Verboticism: Fingeroded

DEFINITION: n., A wear mark, or shiny spot, which appears on a heavily used computer touch-pad, mouse or keyboard. v., To wear down or erode through repetitive clicking, tapping or poking.
Created by: thegoatisbad
Pronunciation: feVCn-gur-ode-ed
Sentence: Some folks have the "Midias touch"... well Kimberly has the hydrochloric acid touch. Maybe it was because she was heavy-handed in every sense of the word, or maybe because she used lemon juice as hand sanitizer. Whatever the reason, Kimberly's routine could be mapped through the fingeroded surfaces that enabled her daily life. These surfaces included the preset buttons of the only two radio stations she listed to while driving to work, the speed dial button calling QVC from her office phone, and the bald spot under her cat, button's, chin. "Oh, he doesn't mind," Kimberly explained "I saved him from a life of testing cosmetics. Never met a cat as obedient as Button."
Etymology: finger (you might have five of them on each hand) + eroded (worn away slowly)
Points: 863
Comments: Fingeroded
artr - 2010-03-15: 07:15:00
Nice combo!