Verboticism: Manicger

'Thanks! But can't you see you're interrupting...'

DEFINITION: n. An extremely moody boss, happy one day, mad the next, happy, mad, happy, mad... v. To happily give orders one minute, then angrily yell out the opposite instructions the next. (Note: It's not because you're moody. It's because people don't listen!)

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Created by: mrskellyscl

Pronunciation: man-ik-jer

Sentence: Helen let the manicger scream for the last time. "You can say anything you want on your last day of work," she thought. And so she did.

Etymology: manager: supervisor, boss + manic: mania, previously named manic depressive, however it is now referred to as bipolar disorder which is characterized by extreme and unpredictable mood swings.

Points: 821

Comments: Manicger

Mustang - 2009-05-29: 04:56:00
I think I used to work for that manicger.

mweinmann - 2009-05-29: 10:57:00
hahaha...good one.