Verboticism: Adorablob
DEFINITION: n. A lovable yet stupid pet. v. To be dumb, fat, lazy, arrogant, and totally, completely, irresistibly cute.
Created by: artr
Pronunciation: ədôrəbläb
Sentence: Wes thinks he owns a cat. He is wrong. That thing that eats cat food, purrs when scratched is not a cat at all. Cats are barely domesticated creatures that hunt mice and other small critters. Cats are agile and light of foot. Wes’ pet is none of these. What he has is an adorablob, a cute, treat eating, litter soiling lump of fur with the about as much ambition of a sofa cushion. Last week Wes had to trap and remove a mouse that was starting to establish a nest on Fatty McButterpants’ belly.
Etymology: adorable (inspiring great affection; delightful; charming) + blob (an indeterminate mass or shape)
Points: 926
Comments: Adorablob
karenanne - 2010-11-05: 13:15:00
"Fatty McButterpants"! That's great! ...Although it reminds me of NJ Governor Christie, who is not so cuddly....