Verboticism: Tvnotworks

DEFINITION: n., A belief that the contraptions of yesteryear are superior, in almost every way, to modern, present-day technology. v., To wish that the today's technology was just as good as it was in the past.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: tee vee not werks
Sentence: Grampa pined for the days when tv first came into the average home. Sure there were only 3 channnels; no remote controls (you got your exercise getting up every half hour to switch) and the shows ended at 11:00 pm, so you could get some sleep. Black and white tv meant you had to use your imagination to see the colors. That test pattern was mesmerizing, there were very few commercials and each night Gramp would end the evening with all-star wrestling followed by the national anthem. Nowadays, it was a case of tvnotworks. There were hundreds of channels to confuse you showing the same programs in a zillion different time zones. By the time you found one you wanted, it was over. Reality tv was what passed for entertainment on most channels...showing the depressing, tawdry side of life. You had to be an aerospace engineer to figure out all the recording contraptions on the remote...that elusive piece of hardware no one could ever find. Lost signals, cable outtages and such were new challenges. Nope, thought Grampa, give me the Ed Sullivan show every Sunday night to keep the family together...that was entertainment!
Etymology: TV Networks (broadcasting) a television communication system consisting of a group of broadcasting stations that all transmit the same programs) & Not Works (does not work;cause to not operate or function)
Points: 743