Verboticism: Technobsess

'What was your name again?'

DEFINITION: v. To be so dependent on computers and other gadgets, that you cannot communicate or even think without them. n. A person who cannot communicate, or even think, without using an electronic device.

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Created by: remistram

Pronunciation: teck-no-ob-sess

Sentence: Of course all the slow walking people ahead were slowing her pace down. There should be a law she thought, all those technobsessed people texting while walking should get a ticket, especially the ones stopped dead in their tracks. Those who particularly can't spell and walk at the same time. These are the same people who cannot chew gum and walk at the same time.

Etymology: techno (short for technology as in current electronic gadgets) + obsess (to dominate, besiege, control)

Points: 1772