Verboticism: Explantriate
DEFINITION: v., To put an unwanted houseplant, especially a seasonal or gift plant like a Poinsettia or Easter Lily, outdoors in hopes that it will die. n., An unwanted houseplant which has been left to nature.
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: ex-'plant-re-ate
Sentence: Unidentifiable dead stalks stood in haphazard rows, interrupted only by the occasional rotting heap of pumpkin or novelty plastic container. Each day Kimberly marched through this, her not garden, which was annually expanding westward and pushing her car closer and closer to the street. Kimberly's explantriation annoyed her neighbors, "it's an eyesore" complained Jared "and it's driving down the value of my house and it's driving me crazy!" Kimberly quipped: "the only real eyesore in this neighborhood is Jared's wife."
Etymology: plant (distinguished on the microscopic level by cell walls) + expatriate (to leave one's country)
Points: 638