Verboticism: Roomnesia

DEFINITION: n. The moment of loss, hesitation and confusion, which occurs when you enter a room and immediately forget why. v. To forget why you entered a room.
Created by: Nosila
Pronunciation: room neez ya
Sentence: It was happening more and more often. Fran would enter a room and forget why she went there. She was not demented or going gaga, but everyday she would have an episode of roomnesia. She'd make a point of going into a room to do or get something and then totally forget why she went there. One night when she had some colleagues from work over, she went into the bathroom on the main floor. When she arrived, her reason for going there was pressing large on her mind. "It began with a Pee", she remembered and it was her #1 reason for going, but still she forgot. Was this the start of problems for her??? Depends...
Etymology: Room (chamber;an area within a building enclosed by walls and floor and ceiling) & Amnesia (partial or total loss of memory)
Points: 488
Comments: Roomnesia
artr - 2010-05-28: 03:53:00
Nicely done.
karenanne - 2010-05-28: 19:55:00
"_#1_ reason for _going_" - Ha!! That was a good one!
Nosila - 2010-05-29: 00:22:00
Mais wee! Urine in good company if you liked that one!