Verboticism: Micarious

'What's wrong with your husband's voice?'

DEFINITION: n. A person who adopts the stylings, mannerisms and even of the personality of their favorite rock, movie or television star. v. To derive your identity from someone else, especially a famous person.

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Created by: emdeejay

Pronunciation: mike airy us

Sentence: "When the Jester sang for the King and Queen in a coat he borrowed from James Dean" he was probably not being micarious, but my attempts to channel Don certainly are. Alas, they're almost bad enough to deserve an (American) Pie in my face...

Etymology: Mic(rophone): used to amplify the voices of performers, both good and bad. Vicarious: To take the place of or imitate another, to feel what's it's like to be them.

Points: 1670

Comments: Micarious

Mustang - 2009-05-06: 06:33:00
Dressing up for the part made him microbial as well?

emdeejay - 2009-05-06: 23:08:00
:-) I just love all the Dylan references in American Pie ...