Verboticism: Mortisoperandi

DEFINITION: v., To create the impression that you are deathly ill and represent a potentially lethal bio-hazard risk, so that your boss will ask you to "take the next couple of days off". n., A faked illness.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: môrtəsäpərandēdī
Sentence: Never one to do things in a small way, when he wanted to extend his vacation in Hawaii, Jason called in dead... well nearly dead. His mortisoperandi was to have his wife report to his boss that he had contracted a possibly fatal disease. Just to be sure that nobody got clever enough to visit it was reported that he was in quarantine.
Etymology: mortis (death) + modus operandi (a particular way or method of doing something)
Points: 356
Comments: Mortisoperandi
karenanne - 2010-03-02: 10:47:00
Good one