Verboticism: Countenanvoyance

'I can read you like a book, baby!'

DEFINITION: v., To read a person's face and interpret what they are actually thinking, even if they are trying to conceal their true feelings. n., The skill of reading people's faces, especially micro-expressions.

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Created by: Nosila

Pronunciation: kown ten an voy ants

Sentence: E.S. Peer was a man gifted in countenanvoyance. He was a human lie detector and could soon sort out people's real agendas. This skill afforded him the ability to get very prestigious jobs and make himself invaluable to employers. Asked how he did it, E.S. said, "Eye can look into your face and eye nose what you are thinking. Under your make-up, eye can attest to your real make-up. You cannot brow beat me or make me en-visage something not there. Eye can tell when you mouthing something else and giving me cheek. Face it, eye can read you like a book!"

Etymology: Countenance (the Human face) & Clairvoyance (apparent power to perceive things that are not present to the senses)

Points: 701