Verboticism: Vinairegrette

'Oh no! I hate it when my husband tries to dress me!'

DEFINITION: v., To carefully place a lid on a bottle, especially a salad dressing bottle, so that it appears closed and will not spill unless the bottle is moved or shaken. n., A bottle which has been prepared in such a manner.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: vin ee re gret

Sentence: Rosemary knew that her husband Basil was up to his old tricks again. Despite his being warned of the consequences. When she went to take out the salad dressing from the fridge, he had loosened the lid so that she would have a vinairegrette if she tried to shake the bottle. Luckily she was on to him and decided that payback was long overdue. She would artichoke him, then beet him, pepper him with a salt and they'd eventually find his chard romaines in her backyard, where there was not mushroom. Yes, Basil would vinairegrette his capers and rue the day he'd given Rosemary such a hard thyme!

Etymology: Vinaigrette (oil and vinegar salad dressing with mustard and garlic) & Regret (feel remorse for; feel sorry for; be contrite about)

Points: 629