Verboticism: Pettedplant

DEFINITION: n. A lovable yet stupid pet. v. To be dumb, fat, lazy, arrogant, and totally, completely, irresistibly cute.
Created by: karenanne
Pronunciation: pet ed PLANT
Sentence: Her dog Mimado usually lay around the house like a pettedplant, and today was no exception. "Oh, smoochiepoochie!" she exclaimed fondly as her dog pet-ter-pattered over and settled down in her lap for one of his 3-hour naps. The fact that Mimado was now almost 90 pounds was beginning to weigh on her, both literally and figuratively. But she had created this monster, and now she was being hoisted by her own pet-ard.
Etymology: potted plant + pet
Points: 977
Comments: Pettedplant
galwaywegian - 2010-11-06: 06:13:00
great word