Verboticism: Indistreet

'My bikini still fits!'

DEFINITION: n. A person in deep denial who crams into their old clothing which is now somewhat unflattering, and perhaps several sizes too small. v. To wear clothing from your "younger days" just to prove that you still got it.

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Created by: artr

Pronunciation: indistrēt

Sentence: The workers in the assisted-living facility were stunned at how indistreet their charges could be. Someone had apparently left a catalog of streetwear where the elders could get hold of it. Suddenly the community was flooded with grannies in spandex and chucks, grandpas with boxers hiked up to their armpits and shorts well below their hips. Before long things returned to normal when the seniors discovered that thongs are not comfortable for anybody and that it is hard to do business with local merchants while they are laughing uncontrollably.

Etymology: indiscreet (having, showing, or proceeding from too great a readiness to reveal things that should remain secret or private) + street (Street wear is a distinctive style of fashion not to be confused with hip hop fashion. Its roots are in skateboarding and the "skatewear" of the 1980s)

Points: 1559