you very attractive'

DEFINITION: v. To send out confused or conflicting signals when driving or dating. n. A person who signals their intentions to do one thing, then does something else completely different.

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Created by: abrakadeborah

Pronunciation: Oh-yes-oh-no-ers

Sentence: Keith says to Ginger,"you have the biggest case of "ohyesohnoers" of anyone I have ever come across!" Ginger, "You drive me MAD!" All night long! "You're hot...then your cold you're...yes're no!" You are worse than trying to drive behind my boss, Mr. Mass Confusion on Pacific Coast Highway in crush hour traffic!

Etymology: Oh: Used to express acknowledgment or understanding of a statement...(in this word an uncertain YES!) Yes: Used as a function word to express assent or agreement. Oh: Used as a function word to indicate uncertainty. (in this word an uncertain NO!) Ers: Added to word as a(slang) for people that send out the wrong signals at the wrong times...making others feel totally confused!

Points: 941

Comments: Ohyesohnoers

silveryaspen - 2009-04-24: 12:40:00
Captures the dichotomy in the definition!

abrakadeborah - 2009-04-26: 05:51:00
Thank you Silvery!