Verboticism: Dumbskill

'You mean, it's okay if I'm a totally obsessive-compulsive neat freak?'

DEFINITION: v. To suddenly discover that your most troublesome personality defect, for which you have been taking medication and/or therapy, is actually your greatest asset. n. A perceived weakness which is actually a strength.

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Created by: jrogan

Pronunciation: dum-skil

Sentence: In person, everyone thought Annie was a complete numskull. She was always chattering about whatever was on her mind, which was not too much. (She had the attention span of a gnat, and an addiction to celebrity gossip.) It was a dumbskill that she made the most of on twitter, where she had 1000 followers.

Etymology: dumbskull + skill

Points: 1139

Comments: Dumbskill

scrabbelicious - 2009-07-31: 11:41:00
They say, in order to 'keep ahead of the game' and 'to remain relevent in the workplace' workers should dumbskill every 5 years.

jrogan - 2009-07-31: 12:35:00
The dumber the better...